Debbie Flint's presenting style


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Jun 24, 2008
I was looking forward to the Gatineau showing this evening but I've had to switch over because of Debbie Flint.

Her patronising, slow way of speaking was getting on my nerves. She speaks like she's talking to a class full of 5 year olds, emphasising words etc!

Just why?!
Don’t forget that breathy, fake excitement were she sings the sentence rather than speaks it. She is annoying personified, her aggressiveness makes Chloe Everton seem calm and serene.
Don’t forget that breathy, fake excitement were she sings the sentence rather than speaks it. She is annoying personified, her aggressiveness makes Chloe Everton seem calm and serene.

That's it shopperholic, you've hit the nail on the head! The way she talks is breathy & sing-songy sometimes, very condescending.
That's it shopperholic, you've hit the nail on the head! The way she talks is breathy & sing-songy sometimes, very condescending.

She’d do anything for a sale, even knock on your door and drag you down the cash point, that’s how hard sell she is. I bet half of Britain have got a bottle of champagne in the fridge ready to crack open the day she says the words “please” or “thank you” on air the rude little woman.
Debbie Flint aka Flinty, the market trader, Where's Wally, Les Dawson & an over-upholstered sofa is fake & overbearing. I too detest her breathy voice, patronising manner & annoying laugh. I saw part of the pre-launch for the denim jacket last week & she was exceptionally rude to Carla. Bumptious in the extreme.
She’d do anything for a sale, even knock on your door and drag you down the cash point, that’s how hard sell she is. I bet half of Britain have got a bottle of champagne in the fridge ready to crack open the day she says the words “please” or “thank you” on air the rude little woman.

Knock on the door? Don't you mean send the boys round? I can imagine Ray Winston playing her in a film.
Knock on the door? Don't you mean send the boys round? I can imagine Ray Winston playing her in a film.

This has absolutely floored me! It seemed so random but it’s SO believable!

The voice she employs that is being described above, I call it her incredulous voice. It sort of says, “Can you belieeeeve this?” It’s so OTT. “Looook, you’re getting aaaalll this for just threeee pounds moooore”! Oh sod off and pretend to tell some poor, gullible fool at your “Retreat” how to write a book ... as if you have any ****** idea yourself, you cheap smut merchant.

(I’ve been trying so hard not to bitch about presenters lately too!)
Knock on the door? Don't you mean send the boys round? I can imagine Ray Winston playing her in a film.

Yes, what was I ever thinking that DF had the manners to knock. :mysmilie_19:

This has absolutely floored me! It seemed so random but it’s SO believable!

The voice she employs that is being described above, I call it her incredulous voice. It sort of says, “Can you belieeeeve this?” It’s so OTT. “Looook, you’re getting aaaalll this for just threeee pounds moooore”! Oh sod off and pretend to tell some poor, gullible fool at your “Retreat” how to write a book ... as if you have any ****** idea yourself, you cheap smut merchant.

(I’ve been trying so hard not to bitch about presenters lately too!)

It’s only bitchy Andi if it’s not true. :mysmilie_3:


This order is reinforced by pointy finger -one of these days that finger will burst through my tv screen.

Yes this is a tactic the daft so and uses to convince you that you’ve already got one, it’s only “yours” when you’ve paid though.

I hate the face she pulls when it’s “too good to be true” when the mouth opens, she looks at the camera surprised and goes “uh?!”
I noticed when she was on with June from Frank Usher, she tried to lengthen the conversation when June mentioned doing Zumba, but June wasn't having any of it and carried on describing the items she was guesting on.

Oh I do wish that Loen Love - ex presenter on IW would come to QVC, she certainly would give Flinty a run for her money, AND she's much funnier too.
Off she went to start her 'own' shopping channel which would be 'so much better than Q' well we all know how that turned out.

Why they allowed her back is beyond belief. It's like leaving your job and saying "up yours" to your bosses, only to come crawling back a few years later, can you imagine it.

Arrogance personified.
Ha ha ha ha can you JUST imagine Loen Love going head to head with Debbie Flint (and what about Ellis???). I remember Flinty swanning off years ago, going to be a superstar, going to be everything then bingo, pops back up having done none of that. Who re-employed her? She's a female Rob Locke IMO.

It’s only bitchy Andi if it’s not true. :mysmilie_3:

Yes,I'll console myself with that thought (it's only Flinty though, so I wasn't too upset with myself.


I hate the face she pulls when it’s “too good to be true” when the mouth opens, she looks at the camera surprised and goes “uh?!”

She'll be opening a drama school at the Retweet next.
When I first started watching in 2009 DF was one of my favourites. Yes, she was all about the sell, but she used to ask good customer-relevant questions, and kept shows on track. Between her and Julia, I found them knowledgeable and professional. Then DF plunged down the self-promotion trail with a vengeance. I link the turning up of the dial on the hard sell with the relentless talk about her side hustle as a "writer". Perhaps it was a devil's deal to keep onside with the bosses? Subsequently JR went down the same route.

Neither are alone in having become undesirable tv viewing, sadly.
Ha ha ha ha can you JUST imagine Loen Love going head to head with Debbie Flint (and what about Ellis???). I remember Flinty swanning off years ago, going to be a superstar, going to be everything then bingo, pops back up having done none of that. Who re-employed her? She's a female Rob Locke IMO.


Was Rob Locke rather oily but considered himself to be wonderful?
When I first started watching in 2009 DF was one of my favourites. Yes, she was all about the sell, but she used to ask good customer-relevant questions, and kept shows on track. Between her and Julia, I found them knowledgeable and professional. Then DF plunged down the self-promotion trail with a vengeance. I link the turning up of the dial on the hard sell with the relentless talk about her side hustle as a "writer". Perhaps it was a devil's deal to keep onside with the bosses? Subsequently JR went down the same route.

Neither are alone in having become undesirable tv viewing, sadly.

I’m so glad you made that comment I even though watching Q for a long time don’t recall the original Debbie
I remember her coming back and the short flared skirts she always wore and her saying that was the type of fashion that suited her. I do recall saying at some point to my hubby that she seemed to stop the guest and ask the type of questions a buyer would want to know. But then today was thinking to myself just when did all that stop?
Off she went to start her 'own' shopping channel which would be 'so much better than Q' well we all know how that turned out.

Why they allowed her back is beyond belief. It's like leaving your job and saying "up yours" to your bosses, only to come crawling back a few years later, can you imagine it.

Arrogance personified.

Maybe they headhunted her :cheeky::mysmilie_476::mysmilie_505:
Was Rob Locke rather oily but considered himself to be wonderful?

Oh God, yes. We suffered all the nonsense about how hard he was trying to get a girlfriend, then he got one and he was too full on and she fled (sensible). Then I think he married someone - might have been an American lady, he had a son and expected his wife to support the family while he was fannying around trying to get work as an "actor". Freeloader Rob, sorry but that's what you were and still probably are and as for that Crowdfunding **** asking people to pay for your life!!!! Words fail me. Really fail me.


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