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Well done you! Without my people from the charity that helped me get rid of a lot of stuff, I am struggling to maintain the momentum, and although things haven't really crept back yet, I realised I miss a radio in the kitchen (the old one didn't really fit anywhere, so I donated it to the break room at work) and had been avoiding clean up apart from barest essentials in the room as a result, I now have a tiny rechargeable Alexa enabled speaker which has a lovely sound. I had lost my refillable water bottle, I've just replaced this with an insulated bottle and I bought an ice-stick maker, I already had one from Joseph Joseph, which didn't really fit in my very small freezer, so the older one I am going to give to a colleague (her brother had given her a water bottle and she inspired me to replace my lost one) trying to be a bit one in one out!!!
Well done you , and replacing big clunky stuff for smaller versions is a really good idea, even though you're getting rid of serviceable stuff what's the point if it's taking up too much space for the amount of times you use it, or just looks unattractive. I swapped a big spiraliser for a handheld for example and it's just as good if not better...It's quite satisfying finding handy versions of the things you love. I got shot of an exercise bike/clothes horse from our bedroom and now I have a bike box tucked in behind the sofa and yes I use it still but it's not getting in the way! Keep up the good work!!
Still chugging along with the declutteration.
I donated my two vintage Singer sewing machines to 'Tools for Self Reliance', a charity that sends them to Africa for people to earn themselves a living by sewing.
I managed to sell my huge and very expensive sewing machine, which I bought with my retirement bonus five years ago, and never bonded with. I lost about a third of the cost, but the other two thirds is in the bank, and not taking up a shedload of room in my house. (I still have a very decent sewing machine, which I use regularly, and also a smaller portable one which I use for craft events and classes where I need to take my own. I don't feel guilty about these, as they are both used).
I also sold off all my plus sized sewing patterns. Got peanuts for those, but at least they're gone.
All my big clothes have now been donated, either to charity (local hospice shop got all the best stuff, with gift aid). The rest went to a friend who needed 'work appropriate' stuff, and some just went in the recycling bin.
I'm not replacing all my clothes. I realise I no longer need a huge wardrobe of stuff. I spend my life in jeans, t shirts and jumpers. Apart from a couple of theatre trips per year, and my weekly WI meeting, I don't have any need for 'smart'.
I'm making do with the bare minimum at the moment, as I still don't quite know where my weight/size is going to settle. Undies had to be replaced as they were swimming on me, but I've bought the minimum I can manage with, for now.
I've had a bit of a hiatus, and I'm now back in the hunt!

It tends to be a case of an opportunity to look at an area with new eyes that prompts things. Today it's getting my boiler serviced. That means I had to clear out the boiler cupboard, and the floor around it.

My eyes literally felt refreshed looking at this clear, uncluttered space. It's reminded me that there are real benefits to decluttering, besides the stuff itself - it's how it makes you feel mentally and emotionally.

I have all the laundry themed clutter that was in the boiler cupboard (it's above my washing machine) laid out, so I can go through it all this evening. I have a load of stuff that I do not use, and never will... I know this because I keep rebuying my preferred stuff rather than using up the stuff that's now sat in the cupboard for decades!

So I will have a binful of very elderly cleaning products to chuck out.

I also last weekend did a bathroom blitz (cillit bang mould cleaner) and everything around the bath (grout and silicone sealant( is looking shiny and white. I cleared away the wire basket with shampoo, conditioner and shower gels I no longer use, as well as a bunch of products I just don't seem to get around to using regularly. I now have a glowing clean bath, with just the shower gel, shampoo and conditioner I actually use - 3 products instead of more than 10. It's much nicer.

Previous week I was looking for foil containers for freezing portions of moussaka I'd made in a batch. Got a whole load of storage bins out. I've emptied 5 of them. There are still 2 to go, but again, this has made a massive difference.

With all of that, the stuff that needs to leave my home now won't go until Sunday. But it will go on Sunday.

