Did Pippa really just say this......?!?


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Registered Shopper
Mar 7, 2009
I can't be sure I heard correctly but talking about the stupid Fitover sunglasses, I believe Pippa just said 'Do we need to do anything particular with them?'.........what???

Well, thinking about it......possibly the following:

1. Take sunglasses & place them carefully on the floor.
2. Bring your foot (either foot would do but I'm right-handed so I'd use my right foot!) sharply down on them, rinse, repeat, blah, blah, blah until they are reduced to a small pile of dust!
3. (Tip: if you are a bit unsteady on your feet, like me, use one hand to steady yourself by holding onto something something for the above, safety first!)
4. Go to the DHS (or anywhere really) & buy yourself a decent pair of sunglasses.

I can't be sure I heard correctly but talking about the stupid Fitover sunglasses . . . .

Actually they're not at all stupid - if you can't see at all without glasses the Fitovers are brilliant. The only alternatives are to pay a great deal of money for prescription sunglasses, which have to be bought again and again every time your prescription changes, or to use the old flip-up clip-ons which rarely cover your glasses properly. For those of us not rolling in money the Fitovers are the perfect solution because they're not affected when we have to replace our normal prescription lenses.
And there is a real issue with prescription sunnies in that you are limited in the styles you can have because of the thickness of the lenses, they cannot be wrap around in any way shape or form AND the tint is nowhere near as dark as full on sunglasses.

That said though I haven't gone for fitovers. I have prescription sunnies and sun-readers as a preference. I predominantly wear lenses so my prescription sunnies are just for back up. My prescription hasn't changed in years though so the cost isn't a factor for me.
I agree, they are brilliant!

I just forked out £300 + for my variofocals with reactive lenses and they drive me bonkers!

Go from bright sunshine into a dark shop and I cant see until the glasses go pale again.

Have had to buy ANOTHeR pair with no reactive lenses and back to using on my Fitovers with them.

I will stick to Fitovers now.......sadly that's after spending £500+ on 2 pairs of prescription glasses!!

Actually they're not at all stupid - if you can't see at all without glasses the Fitovers are brilliant. The only alternatives are to pay a great deal of money for prescription sunglasses, which have to be bought again and again every time your prescription changes, or to use the old flip-up clip-ons which rarely cover your glasses properly. For those of us not rolling in money the Fitovers are the perfect solution because they're not affected when we have to replace our normal prescription lenses.
My prescription changes every time I go. I've gone from "readers just to help" to "a total blur without glasses" over the past 10 years. Also I need varifocals which complicates matters. I had my first varifocals with reactive lenses and agree totally about those. You go inside from sunshine and have to either take them off and walk round in a blur, or fumble around in darkness until they clear!
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"I can't be sure I heard correctly but talking about the stupid Fitover sunglasses, I believe Pippa just said 'Do we need to do anything particular with them?'.........what???"

Actually, this is not a stupid remark from Pipa: she will have meant "is there a specific way to fit the Fitover sunglasses over your prescription glasses" - a perfectly valid comment to make. And the answer is "no, just pop them over your regular glasses with no hassle at all". If you wear glasses and can't afford to buy prescription sunglasses as well, having just spent a fortune on your glasses - and the reality is your choice of frame is often very limited anyway because of your prescription lenses not being suitable for bigger frames - then Fitovers are a godsend.
I can't be sure I heard correctly but talking about the stupid Fitover sunglasses, I believe Pippa just said 'Do we need to do anything particular with them?'.........what???

Well, thinking about it......possibly the following:

1. Take sunglasses & place them carefully on the floor.
2. Bring your foot (either foot would do but I'm right-handed so I'd use my right foot!) sharply down on them, rinse, repeat, blah, blah, blah until they are reduced to a small pile of dust!
3. (Tip: if you are a bit unsteady on your feet, like me, use one hand to steady yourself by holding onto something something for the above, safety first!)
4. Go to the DHS (or anywhere really) & buy yourself a decent pair of sunglasses.


I love my Fitovers, and have three pairs, so speak for yourself!
My prescription changes every time I go. I've gone from "readers just to help" to "a total blur without glasses" over the past 10 years. Also I need varifocals which complicates matters. I had my first varifocals with reactive lenses and agree totally about those. You go inside from sunshine and have to either take them off and walk round in a blur, or fumble around in darkness until they clear!

My prescription changes every time I go too - I was told ages ago it would stay the same as I got older but that has not happened. Maybe I am not old enough! Strangely last time I had a vision test my eye sight had got worse, but when I got my new glasses with the new prescription I could not see as well as before for distance. In the end they had to change the prescription back to my previous one, and I was far happier.

