Diet chef lady never gets any smaller


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As someone who has tried Diet Chef in the past for a month (trial offer), I did lose 3lb which went straight back on when I stopped it. I could have carried on but the cost puts me off and some of the meals aren't that nice. It is obviously overpriced as I get loads of emails from DC direct offering me half price months and other deals.

I bought myself the Hairy Bikers diet book which is great because it's not like being on a diet as you eat "real" food. I also bought an exercise bike and I just sit and cycle while watching TV. I am not hugely overweight but find it difficult to lose this stone hanging around my middle. I need to try harder and cut back on the :glass:

I agree with Candycane , the Hairy Bikers diet books are great. There are really tasty and filling recipes in them which fill you up and most importantly, which my husband will eat too! I trier them slimbe stick things which Christine Hamilton presents for a few weeks last year. (They were on offer in Boots) l have to say they really worked for me, l had one first thing in the morning and one before my evening meal.They really helped me curb my snacking . l couldn't afford to be on them all the time but at the start of a new healthy regime l found them a godsend.
Another thumb's up from me regarding the Hairy Bikers diet books. I have two now. The meals are very tasty, and I don't feel hungry after eating one, which is more than can be said for some diet recipes I have tried in the past.
I'm going to look at hairy bikers book thank you for the heads up ladies ....I sometimes eat chocolate for comfort ....I know is that I am ...and I think many people have other issues that food numbs ....pleas and simple and no amount of ..."it's portioned for you don't have to count calories's naughty but you are ALLOWED to have it ......" Is going to help anybody .......I think nutritiiohs healthy food is the way to go of course ....mostly ....but excersise that we enjoy and knowledge of the foods that feed our brains and bodies is helpful and not these overpriced ...wastes of space ......and not expecting a perfect pert slim totally acceptable body's just not doable mostly I think .....
Food is quick, easy and too readily available these days so no wonder people overeat. I come from an era where supermarkets were non existant, nobody owned feezers let alone microwaves and Mums shopped on a daily basis from local shops and they cooked from scratch because they had no other choice. My Mum always worked and when we came in from school we all had to chip in helping to prepare the evening meal. Peeling veg, stirring pans, setting the table, washing up and so on. No 24/7 telly to distract us, no facebook, computers or mobile phones and Mum`s motto was " if you want to eat, then you help make it and help clean up after it ". Only when the meal was over and everything tidied up were we allowed to go out with friends or do our own thing. There were few snacky things available and because Mums shopped daily, they only ever bought what they needed and didn`t stockpile stuff like we do nowadays so eating inbetween meals was something we rarely did.
I`m not saying we should return to those days but within my own family circle I see parents who won`t cook because they say " oh I`m working and can`t be bothered " so they ring for takeaways or ping a ready meal. Many kids don`t help out, so never learn to cook and its no longer a compulsory subject at many schools and in many families they don`t even eat together because kids want to eat in their bedrooms or go out and just ping something when they choose to come home. My OH`s daughter who`se 41 brags that she never cooks a meal, her hubby does all the cooking, food shopping, washing, ironing and running kids here and there because she says she works full time and when she`s not working she`d rather go play with her 3 horses and spend time with her stable friends. She simply doesn`t care that her hubby works full time too but he knows if he didn`t bother making meals, then she certainly wouldn`t.
Of course nowadays both men and women need to share chores ( fairly ) and both sexes should be capable of anything and my own 3 sons have all lived independently so have cooked, cleaned, washed, ironed, budgeted etc and that`s how it should be.
It must be a nightmare trying to always eat healthily if cooking for one but the plus side is you don't have to work around someone else's likes and dislikes. Mr L has a very sweet tooth whereas savoury snacks would be my downfall.

We never have takeaways due to nothing decent in the area and the fact that I must have food as hot (warm) as possible, however we are not adverse to M&S chilled meals especially during particularly busy periods.

We have ate (and drunk) to excess over the holidays due to long stay guests but from tomorrow back on the straight and narrow.

