Debbie's Table Top Sale.


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This hate campaign against Debbie Flint makes me sick. How can you say a what a person is like unless you know her? I am not a fan of social media it causes more trouble than it's worth and why people feel the need to tell all on these sites is beyond me. This is the only Forum I have ever been a member of and enjoy the banter but not this constant referral to Debbi Flint. I am not a fan of any of the presenters in particular to me they are the same as the lady who serves me in my local shop, just sales people.

It's not a hate campaign. Does she hard sell? Yes. Does she self promote? Yes. Did she swindle a charity? Yes. So in the same breath I can say over sensitive people who take things too personal on behalf of presenters makes me sick, but I won't as everyone is entitled to their opinion. Oh by the way, does the lady who serves you in your local shop demand you buy two of everything and buy it now!? Does she exclude you from the shop because you said the bread was too dear or you didn't like the range of crisps she stocked? Did she run a raffle taking people's money then win it for her friend? No? Then she's not like the lady in your local shop who serves you then really.
I don`t watch DF, there`s something about her sales techniques, self promotion and personality I really dislike so I simply turn off. I`ve no idea how many FB groups she fronts, quite a few by all accounts and I have never applied to join any of them nor have I ever read her blog but I think she and her followers are actually a sad sign of the times.
Living their lives through the internet, calling mere names on a FB group their friends, swallowing the written word as a manual on how to live their lives, adoring a woman they`ve never met, materialistic and always spending/buying/wanting, telling the World and its wife their every move and often their most private thoughts and feelings, trying to recreate a perfect Stepford wife online environment without a negative word to be seen, massaging an already grossly inflated ego and judging who is or who isn`t suitable to join them.
It doesn`t infuriate me, it saddens me that adult men and women want to be a part of that and to me it seems DF is the most lacking of all because she actually seems to need it and not just want it. Maybe her life is lonely, maybe her job is her everything, maybe money is her God, maybe she craves power of some kind, maybe her flesh and blood friends are few and far between, maybe she feels she has to offer something to get them or keep them, maybe people in reality simply dislike her so she surrounds herself with virtual friends, maybe she loves herself so much that she feels she wants everybody to love her too and cannot stand rejection, maybe, maybe, maybe, who really knows ?
I don`t buy into any of it, my life isn`t lacking enough to want to hero worship a sales woman or to follow her every move, read her every word etc and I`m certainly not materialistic enough not enamoured enough with Q to want to spend, spend, spend and be always craving the next pot of face cream, vacuum cleaner or handbag. The TV is loaded with fly on the wall programmes following Z listers lives and now it seems the internet is doing it too.
It's not a hate campaign. Does she hard sell? Yes. Does she self promote? Yes. Did she swindle a charity? Yes. So in the same breath I can say over sensitive people who take things too personal on behalf of presenters makes me sick, but I won't as everyone is entitled to their opinion. Oh by the way, does the lady who serves you in your local shop demand you buy two of everything and buy it now!? Does she exclude you from the shop because you said the bread was too dear or you didn't like the range of crisps she stocked? Did she run a raffle taking people's money then win it for her friend? No? Then she's not like the lady in your local shop who serves you then really.

... and I could draw attention to that passive / aggressive snipe but I won't because we're all entitled to a view.... Oh wait - that's only if we agree with you isn't it?
The only one of the QVC presenters that I really can't stand is CR, so I never watch him. The others I watch until they do something to annoy me... I watch AY until she starts using celeb names to sell a product, I am not the least bit interested in any of their private lives, so as soon as I hear I am moving house/writing a book/getting married/ going on holiday/using the twatter machine/ what they have and haven't bought... I use the off you can see I watch very little QVC
Just to clarify I don't know Debbie or any other Q presenters, nor do I contact them online or even read their posts. I don't know anyone who does. I just don't know Debbie enough to hate her, that's what I was trying to say. Second-guessing my reasons for not slagging her off is also judgmental. I don't know anyone on here and you don't know me. I wouldn't presume to psycho analyse people's background reasons for "hating" her.

