Debbie Flints hard sell


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There has to be some kind of pressure or targets to meet by the sales staff(presenters). Its the same in retail everywhere today. The boss surely cant just say "never mind , just try to sell it and if you only shift a couple of hundred it doesnt matter."
I was glad to see Debbie back, but she is like another person......nowadays when I see her on as a presenter of a product, I say to myself "oh, no, not her! " I do not like her method of sale talk, it is like pressurising one, rather than encouraging the viewers by describing the items well.
I do not like her exclaiming " oh my God, look at the price, it is excellent value, be quick and get your order in before it sells out" When she says "look at the price" I do, and I add the postage on top and it has the opposite effect on me than the one she wants :giggle:
Her style of presentation is badgering. I switch her off.

Me too, she gets right on my whatsits but she has a use in that she at least shows QVC for what it really is....a hard sell, badgering buyers into spur of the moment purchases of overpriced, over-hyped cr*p they actually don't need to make their lives complete, shopping channel.....go Debs, you've saved me a fortune as just occasionally even I start to slip (very momentarily I hasten to add! lol) into 'QVC is my friend & is doing me a favour showing me all these nice pwetty fings' mode.....! :grin:
Me too, she gets right on my whatsits but she has a use in that she at least shows QVC for what it really is....a hard sell, badgering buyers into spur of the moment purchases of overpriced, over-hyped cr*p they actually don't need to make their lives complete, shopping channel.....go Debs, you've saved me a fortune as just occasionally even I start to slip (very momentarily I hasten to add! lol) into 'QVC is my friend & is doing me a favour showing me all these nice pwetty fings' mode.....! :grin:

I read an Alison Keenan interview once (yes, I am about to criticise the untouchable Ali Keenan so hold onto your hair-do's girls) when she was asked how she felt about persuading people to buy stuff they probably didnt need and possibly couldn't afford.
"I don't see it like that..." chirped Alison "I'm just showing people lovely things".

Oh really. Hmmm. Right.
I used to think Debbie was great. She was so much fun to watch. I thought it would take her a while to settle back into Q and I sat back and waited for the fun to begin....and waited..... and waited...... Still waiting. She's like a completely different person. Totally focused on getting that sale to the detriment of all else. I know that's the whole point, but to keep the viewer interested there's got to be some warmth and humour injected in somewhere along the line and I'm afraid for me, Debbie has lost her shine.
May be she is on probation and they keep extending it to keep her on her toes?
I heard her on the Yankee show, asking about shelf life!!!!!!! Swear never in my life have I thought about the shelf life of a candle. So then she went on about stocking piling and buying more of collection kit as you get half postage and can store for 2 years.
I read an Alison Keenan interview once (yes, I am about to criticise the untouchable Ali Keenan so hold onto your hair-do's girls) when she was asked how she felt about persuading people to buy stuff they probably didnt need and possibly couldn't afford.
"I don't see it like that..." chirped Alison "I'm just showing people lovely things".

Oh really. Hmmm. Right.

I find it incredibly hard to watch Ali K without laughing as whenever she appears I instantly think of your 'At home with the.....' piece; all your literary scribblings are hugely entertaining but for some reason, that is the one that has really stuck & Ali K has remained fixed like that in my mind ever since.....! :grin:
I switch Debbie Flint off unless I feel like having a laugh at her transparent sales hype, if I am in the mood to be amused I'll watch her, if I have had a hard day at work and she is barking and pointing then it's the mute or the off button. Maybe they should be made to wear those star type badges like they so in MacDonalds then we would all know how well management thought they were performing. I am sure Simon Wilson could design something suitably tacky.....
I find it incredibly hard to watch Ali K without laughing as whenever she appears I instantly think of your 'At home with the.....' piece; all your literary scribblings are hugely entertaining but for some reason, that is the one that has really stuck & Ali K has remained fixed like that in my mind ever since.....! :grin:

How "abbly fublus" of you to remember that, its years ago now. I don't think I'd get away with it today!
I watch less and less these days. Thought I'd settle down with a brew and watch some the other day. Lasted all of five minutes as it was DF and her hard sell.
I used to love watching DF but have found her so hard sell lately that I switch her off, she talks about buying a computer like it's a loaf of bread, personally I think she needs a big reality check and the sooner the better.
I switch Debbie Flint off
I think most people do and she knows it or her sale figures are down and I'm glad we can vote with our remote control buttons. Yesterday on Yankee Candles in the very beginning of the hour she PLEEDED/BEGGED not to switch the channel over but in a patronising manner. It was embarrassing.

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I find it incredibly hard to watch Ali K without laughing as whenever she appears I instantly think of your 'At home with the.....' piece; all your literary scribblings are hugely entertaining but for some reason, that is the one that has really stuck & Ali K has remained fixed like that in my mind ever since.....! :grin:

What does this refer to kwc? I must have missed it ! Ta.
What does this refer to kwc? I must have missed it ! Ta.

A piece written by Burlz yonks ago - in case he tells me off for putting up a link to it, if you type abbly fublus into the search box, it'll come up as the last thread, very funny reading! :grin:
The thing is I really like Debbie, as a person, not as a pushy saleswoman. She is a beautiful lady and she has aged really well. She has lots of personality, if only she would cease with the finger wagging and very high pressured sales techniques, I might buy from her shows. The sales pitch she uses puts me off buying!

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