I'm only in the foothills of Everest, and haven't even hit basecamp yet, but I'm plugging away steadily now, and savouring the positive effect each little step is giving me.

Congratulations to everyone for each success you are having. It's not a journey with an end point - we'll all be decluttering forever, as things are always sneaking into our homes aren't they? Well done Pick-a-lily for your weight loss. It is extremely hard not just to lose the weight but to keep it off. I am hoping to make some steps in that direction too.
You're so right MML. I recently decided we need some fitted wardrobes, the Ikea cheapies we bought 20 years ago as a 'temporary measure' are getting on my nerves. Getting people in to give a quote necessitated cleaning and tidying the bedroom (lest they thought I was some sort of sloven!).
The resulting clear floor space quite literally made my heart sing!
I gave my dishwasher a clean yesterday and I followed up with a fresh dishwasher load, I have learned recently (don't ask how long I've had a dw) that my table top dw is supposed to take six place settings, but it doesn't work efficiently when full to capacity, it works better with three as I eat most of my main courses out of bowls. So, even though I have some plates waiting to go in the machine, its only three days at max now, which again helps with the declutter process, I will give my kitchen a bit of a do, now that I have a few weeks with free Fridays and my music club closes for a few weeks in July and August.
I'm not recluttering, but I have let standards slip a bit, and I really need to get back on top of the housework...Glad to hear everyone's still making progress..It's a marvellous feeling isn't it?!
I watch a few different YouTubers on this kind of topic. One of the best I have found is The Minimal Mom. She's an American but very relatable on a lot of topics

She puts it that you are managing inventory, and you shouldn't have more inventory than you are comfortable managing.

She has different tactics you can try for problem areas - decluttering the kitchen: treat your kitchen like a holiday house let... what would you need in a holiday kitchen?

I have found myself weeding stuff out of rooms to see if I like the feeling... and I do!

The other thing I'm trying to keep in mind is that the objective is decluttering, not organising at this stage.

I swear one of the reasons I detest and avoid housework is because the clutter makes what should be a quick and easy once-over a mammoth task I cannot summon up the energy or enthusiasm to tackle.
May I ask all those who have contributed to this thread how you differentiate between clutter & objects that make your house a home? The only things I've ever collected have been books & even though I have pictures, cushions & objects that need dusting they are there to look attractive & they don't overwhelm us. My mum used to quote William Morris - "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful" & I've obviously followed her. Having said all of that we decided last year, big birthdays for both & a big wedding anniversary, that the time had come for a consumables only gift rule & I'm gradually taking less loved items to charity shops.
May I ask all those who have contributed to this thread how you differentiate between clutter & objects that make your house a home? The only things I've ever collected have been books & even though I have pictures, cushions & objects that need dusting they are there to look attractive & they don't overwhelm us. My mum used to quote William Morris - "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful" & I've obviously followed her. Having said all of that we decided last year, big birthdays for both & a big wedding anniversary, that the time had come for a consumables only gift rule & I'm gradually taking less loved items to charity shops.

When you look at something, how does it make you feel? If you feel "aaah" it's homey... If you feel "argh" it's clutter!

At present the consistent aaah is my bath. Only what is necessary, and a pleasure to use. Next to apply that elsewhere!!!!
When you look at something, how does it make you feel? If you feel "aaah" it's homey... If you feel "argh" it's clutter!

At present the consistent aaah is my bath. Only what is necessary, and a pleasure to use. Next to apply that elsewhere!!!!