"I can say over sensitive people who take things too personal on behalf of presenters makes me sick, but I won't as everyone is entitled to their opinion." But you just did.
... and I could draw attention to that passive / aggressive snipe but I won't because we're all entitled to a view.... Oh wait - that's only if we agree with you isn't it?

Fairly new to this Forum but have been astounded by the negative comments towards some presenters!! I have a few that I just switch off and find them hard to watch but certainly would not make my comments so distasteful and degrading! Yes, everyone is entitled to an opinion - nothing wrong with some light fun or the odd sarcastic joke towards the presenters!! After all, they are only human too and REMEMBER it is just a JOB their doing!!

Had to get that off my chest :mysmilie_486:
I can tell by reading the posts on here wether I would get on with them in real life,so you don't have to know people.
I agree that it is just a job they're doing and that is fair enough. It's just that all the self promotion really gets on my nerves. I watch to see new things and if I like them to buy them. I am not watching to hear about presenters achievements or to witness an ego fest, as is the case with some of them. If someone is wonderful it will be evident to people, they don't need to keep reinforcing it themselves. I watch QVC to buy things so the item being sold is my focus not the presenter.
lol I can just imagine walking into Debenhams, Boots or JL and as you`re trying on the dresses, sampling the perfumes or browsing the TV`s, the sales woman begins telling you about her local weight watchers group and how she`s lost 2 stones and asking if you want to join the group and then advising you what you should eat and what exercise you should do or she`s telling you to look her up on facebook and send her a friend request or would you like to read a book she`s written and then leave a review or she`s having a garage sale because she`s moving house and flogging off her unwanted stuff so why don`t you go along etc etc etc.
You`d look at her as if she was nuts, possibly get a tad irritated because all you want to do is see if the dress suits you, that the perfume smells nice or the TV fits into your lounge and here`s some nut job annoying you and you don`t even know her and don`t want to know her but whether you like it or not she`s determined to carry on. Most people would either exit the store pretty damned quick or complain to a Manager or tell the woman to go take a hike and leave you alone !
I agree with many of the comments and observations on the thread but nevertheless I like watching Debbie. Mainly out of curious fascination of her performance on camera and off (as far as she makes public). She appears to me as a "ballsy" woman which I admire. There's a certain amount of "shock" value eg the hard sell and her clothes !
It's not a hate campaign. Does she hard sell? Yes. Does she self promote? Yes. Did she swindle a charity? Yes. So in the same breath I can say over sensitive people who take things too personal on behalf of presenters makes me sick, but I won't as everyone is entitled to their opinion. Oh by the way, does the lady who serves you in your local shop demand you buy two of everything and buy it now!? Does she exclude you from the shop because you said the bread was too dear or you didn't like the range of crisps she stocked? Did she run a raffle taking people's money then win it for her friend? No? Then she's not like the lady in your local shop who serves you then really.
Oh dear you are really bitter about this whole subject. I didn't know anyone had been excluded from buying at QVC for criticising their prices or not liking their products. Tut tut making assumptions about people's actions is not my thing if someone commits an illegal act then they should be dealt with but that is not for me to comment on as I don't know the facts etc.
Oh dear you are really bitter about this whole subject. I didn't know anyone had been excluded from buying at QVC for criticising their prices or not liking their products. Tut tut making assumptions about people's actions is not my thing if someone commits an illegal act then they should be dealt with but that is not for me to comment on as I don't know the facts etc.

I meant she blocks people from her Facebook groups, she claims they're affiliated with QVC. Tut Tut? Stop being so patronising and grow up, they're observations not bitterness.
... and I could draw attention to that passive / aggressive snipe but I won't because we're all entitled to a view.... Oh wait - that's only if we agree with you isn't it?

