DF Not Drunk - Official


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Blimey - they're all moving into new houses lately ! must be something in the water (or the wage packet) at Chiswick !

She said she was downsizing hence the declutter so it doesn't necessarily mean she's earning loads at QVC.

Flogging your wares and giving a couple of quid out of your takings to charity, does not a charity worker make, she has more experience swindling them than working for them.

She posted on Facebook that the event had raised £3,000 for the charity which is pretty good.

I have often wondered if any of us posters/viewers here with regard to DF have ever thought of writing to QVC about the self-promotion thing, I'm sick of it and she's very much not one of my favs?

I'm thinking of writing, but don't want to be a lone voice, as that would just come across as me being grumpy, I'm talking in general terms with any complaints we have with Q.

I agree the self promotion is really annoying but QVC don't seem that bothered.

DF is not the only presenter to 'self publicise'. Julia Roberts is another one and Jackie Kabler has mentioned her book on air. Obviously QVC don't seem to mind so I'm sure it will continue. I wonder who will be next?

I agree JR likes to mention her books but I think Jackie isn't as bad as the other two so I will give her the benefit of the doubt for now, though her book isn't out yet so I suppose she might mention it more when it's available to buy.
I don't hear Jackie so much because she's usually daytime, and I'm evening/nighttime in the main. So already fed up to the back teeth with book publicity. If I was QVC I'd tot up the airtime where it's mentioned and bill the presenters in question. Advertising on the telly isn't exactly cheap.

That might shut them up more effectively that reprimands - hit them in the pocket.
BB, is £3000 everything she made through flogging her junk? Must've been a shed load of junk then! In all honestly, I wouldn't believe her if she said it was three pounds she'd donated whilst grinning and pointing to the amount on a giant sized cheque.
What bothers me about all this self-promotion is that I'm paying for the air-time when they all do it to make more money for themselves, the presenters, and not to improve my shopping experience. That is not how I want or expect QVC to spend the profits from my purchases - few and far between, admittedly, but I'm still talking about a principle.
Im sure i read she got kicked out of her old house............................ Ok well the owner wanted it back for his own family so she had no choice to move.

Theres very little DF could do for me to forgive her for what she did regarding the BCC charity event, the fact she didnt apologise and played dumb was inexcusable IMO.
maymorganlondon, Oh no, not Andi Peters, for pity's sake! His last gig was with Edd the Duck, and Edd the Duck had 100% more talent than AP!:mysmilie_13:
If she wasn't fit to work she shouldn't have been on air.

Actually, Simon would probably have been absolutely fine on his own. Give the man a cookery show - I'd rather watch a series of In the Kitchen with Simon Brown than another series of the self-loving Andi Peters.

I think that Debbie takes herself far too seriously, hence the reaction to the text/tweet or whatever... plus of course it's any old excuse to talk about ME-ME-ME.
DF is not the only presenter to 'self publicise'. Julia Roberts is another one and Jackie Kabler has mentioned her book on air. Obviously QVC don't seem to mind so I'm sure it will continue. I wonder who will be next?

To my knowledge most of the presenters self promote, kinda goes with the territory and they seem to get away with it!! AM sure the others would at every opportunity if they had something to promote! It just becomes boring when it's constantly mentioned, like in every show they do. :mysmilie_11:
Aha! Didn't see it but it sounds as though DF was hoisted by her own iPad. Maybe Q might decide to get rid of the things now. Who am I kidding.
My thoughts exactly EM - cos how many car booters can claim to make even £500 on a good day !!! I'm just imagining all the Elemis / Decleor / Gatineau / Leighton Denny unopened 'units', scores of Kipling / Lulu Guiness bags and Laura Gellar etc products were being offloaded !
If you read her blog, Debbie does make reference to receiving private donations for the event. Whether that was other people's contributions of items for her table top sale, or cash donations is not clear.

I did a car boot sale back in the 1990s to raise money for charity, with several other people, plus donated items for others... we raised over £1000 without having anything really specially valuable to sell. I've done car boot sales with disappointing results, but well promoted and well supported events can give you great results.

I don't think £5000 would be easy to raise, but not impossible, with the right sort of items and promotion. In this respect, I think Debbie has done a great job, and if the money is all going for the training of Medical Detection Dogs, I can only congratulate her.
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