As someone who has tried Diet Chef in the past for a month (trial offer), I did lose 3lb which went straight back on when I stopped it. I could have carried on but the cost puts me off and some of the meals aren't that nice. It is obviously overpriced as I get loads of emails from DC direct offering me half price months and other deals.
I bought myself the Hairy Bikers diet book which is great because it's not like being on a diet as you eat "real" food. I also bought an exercise bike and I just sit and cycle while watching TV. I am not hugely overweight but find it difficult to lose this stone hanging around my middle. I need to try harder and cut back on the :glass:
I bought myself the Hairy Bikers diet book which is great because it's not like being on a diet as you eat "real" food. I also bought an exercise bike and I just sit and cycle while watching TV. I am not hugely overweight but find it difficult to lose this stone hanging around my middle. I need to try harder and cut back on the :glass: