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If I was in a position to help out a member of my family job-wise then I'd move heaven and earth to do it - I can't criticise anyone else for doing it.
Dale, Debbie or whoever, as long as the person is suitable and has the qualifications then so be it.
I would hope they had been interviewed by QVC and not just given the job on their relatives say so.
I find it difficult to believe that if anyone had a son/daughter who was looking for work and a position came up in their company that they would be suitable for, they would not put them forward for it.

:wonder: He or she :wonder::blush:

Dale, Debbie or whoever, as long as the person is suitable and has the qualifications then so be it.
I would hope they had been interviewed by QVC and not just given the job on their relatives say so.
I find it difficult to believe that if anyone had a son/daughter who was looking for work and a position came up in their company that they would be suitable for, they would not put them forward for it.

exactly so loveheart, perhaps I didn't make it clear in my op that I would happily get an interview for someone, not actually GIVE or GET them a job, that was above my pay-grade, but I would certainly help as far as I could by way of recommendation, but then whoever it is has got to get thru the interview on their own merits.
Pulling strings to get a relative a job can be a double-edged sword; if they completely balls it up or simply coast and do as little as possible it can reflect badly on the original employee. Mr Akimbo enabled his sister to have an interview with his company (but at the other end of the country and a different dept) and fortunately there's sufficient separation for her performance not to cause him any headaches, but 3 years on she's never said thankyou and has had a shocking amount of sick leave (hypochondriac). If it were his own company he'd be stuck with dead wood he'd struggle to get rid of because of family repurcussions. If they worked in the same building he'd be professionally embarrassed.

Jude xx
Dale, Debbie or whoever, as long as the person is suitable and has the qualifications then so be it.
I would hope they had been interviewed by QVC and not just given the job on their relatives say so.
I find it difficult to believe that if anyone had a son/daughter who was looking for work and a position came up in their company that they would be suitable for, they would not put them forward for it.

Guess this is why so many MP's have wives, son's, daughters et al working for them before the expenses scandel. Look after your own first and to hell with the rest of you. Much as I love my family, I put principles first. Of course, I would do my best to help my family but NOT at the expense of anyone else lookiing for a job.
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Guess this is why so many MP's have wives, son's, daughters et al working for them before the expenses scandel. Look after your own first and to hell with the rest of you. Much as I love my family, I put principles first. Of course, I would do my best to help my family but NOT at the expense of anyone else lookiing for a job.

come off it - if you were faced with it, would you stand back and let your daughter or son lose the chance of a job just because you kept quiet and let someone else take it? I'm sure all of us on here have principles and I for one have always been backward at coming forward (yeh, believe it or not!) but damned to keeping quiet and then feeling hard-done-by - mind you the older I get the more outspoken I get so perhaps that's got something to do with it.
Guess this is why so many MP's have wives, son's, daughters et al working for them before the expenses scandel. Look after your own first and to hell with the rest of you. Much as I love my family, I put principles first. Of course, I would do my best to help my family but NOT at the expense of anyone else lookiing for a job.

That is fine and if you can say that you would not think of putting a member of your family up for a job that they could do as well as any other then you are a truely principled person.
I would always shamelessly help my children in whatever way I could, if that meant putting in a good word for them to help them get a foot on the employment ladder, I would.

I don't think it is wrong to do so as long as they were qualified for the job, I know they are hard workers and wouldn't let the side down.

What really gets on my goat is those who get in via the 'old school' network, and YES there is a difference as most of these people are usually totally unqualified to do the job, just look at the government - on both sides !
The issue with MPs is rather different. They have or had the power to "employ" family and pay them out of their expenses whether they were capable of the job or not. And in some cases they were paid for working when they did nothing at all. If they had been paid out of the MPs own pocket then that would be foolhardy at worst.

