DF doing a JR


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Nice work if you can get it...what chance do the youngsters have to get a foot in the door when all the prime jobs get given to family and friends? :thinking:
Annoying, but has been the way of the world since the dawn of time - and will no doubt continue to be so?

absolutely! and I'm sure any one of us would do the same given the opportunity! I know if I'd been able to get my DD a job at my place I'd have done so, or my sister, or any other member of the family!
absolutely! and I'm sure any one of us would do the same given the opportunity! I know if I'd been able to get my DD a job at my place I'd have done so, or my sister, or any other member of the family!

Speak for yourself...I'd hate to feel I'd 'pulled strings'. My family and I get where we are by our own merits. My daughter has applied for dozens of jobs this summer and I am so proud that she keeps going despite all the rejections, when she gets a job (and she will) she'll be so chuffed and she'll know it was all because of her own persistance and hard work. I'd certainly tell her of any vacanciesI knew of, but I wouldn't spoil anyone elses chances for her sake.

If it were my own business, that would be a different matter, I'd recruit my family first.
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Speak for yourself...I'd hate to feel I'd 'pulled strings'. My family and I get where we are by our own merits. My daughter has applied for dozens of jobs this summer and I am so proud that she keeps going despite all the rejections, when she gets a job (and she will) she'll be so chuffed and she'll know it was all because of her own persistance and hard work. I'd certainly tell her of any vacanciesI knew of, but I wouldn't spoil anyone elses chances for her sake.

well we are all different of course but if I could help anyone I know I would do so. Nobody ever handed me anything on a plate, I found my own jobs, but had either of my parents had the chance to help me then I know they would have done so.
I have no problem with Dale getting his sister a jo if she is suitable. I would give any of my relations a chance if I could. My two nieces who have just left uni have been found temp jobs by their mother in the hospital she works at. If she didn't do it for them someone else would have for their relations.
Speak for yourself...I'd hate to feel I'd 'pulled strings'. My family and I get where we are by our own merits. My daughter has applied for dozens of jobs this summer and I am so proud that she keeps going despite all the rejections, when she gets a job (and she will) she'll be so chuffed and she'll know it was all because of her own persistance and hard work. I'd certainly tell her of any vacanciesI knew of, but I wouldn't spoil anyone elses chances for her sake.

If it were my own business, that would be a different matter, I'd recruit my family first.[/QUOTE]

so there's a difference there then? that's not nepotism? what I really dislike is something that happened donkey's years back..one head of department where I worked had his son lined up for a job, the lad HAD the job, no two ways about it, but interviews were held, things had to be seen to be done properly - people taking time off from their current job if they had one to attend an interview for a job they had not a cat in hell's chance of winning - that DOES get my goat.
Confused, was the OP talking about female DF or male DF, Debbie Flint or Dale Franklin, LOL?
I have no problem with Dale getting his sister a jo if she is suitable.QUOTE]


The OP clearly states "her", not a him.

So since when has Dale Franklin become a female, have I missed something ?

:mysmilie_506: :confused2: :confused3:
I have no problem with Dale getting his sister a jo if she is suitable. I would give any of my relations a chance if I could. My two nieces who have just left uni have been found temp jobs by their mother in the hospital she works at. If she didn't do it for them someone else would have for their relations.

Now that's really annoying, hospitals are subject to equal opportunity rules on recruitment yet here's someone 'fixing up' two of their children. It's no wonder people get demotivated in their workplaces because there's still far too much of these sort of practices around.
Now that's really annoying, hospitals are subject to equal opportunity rules on recruitment yet here's someone 'fixing up' two of their children. It's no wonder people get demotivated in their workplaces because there's still far too much of these sort of practices around.

annoying it may be but I doubt anything is about to change, human nature being what it is - a lot of employers would sooner take on a family member of someone who already works for them - had an opportunity arisen for a junior in my office I'm in no doubt that my boss would have asked me if my daughter would be interested, I wouldn't have had to ask him.
If I had my own business I'd be happy to give members of my family a job without an interview as I know them and that they'll work harder for me than someone they don't care about. But, If I was working for someone else and a member of my family got a job just by my say so, I'd feel it would be unfair as it should always be advertised first...as apple says, equal opportunities would and should apply. It's 'pulling strings' and unfair. QVC is not a family business, yet, but if the presenters keep this up it'll soon be a closed shop and unless you're 'in' with them, forget it.
For my sins I work in recruitment and I get asked for help finding people jobs all the time ... friends, their son or daughter, cousin, nephew ... you name it. But more often than not all I can offer is advice.

When it came to my own son I did whatever I could to open doors for him. That's not the same as getting him a job as he got his job on his own merits but I did ask the company he works for to give him unpaid work experience. It just so happens that through that work experience he was then offered more unpaid work then a paid part time job then a full time job. That progression was nothing to do with me.
Dale, Debbie or whoever, as long as the person is suitable and has the qualifications then so be it.
I would hope they had been interviewed by QVC and not just given the job on their relatives say so.
I find it difficult to believe that if anyone had a son/daughter who was looking for work and a position came up in their company that they would be suitable for, they would not put them forward for it.

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