i have not seen this prgramme but mkenna also said that thin people eat burgers and chips and chocolate but i suppose they dont eat it in excess. my daughter lost 2 stone in post baby fat and she eats some fast food . what i noticed about her is she eats when she is hungry and stops when she is full. she has so much energy because she is not so tired with eating to excess. overeating saps your energy. you wont go for a walk as your body is tired breaking down the large plates of food. it a vicious cycle.
It comes down to the individual and how fast, or not, you burn energy. And don't go believing all that rubbish about exercise either. There are plenty skinny people who do no exercise, stiff their faces and don't gain an ounce. Exercise is for health, not for losing weight.
I shared a flat when I was 19 with my naturally skinny friend. To save money, we combined money on shopping and ate the same things: cereal for brekkie, packed lunch sandwiches and 2 biccies, crisps mid afternoon and a main meal together. My weight was stable with this. Then my friend started to buy us a choccie treat. She'd get a mars bar and I'd have a twix; hers had more calories than mine, yet within 2 weeks I'd put on 7 pounds and she hadn't gained an ounce. Meh...I give up..