In today's job market, particularly for kids, then they need and should whatever leverage they can get to get a job. My son is way ahead of his peers. He's got there through hard work and effort but I did everything I could to open doors for him. I'd do it again too. It's the way of the world I'm afraid. If you don't open doors then someone else will.
I'm slightly offended by the forum members who seem to imply I'm not as good a mother as them because I won't use my influence to get my duaghter a position, even if I could. I respect your opinions, shame you aren't very respectful of mine. As someone said earlier, we all have different views but I never realised before how some are more valued than others, guess you learn something new every day. Claudipuss, I miss ye.
I have never said or implied you aren't a good mother Huggles, if that is how you may have taken my post I apologise. You are entitled to state your view as am I.
I think you're on your high horse Huggles..I wasn't implying anything other than a rather shocked surprise at your assertion that you wouldn't help your offspring and I still find it somewhat unbelievable.
I hope I'm not one of those that you feel implied you're not a good mum. I certainly don't think that.

Somebody somewhere will influence whether your daughter or my son or anyone's elses child, parent or relative gets the job. And sometimes the person who gets the job isn't the one who deserves it or works hardest for it.

I wish the world was fair to our kids but sometimes it just isn't.

Pushing a door open doesn't make me a good mum or you not.
Maybe I am over reacting, but if all our off spring applied for the same post and all were of similar abilities and experience I would be thoroughly disappointed if my daughter lost out because one of you went to the same school as the boss and used your influence. I'd be more accepting if it was due to the calibre of the applicants. I'm off to apply for a new post shortly and if I don't get it I can always consol myself with the thought the person who gets the post must of had family influence. You live and learn.
I am out of work and have been for over a year. I have applied for lots of jobs and yes I'm sure that half of them had gone to someones family member before I got an interview. It's just the way it is. Like it or not.
it doesn't always have to be a case of "using your influence" Huggles - your scenario of all our offspring applying for the same job..if I knew the person who was dealing with it he or she would probably already know my daughter and in some cases that fact alone could influence his or her decision...and it could be either for OR against my daughter - if the person knew me, knew I was an honest, reliable person who turned in good work, he/she could well think oh, her daughter will be ok then - or equally if things were the opposite way round and I was a bit of a shirker my daughter probably wouldn't get a look-in as that would probably go against her, so we can't always "help" as such - but my point has been that I would if I could, because if I just stood back some other mother would be doing their damndest to help THEIR child, and mine might lose out! I don't think there's any harm at all in trying to pave the way...if my DD was looking for a job and I heard that my former boss was hiring I would most definitely give him a ring and get her an interview..the rest would be up to her...and him!
I am out of work and have been for over a year. I have applied for lots of jobs and yes I'm sure that half of them had gone to someones family member before I got an interview. It's just the way it is. Like it or not.

good luck with the hunting Loveheart
The issue with MPs is rather different. They have or had the power to "employ" family and pay them out of their expenses whether they were capable of the job or not. And in some cases they were paid for working when they did nothing at all. If they had been paid out of the MPs own pocket then that would be foolhardy at worst.

Thats true, it is slightly different but I was thinking more of some of the MPs themselves. The MP for the industry my husband works in has never actually worked in that sector himself, never been near the 'rock face' so to speak yet sprouts off this and that which makes him appear very ill informed and therefore his comments would be laughable if it wasn't so serious and didn't effect us all in one way or another.
If I ever became aware of any vacancies where I could recommend any of my family & friends then truth be told, I definitely would & I do not see anything wrong with this as ultimately the rest would be up to them & I know they would pull their weight. It is heartbreaking to see anybody being unemployed, applying for jobs day after day & being rejected & If I was in a position to help in any way, I sure would. I know many others who would do the same. I have seen this happen many times, when an employer is fully aware who the post will be given to but to be seen as fair they hold interviews, this is unfair to all candidates & yes some would be much better placed for the job, whilst others who are rejected were initially filling the post & whilst I find this annoying, it is the way of the world.

I understand why some would never do this & can understand their point of view but I personally feel that people progress due to their own merits.

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