I quite fancy a pair of the fitovers - have seen some on Amazon I am tempted with.
I've not tried fit overs, though they seem a good idea, but do think it was an unnecessary question from Pipa, seems fairly obvious to me that you pick them up and put them on over your specs
i would buy them but i think they are expensive at the moment..if they come down in price
My prescription changes every time I go. I've gone from "readers just to help" to "a total blur without glasses" over the past 10 years. Also I need varifocals which complicates matters. I had my first varifocals with reactive lenses and agree totally about those. You go inside from sunshine and have to either take them off and walk round in a blur, or fumble around in darkness until they clear!

Mine change from dark to light almost instantly so I can't complain and I shall just stick with my prescription ones. I wear them all year round and find them brilliant.
Mine change from dark to light almost instantly so I can't complain and I shall just stick with my prescription ones. I wear them all year round and find them brilliant.

I`m due to change my glasses and was thinking about reactive lenses because my prescription is sure to have changed ..knowing nothing about them ..is there different `brands` in them or are they just as they come as i`d like the `instant`changing type ?
My father who being a typical 'Yorkshire person', in the fact that when he opens is wallet there is an eclipse of moths (correct term, I am 'sad' I looked it up) anyway back to the point of the story (presuming there is one, I am you see not as good as Ronnie Corbett (RIP), for going back and forth), he purchased some of these from a well-known online 'river' e-tailor, and he can't speak highly enough, give the fact that he glasses came from non-prescription shops (i.e cost lest than a fiver), his point was he wasn't going to pay (in his words) 'an extortionate amount' for prescription sunglasses. He is 'eye sensitive' with regards to the light so needed something as does a lot of gardening (no he doesn't buy from 'the gnome'), the upshot is like Julia said, if you purchased prescription sunglasses and your prescription changes then the money that you 'invested' into the prescription sunglasses will be lost. No these are a good idea. With regards to Pipa She was probably hearing 'voices' and wasn't fully concentrating :)
I agree, they are brilliant!

I just forked out £300 + for my variofocals with reactive lenses and they drive me bonkers!

Go from bright sunshine into a dark shop and I cant see until the glasses go pale again.

Have had to buy ANOTHeR pair with no reactive lenses and back to using on my Fitovers with them.

I will stick to Fitovers now.......sadly that's after spending £500+ on 2 pairs of prescription glasses!!


I had reactive lenses with my last glasses but they are not dark enough. I only need glasses for reading so I will do what I used to do and put my sunnies over my readers.
I`m due to change my glasses and was thinking about reactive lenses because my prescription is sure to have changed ..knowing nothing about them ..is there different `brands` in them or are they just as they come as i`d like the `instant`changing type ?

There are different types. Try google for a bit more info.
i would buy them but i think they are expensive at the moment..if they come down in price

Get on Amazon boffy, there are other reputable brand that make these type of glasses and they cost around a tenner, contain all the same safety specs as fitovers.
Actually they're not at all stupid - if you can't see at all without glasses the Fitovers are brilliant. The only alternatives are to pay a great deal of money for prescription sunglasses, which have to be bought again and again every time your prescription changes, or to use the old flip-up clip-ons which rarely cover your glasses properly. For those of us not rolling in money the Fitovers are the perfect solution because they're not affected when we have to replace our normal prescription lenses.

Couldn't agree more... I have a pair of these too fit over my glasses and they're incredible I used them daily on a recent trip... My son who came with me (we went away for a wedding) has a prescription pair of sunglasses which cost hundreds of pounds and he was slightly jealous of mine, although his were fine, he had to faff around taking them off and putting his normal glasses back on every time we went into a shop, or restaurant etc... they're a really good idea!
I love my fitovers. I lost them the other day and I was bereft. Luckily I had left them at my daughters but I really missed them. Like a previous poster said reactolite prescription glasses are ok but they are a real pain when you go in a shop and have to wait for them to them to turn clear again.

I would recommend fitovers to everyone.
I`m due to change my glasses and was thinking about reactive lenses because my prescription is sure to have changed ..knowing nothing about them ..is there different `brands` in them or are they just as they come as i`d like the `instant`changing type ?

There is a massive difference in the various brands which is reflective in the price.

Mine change to dark immediately but takes a good few minutes to go back to light but apart from people seeing your lens are dark I dont realise that they are still dark. Mine go dark in the slightest brightness.

Personally whilst they are good for UK sun, holiday sightseeing sun I don't think they are as good as sunglasses for driving or sunbathing or very strong sun such as Australia. I do love them when shopping on holiday as you can walk straight in from the sun and see the price on that lovely handbag without faffing with 2 pairs of glasses. Unlike others I have absolutely no problem seeing indoors immediately, in fact I don't notice any difference when they are normal.

I purchased the flip overs but in all honestly I won't be wearing them out on holiday as I think they are quite ugly. My prescription is eye watering expensive, special lens, varifocials and transitions so I had hoped they would tick the box but sorry to say they will be used in the car and garden only.

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