DF Not Drunk - Official


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Miss Grumpy

Registered Shopper
Jun 22, 2015
I just flicked over to QVC at 9.45 to find myself watching Simon Brown, very professional, talking about noodles and lock and locks. An incredibly bored-looking DF waved a languid hand in the direction of the food "When I was in China we ate noodles all the time".. Then sounding as if she could hardly stay awake she read out a text which asked "are you drunk?" " No," she replied crossly, "I have just moved into a new house and done a lot of charity work this weekend"

I could not stand another moment of the DF self advertisement show, so turned off.
I channel hopped over too when Dale was flashing that voice recorder thingy, "Dale! Dale! I'm buying that......How much is it?!?!" she excitedly shouted in her fake orgasmic tone. Debbie mustn't have realised that she's already stated in the past that she's already got one of these, so I agree, she must be hammered. This was last year when I used to watch QVC slightly more than I do now, which is virtually never. Next Olympics there should be a category for patronising/lying, QVCUK would bring home the gold every time.
Am not a fan of DF but how does that equate to her being hammered?

Erm.......I'm taking this as you're joking but just in case you're not "hammered" is another term for drunk so when I said "she must be hammered" I didn't mean literally :mysmilie_17:
Am not a fan of DF but how does that equate to her being hammered?
If you have ever seen a drama teacher showing a student how to act drunk on stage, you will know that drunk people do not flop about all over the place, they talk and move with studied slowness, and a rather bewildered look as if eyes and mouth are not co-ordinating.

By some strange coincidence tonight, DF, being in a state of chronic exhaustion owing to having earned enough money to get a new house to move into, and delighting her public with charity appearances, was mistaken by us for giving a thespian rendition of a drunk, when she was merely tired.
Blimey - they're all moving into new houses lately ! must be something in the water (or the wage packet) at Chiswick !
Can't see Q being happy she read that one out. Wonder if she hadn't done charity work whether she would have ignored it. Any chance to self promote. Bet Simon wished he'd had Charlie hoovering everything in sight instead.
DF is a self promotion Junkie who takes every opportunity to mention her book whatever she is presenting or involved in.
Flogging your wares and giving a couple of quid out of your takings to charity, does not a charity worker make, she has more experience swindling them than working for them.
I have often wondered if any of us posters/viewers here with regard to DF have ever thought of writing to QVC about the self-promotion thing, I'm sick of it and she's very much not one of my favs?

I'm thinking of writing, but don't want to be a lone voice, as that would just come across as me being grumpy, I'm talking in general terms with any complaints we have with Q.
I've complained about the Facebook groups she is involved in as her worshippers seem to be given priority over us lesser mortals who shop with Qvc,however I'm afraid she is well in with The Social Media Team so it's like Pixxxxx in the wind.
So, she's giving a contribution to charity - well I suppose it depends on how many books she shifts. Ok, if say at a push 500 are sold, and at a £1 each that's £500 - well, I think many many more people give far more than that on a singular basis to charity. How many of us have wardrobe/home clear-outs and take to our charity shop ? I do it a couple of times a year, and I know I've made my local hospice shop a lot more than £500 during the last 3 or 4 years. So all this bulls...t about a self publicised book and giving to charity, may be laudable but you aint the only one sweetheart !
ohnonot, if it follows the usual pattern, the only reply you'll get back will be a load of platitudes, rambling on about wanting to keep their customers happy, regrets if they have not achieved their aim....yada, yada... and generally avoiding the points you have raised. I wrote to Q - must be well over 18 months ago - as there was a jewellery hour on with meCharlie that was one long self-promotion, not giving detailed information about the jewellery, just an ego-trip. The reply was total mush and avoidance of the issue. Likewise IW - I've written on 2 occasions about Peter Simon, and how dishonest it is to give the Easy-pay price as though it's the final price. I also complained about his talking ungrammatical nonsense instead of facts and quoting chunks of Paul Simon songs (i.e. "Bridge Over Troubled Water") to pad out the hour - and how insulting it all is to the viewers intelligence. Usual standard "apology" reply. The fact is they just don't care - as long as the presenter's achieving their sales figures, that's all they're bothered about, I certainly don't think the ASA worries them, either, as it has no "teeth" to really penalise them where it hurts, ie financially or off-air. Shopping Telly regulations should be made much tougher - no self promos. and no talking about easy-pay as though it's the final price are just two of the enforcements I'd like to see, but it won't happen anytime soon.

I have often wondered if any of us posters/viewers here with regard to DF have ever thought of writing to QVC about the self-promotion thing, I'm sick of it and she's very much not one of my favs?

I'm thinking of writing, but don't want to be a lone voice, as that would just come across as me being grumpy, I'm talking in general terms with any complaints we have with Q.
"Tired and emotional" is I believe the exact medical terminology.

Or 'compassion fatigue'. Next time I am approached in a pub by a drunken bore trying to tell me his life story I shall say "Look here, old chap, you really must cut down on your charity work".
I just flicked over to QVC at 9.45 to find myself watching Simon Brown, very professional, talking about noodles and lock and locks. An incredibly bored-looking DF waved a languid hand in the direction of the food "When I was in China we ate noodles all the time".. Then sounding as if she could hardly stay awake she read out a text which asked "are you drunk?" " No," she replied crossly, "I have just moved into a new house and done a lot of charity work this weekend"

I could not stand another moment of the DF self advertisement show, so turned off.

If she wasn't fit to work she shouldn't have been on air.

Actually, Simon would probably have been absolutely fine on his own. Give the man a cookery show - I'd rather watch a series of In the Kitchen with Simon Brown than another series of the self-loving Andi Peters.

I think that Debbie takes herself far too seriously, hence the reaction to the text/tweet or whatever... plus of course it's any old excuse to talk about ME-ME-ME.
She'll be giving the pittance to charity because she'll think it's good publicity, giving a few quid is a lot cheaper than hiring a publicist. She probably thinks it will change peoples opinions of her after what she did concerning a certain charity, but people can see right through her scam and anyway, if she was giving the money she made off the junk she doesn't want anymore and it was out the goodness of her heart, she wouldn't be blowing her own trumpet every five minutes grabbing all the free publicity she can get.
I think she was only on that show cos Marverine went off ill? I saw her (DF) briefly wafting about a pan set saying get well soon Marv, then back to Julia/Cathy on the Prai show saying the same. While I can take or leave her as a presenter and don't know her as a person, I can't say I'm that bothered what she does with her junk. I agree it's not something I'd be that fussed about while she's flogging saucepans but seems like she's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. If she chooses to give a portion of her takings to charity, good on her I say, while many do indeed do a lot more, just as many do a lot less. As for the tweet, maybe it'll serve as a caution in relying so much on having an ipad permanently attached but to me it was just plain rude.
DF is not the only presenter to 'self publicise'. Julia Roberts is another one and Jackie Kabler has mentioned her book on air. Obviously QVC don't seem to mind so I'm sure it will continue. I wonder who will be next?

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