Diet chef guest.


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Jun 24, 2008
I am sure I recognise the lady as a guest for another product range on the Q but, irritatingly, cannot recall what it was. Any ideas?
Diet Chef guest presenter

Is she a Work In Progress??? If so, we need to see Before and After photos of her if she's to be believable. They showed Marverine's before and after, but not the guest herself. Put your money where your mouth is!
Just started another thread about her, louise, sorry I didn't see yours and I'm sure mine will be moved here. She reminds me of Caroline from Liz Earle a bit. But the lady REALLY needs to practise what she preaches if I'm to believe in Diet Chef.
I switched on today took one look at the size of her and what she was selling, and promptly switched off. Another 'p taking' attempt to part us with our money by Q. pure genius : get an overweight guest to flog diet food....
Shes the chef from Kings Realm and the other incarnations of that brand.
its gail from stoneline
Just before reading your post, Ian, I remembered it was a cooking show. I can picture her in her overall, now. Just out of interest, what qualifies her to present diet chef? I suppose there is a tenuous link there, if you look for one : stoneline pans have, reputedly, an excellent non stick quality, thus allowing the dieter to cook without fat/oil, the ideal partner to the DC regime! God, it's hard work!
Didn't see this so might be way off track, but maybe she was even bigger and she went on went on Diet Chef and has seen a difference ? I might be naive but I used to watch shopping channels and believed that the guest person/ambassador was genuine, but I've seen several reps who have gone on to do other things and I felt foolish for believing them. The guy that does Prepology, he used to be a presenter on a jewellery channel and a woman who presented on Ideal World went on to do handbags. Anyway, I tried a limited pack of Diet Chef meals and I suffered with wind and a gripey tummy, put me off getting any more. :mysmilie_5:
The dieting world imho is a big con ....if these things worked then there wouldn't be an obesity epidemic.....i eat as healthily as I can and eat chocolate too....shock horror ....they won't put a thin person on there because this puts the pressure on them for buyers to become slim like them ain't gonna happen ....:mysmilie_5:.....
I think it seems a quick fix to lose a bit of weight but it can't be maintained and once stopped the weight goes back on, same old stuff like all other diets out there :-(
Does Kathy Taylor still use Diet Chef I wonder. She is looking very trim these days and was saying yesterday of the East show that she had lost weight and could get into a size 12! She didnt mention DC so she could be using other means. She is looking good though, good for her!:mysmilie_59:

On the downside of Kathy losing weight, she used to be a size 16, same as me, and if she looked ok in something it would give me an idea of what I would look like in it. Cant do that now :mysmilie_10:
As soon as most people go on a diet ....they become obsessed with what they cant eat and yet still...much money being made from people who get sucked in .....its wrong wrong wrong...people need to know that its so much more than counting calories ....I'm doing a diet and nutrition diploma ....if people read more about nutriton rather than can have this but you Cannot have that might help ....I know gillian Mckeith is ridiculed but I learned loads from her books and shows ....Foods of abundance ...etc....I don't follow her totally by the book but her advice is something that has inspired me ....I know she eccentric etc but she gives great advice ...and never weighs clients ..she advises to throw the scales out which I have and it's only the doc that weighs me twice a year and I have stayed a steady weight for five years ....(35 stone ) ...joking but please don't waste your money on these diet places....sorry hope i haven't go on but I want to help people one day ....:sun:
We all know that keeping a 'healthy' weight is the ideal scenario, - (obesity was an unheard of word during the War years !) and sadly we do not live in a ideal word. However, all these young people who gain weight through lack of exercise (and flogging off the school playing fields has hardly helped), should consider that when they do eventually lose the excess weight, their face and figure rarely return to the same as it was in the pre-weight-gain days. Do they not have lessons at school in diet and nutrition - I believe that shock tactics of showing photos of bodies with excess skin weighing stones after extreme weight loss could prevent a lot of kids from wanting to end up like that, and may think twice before shoving another McDonalds down their throat.

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