Debbie Flint annoying again!!!


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Registered Shopper
Oct 20, 2009
Umbria, Italy
The other day I saw a presentation of the juicer and Debbie Flint really irritated me. Every time the lady gave her a sample drink she went cross eyed as she was drinking it and then bent her knees as if she was about to faint with pleasure. What made it worse was that she checked out the monitor before doing this in order to make sure that she was on comera. Just like Julie Walters used to do when playing Mrs Overall in Acorn Antiques. DF doesn't always irritate me but on this particular occasion she did. She never lets you forget that she is there to sell does she? The other presenters sort of lull you into thinking that they are just talking about the products but not her. Not sure which is worse really, the only good thing is that DF does not encouarge me to buy.
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They should send her packing - IMHO.
She is an awlful salesperson and belongs in a local market stall, not a premier shopping channel.
she needs to adjust the volume and tone of her voice, whe needs to adjust to speaking to adults and realise we're not children and she needs to adjust her sales technique.
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I don't think she's very good at all and she sounds really insincere. Don't know why QVC brought her back!
Like I said before, she'd be better suited to a fairground! "Roll up roll up, get yer TSV now, hurray up missis, I've only got a few left in the back of me van" Sorry to be horrible, but I had not encountered DF until her return and was prepared to just see what she was like, hoping she was going to be a breath of fresh air, turns out she's an ear stinging east wind. I don't like the steely glint in her eye, I know the whole purpose is to flog stuff but I just turn off when she's presenting so it's counterproductive to be so hard sell
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As i've stated previously on other threads, i'd far sooner watch DF than a number of other presenters. Each to their own i guess, but i think she's very down to earth and presents items well.
I like her too Tabs. She's not as funfilled as she used to be, but that's probably because she's still on her best behaviour. I really hope that once she finds her niche and feels settled she'll let herself go a a bit. I would still far rather watch her than a lot of the other presenters.
I liked her to begin with, but now she really irritates me. She sounds desperate when she is selling-like a very poor second hand car salesman! And no offence to any decent car salespeople-times are hard for you, so I genuinely sympathise. Debbie, however, has a captive audience, yet somehow manages to make it all sound a bit tacky-I think she may be better suited to the bidding channels, where her desperation might work better.
I saw her doing the Juicing demo the other day, at one point she necked a whole glass 'for the camera' in about 10 seconds, I turned the sound down just in case it made a re-appearance in the coming minutes...thankfully it didn't.

I actually don't mind her at all, but it's obvious that she's been on the auction channels and IW, as she's def got more of the 'hard sell' about her. But there is something of the market stall of her - she really only needs the fingerless gloves, milky tea and a bacon barm on set to complete the look...:D
Maybe with her particular presenting style, QVC reckons she's filling a niche and think they're covering all the bases re different types of viewers/buyers.
Its strange isnt it how different presenters strike us . I recognize all the negative traits posters are describing about Debbie but they just dont bother me . Infact i play a sort of Debbie Bingo re expressions and comments , I find it quite entertaining , I have a soft spot for her
Debbie must stay, she is a great presenter, far better than most of the others. At least she has some life about her, and does not take things too seriously, unlike some other presenters.

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