Thank you MML, as always you've outlined a situation clearly.
Holy freaking hell! We had a chap round yesterday to quote for some fitted wardrobes, which I’m hoping to get done fairly soon. Subsequently, I booked a bulk waste collection from the council, to take some old fashioned ‘brown’ furniture to the recycling centre shop. Hopefully it will be useful to someone, assuming the council collect it before it’s destroyed by rain! They stipulate you have to leave the stuff outside the house, in an accessible and unlocked location (in my case, this means ‘on the drive’),but they go on to say they will ‘undertake to collect the items within 14 business days’ of the collection being booked! Super!! So the drive now looks like Steptoe’s yard, and we can barely get to the bins!
Meanwhile, I started sorting through the contents of the big, ugly, brown cupboard and dressing table that are now on the drive.
Those lovely Xmas cards I had printed last year, with photo of my dog? Yes, the ones I put ‘somewhere safe’ and had to have reprinted in November, because I couldn’t find the ruddy things? Yes. I found them. In a picnic basket at the bottom of the brown cupboard.
Also found study materials from my nursing training, nearly 40 feckin years ago, and stuff with my old address on, from pre 1982. Unbelievable.
Needless to say, I spent the morning shredding & vacuuming. I feel a great sense of accomplishment, but also dreading the upheaval of having the wardrobes fitted, although I know they’ll make a huge difference to the house. MML, I’m so looking forward to being able to look at my bedroom and think ‘aaaah’ instead of ‘urrrrgh!’
Holy freaking hell! We had a chap round yesterday to quote for some fitted wardrobes, which I’m hoping to get done fairly soon. Subsequently, I booked a bulk waste collection from the council, to take some old fashioned ‘brown’ furniture to the recycling centre shop. Hopefully it will be useful to someone, assuming the council collect it before it’s destroyed by rain! They stipulate you have to leave the stuff outside the house, in an accessible and unlocked location (in my case, this means ‘on the drive’),but they go on to say they will ‘undertake to collect the items within 14 business days’ of the collection being booked! Super!! So the drive now looks like Steptoe’s yard, and we can barely get to the bins!
Meanwhile, I started sorting through the contents of the big, ugly, brown cupboard and dressing table that are now on the drive.
Those lovely Xmas cards I had printed last year, with photo of my dog? Yes, the ones I put ‘somewhere safe’ and had to have reprinted in November, because I couldn’t find the ruddy things? Yes. I found them. In a picnic basket at the bottom of the brown cupboard.
Also found study materials from my nursing training, nearly 40 feckin years ago, and stuff with my old address on, from pre 1982. Unbelievable.
Needless to say, I spent the morning shredding & vacuuming. I feel a great sense of accomplishment, but also dreading the upheaval of having the wardrobes fitted, although I know they’ll make a huge difference to the house. MML, I’m so looking forward to being able to look at my bedroom and think ‘aaaah’ instead of ‘urrrrgh!’

I'm feeling a sense of sisterhood - I so recognise this situation. How often have I had to go and pay to replace something, only to find it! Beyond frustrating, I know.

I'm doing baby-steps in the kitchen. I've found some pots and pans,and some utensils I want to declutter. I have no doubt I will find some purchases from QVC to add to the pile.

I think even if it's not much, every bit out of the house reduces the background stress just a little bit.

The wardrobes will no doubt be an absolute tonic for you... if you're like me, just don't fill up the shelves once you have the space :mysmilie_514:
Time for an update on this...Yes, the clutter levels have risen to unacceptable levels..I've not got to the stage where I can't get the place looking nice...but the cupboards, under the bed etc is stuffed. I watched one of those hoarders shows last night and today I've promised myself that I shall get onto it today...So far I've had a cuppa, I'm sat here chilled and already don't feel in the mood...but I've got to. OH's working today,so it's a lot easier. Not because he's against my getting rid of's the way I go about things I'm not methodical...I'll just blast in like a whirling dervish and make every room look an absolute state, knowing that I have to get it all done before he gets back. He would do it very slowly and very methodically and I would get bored very quickly and more likely to give up! Neither of us are hoarders, but we're both guilty of forgetting how little space/storage we have in our flat before we go ahead and buy stuff. Our underbed storage consists of two storage boxes full of towels but I need more as the overspill is stuffed onto the shelves in the wardrobe. There's room for another couple of boxes but I've got an exercise machine under there which I've not used for years, so that's first on the hit list. Also the shelves and cupboards are chock a block with superfluous beauty/cleaning products time for a cull on that lot..Right I'm off..better get started!
Got quite a bit done..two massive bags of clothing..mostly his as I had a major cull of my clothes last year. I very much doubt if he'll miss any of it if I'm honest 'cause he's put on a bit of weight and can't fit into a lot of it. I have seriously thinned out our jointly ridiculous collection of winter scarves, gloves hats etc...but with that I've popped them into a couple of bags for life and I'll drop everything off later in the salvation Army clothes bank. This will probably take two trips but it's not far to walk. Got rid of the exercise machine and found another couple of exercise gadgets under the bed which I forgot I I left them in the place in the next street by the church where they have a sort of "good quality free junk exchange". Thinned out the toiletries ...again! and what's more I've hoovered behind things and dusted quite a feeling quite accomplished. I'm sure there's lots more I can do but haven't quite decided whether to call it day for now, especially since I've got all those bags to lug!
My decluttered stuff hasn't yet left my home. Clothes, kitchenware, books, cds and dvds.
I bought some new clothes, so a further cull is required.
I also need to do shoes...

