Did Guy CLutterbuck just tell Daniel off?


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Jun 24, 2008
Watching the start of the Tanzanite show. Daniel was just telling all the 'customers at home' that Tanzanite had its origins mainly through shopping channels and Guy corrected him, told him 'as many of your viewers already know' about Kunz and Tiffany and so on (he did admit that shopping channels were the main source nowadays). His face, I thought, betrayed a bit of impatience with DG. Did anyone see it?
i do not make a lot of purchases in this range....seems i am too fixated with beauty products! but, i have started to get more interested in tanzanite, mainly because of the fact that it keeps being heralded as the brand-new diamond....it is great that the experts clearly know a lot and speak up as it keeps everyone on their toes and helps to give more information out in the process!
I think Daniel's doing quite well today. It must be very difficult to talk about the one gem for 2 hrs.
I think Daniel's doing quite well today. It must be very difficult to talk about the one gem for 2 hrs.

I didn't think he was doing too well today - and in some shows he has been a lot better. I think, perhaps, Guy's expert knowledge might be a bit intimidating!
I just wish Guy would stop using the word 'simplistic' when he means 'simple'. Simplistic means 'overly simple; in a manner that loses important detail'.

I also think that Guy is best with women presenters, who can do that breathy oh-you're-such-a-macho-hero thing without losing dignity. The male presenters are inevitably forced to look a bit effete in comparison with Guy in his safari gear, talking so insouciantly about finding and selling his 90ct tanzanites in the wilds of Africa.
I watched him this morning with Simon and Kathy and I think they would have been better off on their own. He seemed bored, grumpy and acted like he was doing us all a favour dragging himself away from his Indiana Jones lifestyle. Maybe he's just not a morning person... :morning:
I think Daniel's doing quite well today. It must be very difficult to talk about the one gem for 2 hrs.

He's doing a good enough job, I know I'd find it hard to do that

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Watching the start of the Tanzanite show. Daniel was just telling all the 'customers at home' that Tanzanite had its origins mainly through shopping channels and Guy corrected him, told him 'as many of your viewers already know' about Kunz and Tiffany and so on (he did admit that shopping channels were the main source nowadays). His face, I thought, betrayed a bit of impatience with DG. Did anyone see it?

Saw Guy on with Simon this morning who suggested he went and had a cup of coffee but he quickly denied that he needed one. Simon said he was only joking.
Saw Guy on with Simon this morning who suggested he went and had a cup of coffee but he quickly denied that he needed one. Simon said he was only joking.

He does take his subject very seriously. He (Guy) seems in a lighter mood when working with the female presenters, if I recall ...
I noticed that Guy couldn't stop talking about the model (Karen) and how great it was to see the gems on a beautiful woman. Perhaps he's a bit of a ladies' man?
I think the jewellery shows over the last couple of weeks have been a shambles.

There have been misspellings of gemstones, mispronounciation of jewellery styles, and uncertainty or disagreement about what shades particular gem stones come in. Several presenters keep getting the various eras mixed up.

I think they badly need to get a real expert of some sort, either to front the programmes, or, at the very least, to train the other presenters. I do not consider the people they currently have (Guy Whatsit, Jan Springer) even to be experts, based on some of the odd things they've said.

Some of the regulars would die rather than read a book - I hear them repeating incorrect things said by other presenters, suggesting they use each other (ie a pool of non-experts) as their one and only resource.

Frankly, they'd be better off sticking to 'This is a lovely shade' rather than continually mispronouncing 'bombe', or telling us something floral and organic is 'art deco', in an effort to appear knowledgeable.
I can understand what Daniel meant -I remember the first place I saw tanzanites was QVC and very reasonable they were too (I' talking about the very early days of QVC) - I wish I had bought then, and I still vividly remember none of my friends or family knowing what I was talking abot when I spoke about how much I liked them - it may well be that Tiffany's was selling Tanzanites, but 16 years ago I wouldn't have dreamt of shopping there (this was pre the 'silver elsa perretti heart' days) - I do remember my ex taking me to Boodles to buy an engagement ring and the tanzanite prices were way out of reach (he bought me a specimen tsavorite and heart shaped diamond ring!) - so really it could be said that home shopping introduced tanzanites to many people who otherwise would have had no idea what they were and are unlikely to have been able to afford to buy them.
I can understand Guy wearing a safari suit when on a (tanzanite) safari, but not in the darkest depths of........Battersea !


I have heard people referr to Battersea being like a jungle, I think people actually referr to the traffic or street system like it, but maybe Guy misunderstood????:33:
Is this the bloke on with Cloudier now?? Good grief what a pompous ass. Dunno about being a ladies' man, he would bore me rigid :sleepy: and that's the only thing that would be rigid in his company. :rolleyes: :pPC:
it keeps being heralded as the brand-new diamond....

But don't whatever you do treat it like a diamond :11: it's a very soft stone by comparison - which is why, although I love the colour (though not the weakest shades), I've never been tempted. My jewellery has to withstand mistreatment :doh: So I've got hardly any worth speaking of cos I can't afford much in the way of diamonds and non-navy-blue sapphires :heartbroke:

"Simplistic" is one of my QVC pet hates - they're all at it, grrr.

Sue (aka PPC) you've made me wish I'd seen this Guy ;)

He was boring as hell.............................so monotone................................no sense of humour...........................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Oh gawd he's on again. :sleepy: He's even giving ol leather chops sly lecherous looks. :YIKES: :pPC:
Saw a bit of him last night, OK I am confused. Safari outfit, "gem hunter" label...he said he lives in Sweden and the way he talked about his "collection" it sounded like the only "gem hunting" he did was at markets and shows around the world. Sounded pretty far from Indiana Jones to me, but then I haven't paid attention to him before. Maybe I've got it wrong.

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