It is very easy in winter to disguise lumps and bumps under winter woollies but as soon as spring arrives there is a massive wake up call when the lighter clothes don't do up! I am determined this year to shed the excess pounds before that dreaded moment arrives.
I have looked at DC in the past but dismissed it as far too expensive & hate the thought of 'living out of packets'.The only people I can see attracted to this are those too busy & can't be bothered to shop.I save a fortune shopping in one of the 'discount' supermarkets, buying fresh foods & preparing my meals in the same time it would take to put a DC packet in the microwave.I also follow one of the well known eating regimes which is working for me.
Portion control, only eating when hungry and moving - that seems to do the trick for me.

For anyone who didn't see it, watch My Fat Story on catch up. Love her or hate her, she talks complete sense on this issue. I liked how she didn't count calories when reducing either, just used her common sense and exercised.

Another vote for the HB diet book. Hubby is a keen cook and he really likes using these recipes. Of course, the portion/calorie size is never accurate as there's only 2 of us!
Yeah I hate to say it but Katy is correct ..,she has walked the walk and now talks the talk ....and really if she inspires just one person to help their health then that's great ...
diet chef lady looks like she might be pregnant in that coral top.

As for Marv, don't most of us put on a few pounds over Christmas?
Wasn't Marverine on diet chef too? Correct me if I'm wrong as I do try to avoid watching her shows but isn't she getting larger rather than smaller?

She did say that she had lost weight and was losing it through diet chef.
Well, it may have worked once but she's piled it on again, sadly for her. I thought she looked a lot better when she was slimmer.
That is the thing with Diet Chef. You lose weight but need to keep it up at the cost. As soon as you go back to food you make yourself it all piles back on. Make small changes - cut down on wine, cut back on bread and butter and oil and eat a lot more veg to fill you up. Go slow. I lost a lot of weight very quickly when I was ill and then I put it back on and more. Just eat sensibly (boring and not easy) and every day walk 5 mins more than you did yesterday.

Over the years I`ve had friends and family try just about every diet and weight loss fad under the Sun,. Everything from cabbage soup to milk shakes to powder which is supposed to swell in your stomach and make you feel full and not to mention Atkins, Weight watchers, Slimming World and Diet Chef. I`ve seen folks lose stones, then gain stones, feel better, feel worse ( cabbage soup diet was one of those ) and people who felt on top of the World and some who felt down in the dumps. All these swings and roundabouts of weight losses, weight gains, smaller dress size,bigger dress sizes, highs and low mood swings etc all because of food. So in my house there is no such word as DIET, no food which is forbidden, no maniacally reading BMI tables, calorie counters or supposed miracle fixes. I eat to live but don`t live to eat, food is a pleasure but not a pastime and moderation is the key as far as I`m concerned. I`m realistic about my weight and much as I`d like to be 6ft tall and a size 10, I know it isn`t going to happen so I`m happy to be fit enough to walk my dog a good distance everyday, to tackle a flight of stairs without being out of puff, to be able to buy nice clothes without hassle and at the age of 60 to be able to see my toes and on a good day even touch them lol. To be fit and active is more important to me than to be 2 sizes smaller and have to fight tooth and nail to maintain it and possibly lose the battle. I`m 5ft 10 and a size 14 to 16 though when my first husband died, I comfort ate and went up to a size 20 which proved to me that if you can heal the heart or the mind, the body often heals itself and when I became happier with my life, my relationship with food was also a happier one.
I do the 5:2 diet. I was at my target weight before Xmas but have put on 2lbs over Xmas. I will do 5:2 for 2 weeks and the surplus 2 lbs will be gone. Then I am back to maintaining until the next slight hiccup which might be Easter or even next Christmas. This is a woe for me now. Way of eating. Pls try it for those of you who need to lose weight.
The died chef lady is on again with Anne,live on the morning show, can't believe she is wearing the same lime green top that she's had on since New Years Day!

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