The red letter day will be when these things leave my four walls!

My biggest satisfaction is my bathroom, which was already in great shape is now even better.
managed to reorganise kitchen a bit, sort out the cupboard under the sink, got rid of a few bits and bobs and to be fair the flat isn't looking too bad now. Kitchen cupboard doors need a good wipe..they're high gloss so always a bit of a mission and kitchen window needs cleaning but I'm done for today. Oh can see to those later or tomorrow!
May I ask all those who have contributed to this thread how you differentiate between clutter & objects that make your house a home? The only things I've ever collected have been books & even though I have pictures, cushions & objects that need dusting they are there to look attractive & they don't overwhelm us. My mum used to quote William Morris - "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful" & I've obviously followed her. Having said all of that we decided last year, big birthdays for both & a big wedding anniversary, that the time had come for a consumables only gift rule & I'm gradually taking less loved items to charity shops.

Wow..only just seen this post sorry..but clutter to me is when you've got too many things...lots of books, cds, dvds look great if you have enough shelf space for them, but when you've got over spill on the floor, piled up on table tops etc...clutter. Useful things like too many pots and pans, kitchen gadgets etc drawers and cupboards are full so they're all over the work surfaces, too many clothes, shoes bags etc for the space you have to keep them tidy..and most of all, all those miscellaneous little bits n' bobs that don't really have a proper place!
Since lockdown I’ve cleared out all my cupboards, drawers and wardrobes. Most things got bagged up for the charity that I support and thankfully they collected it a month ago. I can’t stand clutter so was glad to see it go off in their van. I don’t even store stuff on the top of the cupboards in the kitchen. The rest of the stuff I cleared out went to the tip.

When I moved here the previous people said that the loft was empty, but it wasn’t, so I got it cleared out prior to having extra insulation laid down. That was in 2010 and I haven’t opened the hatch door since, so I know it’s totally empty barring the insulation and probably some spiders (which can stay up there.)
Wow..only just seen this post sorry..but clutter to me is when you've got too many things...lots of books, cds, dvds look great if you have enough shelf space for them, but when you've got over spill on the floor, piled up on table tops etc...clutter. Useful things like too many pots and pans, kitchen gadgets etc drawers and cupboards are full so they're all over the work surfaces, too many clothes, shoes bags etc for the space you have to keep them tidy..and most of all, all those miscellaneous little bits n' bobs that don't really have a proper place!
Thank you merry, I obviously don't have clutter. Our home is a 1930s semi & even though we've extended the kitchen we've kept the pantry & it was an area that could easily become a dumping ground; I saw a fabulous one on 'Escape to the Country' & wanted ours to look similar. Unfortunately, we're bodgers, not DIY savvy, so I advertised the job & the three who showed initial interest faded away. We bit the bullet, emptied & cleaned it, did the prep work & today it's finally finished. Not quite worthy of Pinterest but at least I don't mind the door being open!

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