Oh here we go, I don't give a care in the world if anyone agrees with me or not, you've got that one massively wrong. Draw attention to whatever you want, honestly I really don't care, go for it.
Fair point! Only a few presenters self promote - many of them don't!! I think it's the Facebook mentions that are more annoying, I counted that said word being mentioned at least 10+times in a show, too much and it's actually the same names I hear over + over again. Makes me laugh really :mysmilie_8:
I agree with many of the comments and observations on the thread but nevertheless I like watching Debbie. Mainly out of curious fascination of her performance on camera and off (as far as she makes public). She appears to me as a "ballsy" woman which I admire. There's a certain amount of "shock" value eg the hard sell and her clothes !

I guess one person's ballsy woman is another person's cocky cow.
It wouldnt do for us all to like the same people would it. :sun:
shopperholic, I think after watching the news reports a few days ago, we all need to be very careful before we give any credence to the so-called reviews (five star and otherwise) which are posted on company websites. Personally, I have always been extremely suspicious of these (and no doubt others on here have, also), and after reading and hearing about the things companies have been getting up to, it basically said what we have all thought. I was highly suspicious before, but now no longer trust reviews at all. It was only a matter of time before it all came out, and we were certainly right to have doubts that what you see presents a true and accurate picture. No companies were named (yet), but I guess that's only a matter of time (there must be some frantic ladder-pulling-up going on in many organisations who have been 'creative' with the truth!).

You're spot on, she must be intelligent. I don't think I could con people into buying a diet book on how to lose weight when I clearly haven't, and give it five stars to boot! Yeah, she sure is. She will always reply, she needs people to think they're her friend, if she doesn't she won't look popular, or have a fan base to sell her slutty "novels" and diet books to, basically they fatten her retirement fund. I admire your loyalty, but remember DF is not your real friend, she's your virtual one, but like you say, we all like different things. I will never like anyone that cons a charity but hey, that's just my morals.
I guess one person's ballsy woman is another person's cocky cow.
It wouldnt do for us all to like the same people would it. :sun:


I don't get the gut reaction from Debbie that she elicits from others, but does that make me a sensitive sap who thinks she's my secret friend?

ou = ɹǝʍsuɐ
I'm sick of people who look at you with amazement when you say you are not on Twithead or Faceache. I agree with shopperholic, I pick up a phone, e-mail, write a note or talk face-to-face - and that's fine by me, I don't feel a burning need to tell the world I had cornflakes for breakfast.....not do I give a &&&& what anyone else had for breakfast, either.

What amuses me is that people post their life on social media, and then whinge and whine when 'nasty people' make silly or abusive comments. I am not for one moment defending those who have no social life, nor any working brain cells, and leave these horrible and disgusting messages but come on, you are effectively inviting every idiot with an axe to grind/no brain to make comments, so don't act shocked when they do just that!

Quite right too! I loathe facebook and have refused all invitations to friend people and set up a page. I understand it is a necessary evil for people who run businesses these days, but instinctively I felt repelled by the concept, and have not seen anything to make me feel I'm missing out, or would find it beneficial.
I'm sick of people who look at you with amazement when you say you are not on Twithead or Faceache. I agree with shopperholic, I pick up a phone, e-mail, write a note or talk face-to-face - and that's fine by me, I don't feel a burning need to tell the world I had cornflakes for breakfast.....not do I give a &&&& what anyone else had for breakfast, either.

What amuses me is that people post their life on social media, and then whinge and whine when 'nasty people' make silly or abusive comments. I am not for one moment defending those who have no social life, nor any working brain cells, and leave these horrible and disgusting messages but come on, you are effectively inviting every idiot with an axe to grind/no brain to make comments, so don't act shocked when they do just that!

Well said History :clapping:
Ive made no bones about the fact I can't stand the woman. You can tell with DF it's a case of me, myself and I. She thinks she has the right to use people (fans) and airtime for her own personal gain, including charity events. Why not promote good causes on air instead of the church of Debbie Flint if she has free airtime allocated to her? she must do because the bosses don't seem to give a toss. I don't mean to offend her fans, but to me she comes across as very selfish, arrogant and rude, nope, can't stand her.

Don't mind her prefer her to Jill Franks anyday.

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