Desperate for a decent hand cream


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Jun 26, 2008
My hands are so dry that the backs look like a shed snakeskin and easily break and bleed, and my fingers feel like sandpaper. Can anyone suggest an effective hand cream please ? (QVC or otherwise)

Linda xx
L'occitane's shea hand cream is probably the best I've ever used,Linda & a good tip is to use a dollop at bedtime & cover with mitts.
Hands are silky soft in the morning.
My hands were like that, I piled on the hand cream and they didn't get better. Then it dawned on me that I was allergic to most of the hand creams including the L'occitane one. I now use Norwegian Formula Hand Cream - which is more like a balm and available everywhere. I exfoliate once a week with Liz Earle foot scrub and sometimes use the foot moisturiser. After a couple of days they were soft and healed - fantastic! :clapping:
Another vote for the Norwegian formula hand cream, aveeno hand cream is a good shout too x
liz earles handcream is very good and lasts a long time on the hands but the essential oils may aggravate your skin. maybe plain old veseline or an aqueous cream with no smell may be your best bet.
sometimes the cheaper stuff has less stuff to irritate your skin.
Yes the Norwegian one to start with, then move to a lighter one. Or Vaslene if slapped on it will help too. The secret is to put it on every single time you wash your hands or even if they just feel dry the reapply. If L'Occitane Shea Butter the fancy smelling ones are more gel like.
My hands in my teens used actually peel, like a snake shedding its skin. My friends find it funny I have tubes of handcream in every handbag, so if I change bags still have a tube there.
I used to suffer from contact dermatitis and bought the L'occitane Lavender hand cream with a TSV years back. This cream saved my hands and I've never suffered since. I've since discovered that it was chemical sunscreen that would set my hands off. At the moment I'm using Yes to Carrots handcream which is just as lovely as the L'Occitane one however today I've ordered the Body Shop Hemp one - as there's a 50% off offer on everything at the mo - as this too has got rave reviews.
Can I just suggest, although you might have done this? - to check with your Dr, because when my hands where like that he gave me some mild steroid cream to get passed the breaking skin/bleeding stage. Some people are very anti steroids, but you only use it for a short time, and it dod wonders for my hands
I like the PoxyTan lavender handcream but the Shea butter might be better for your hands. I do wonder though if you might be better using something like E45 or aqueous cream or doublebase. They're all over the counter treatments for skin problems. They would be less likely to irritate the problem.
the best one I've had, and was mentioned in a thread recently, is the Aldi urea hand cream, £1.99 - done wonders for my hands. You can't always get it so I stock up when I see it - well worth a try for anyone with dry hands - I suffer from dermatitis myself.
My hands have been the same and I was trying all the expensive stuff like l'occitane but I think actually the fragrance in them was making them worse because they just got sorer.

A few weeks ago I got a couple of £1 tubes of E45 cream from sainsburys and the improvement had been dramatic. No more cracked bloody snakeskin. I also got a tube of sainsburys basics handcream which again is good. It's on the thin side but sinks in quick when you don't want greasy hands.

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It might be worth going to the doctor and getting your hands checked out to see if you have eczema. If your skin is very sore and cracked a lot of hand creams with their perfumes will only make things more painful. I have a cream on prescription that I use and when my skin is in better shape I use L'Occitane's Shea butter.

Try this site - lots of useful info :rock:
I swear by soap & glory Hand food. wonderful stuff and it doesnt cost the earth. i cant get it here and boots dont post to eu so i have to stock up whenever i can and i guard it jealously lol

i used to get a terrible outbreak on my palms. firstly on my left and and then on my right instead. like white spots under the skin and then hard skin that peeled(my apologies for the details), havent had it for a while(touching wood) but i put that down to being very careful with cleaning products now and my handcream. i even used it when my palms were at their worst and it helped. i passed the tip on to my FiL who's hang nail wouldnt heal and it helped him too. i always try to keep a mini tube in my bag
I've bookmarked that site Pollybelle, thanks! I've had stuff from the doctor before but in all honesty it didn't seem to do that much good, I had to wear cotton gloves in bed to stop myself scratching in my sleep, it drove me mad, but have been keeping it at bay with my Aldi!
I find Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream works wonders for dry skin, and I've used it on cracked, bleeding dry skin on my hands and it worked wonders.
I've had problems with dermatitis on my hands. It itches like mad and sometimes the skin splits! :doh: I find that E45 helps no end. Also, it helps if you find out what is causing the problem and avoid it if you can. For me, it was washing up liquid and some hand washes. I'm guessing it was probably the perfume that was setting it off. Now I wash my hands with plain unscented soaps (Simple or Pears) and I've had no problems.
Liz Earle hand repair every single time for me, although her skin repair and superbalm also work very well. I used to have eczema badly on my hands (so bad I could pull gloves that were knotted on my hands off in my sleep and scratch my hands to bits) and LE has been a godsend. Anything like E45 or aqueous cream make things worse in my case - think it's the paraffin element in it. Yes, the LE isn't the cheapest but as they say in QVCLand, a little goes a long way. The L'Occitane shea butter was ok texture-wise but the smell makes me sneeze dreadfully!!
I've bookmarked that site Pollybelle, thanks! I've had stuff from the doctor before but in all honesty it didn't seem to do that much good, I had to wear cotton gloves in bed to stop myself scratching in my sleep, it drove me mad, but have been keeping it at bay with my Aldi!

I was prescribed Betnovate cream made by GlaxoSmithKline. I would highly recommend it although it is a bit greasy. Certainly stopped the itching though :clapping:
I was going to say the same Busymum I've found Aldi's Urea really good, although a couple of my daughters friends who are nurses have had my stash so Im going to look further afield to Aldi's to get more !!!!! xx

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