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Jun 3, 2011
Meg writes

The Old Dear woke me with a request this morning
It seems that kitten_with_claws had trouble with the new website (thread:Todays items?) and asked if I, Meg, could double-check the Old Dear's findings!
Well, I confess, at the time I really couldn't be bothered (cat's peroggative you Know), but later I took pity on you poor humans & dispatched my man to consult the the one responsible
Look what he found - the lad in charge. I wouldn't get too hopeful if I were you lot.

I must say, I adore QVC. It's my favourite channel, though I don't get to watch it as much these days. The Old Dear is rather fed up of it.

Fascinating to study you humans. You are so funny. You really have no idea though do you.
I mean, take for example the models.
No need to gurn like Beth, or flounce & fling your arms around, trip & stumble like some of the others. Look at how the experts do it
An expert indeed.
In fact, I think my breed should take over. We are so versatile, so natural.

Beauty & Bath
What a stink you all seem to like. Frangipani, verbenna, floral..... All gloop and chemicals. A spit & a wipe is all you need. Dunking should only be considered in dire circumstances. As for fragrance - catnip, though I'm rather partial to bleach in the loo myself.

All you need is a nice flea collar, like this one. Now, isn't that nice!
Could you see Dale selling this? No chance.

Move over Joan Rivers! Worn with panache - not embarrassment .... Yes, you Julia!

None of that strange stroking - straight to it! Nice bed, sheets, pillows and sleeps.

Refined dining. No slurping, oohing & ahhhing.

Just a natural. Note: no high heels like Carmel sported in the Pilates hour last week!

Style baby, it's all about style.

You humans have a lot to learn.
Anyway, I'll leave you to it. I've got more pressing things to do.​
love it min - and meg! lol

and i still lol every single time i see mr fish ;)
I agree with Janie - Meg and her friend in the hat are adorable.

Does anyone else adopt the sinister James Bond baddie voice when reading the legend "We meet again, Mr Fish!"
Meg, you and all your friends are very talented, and lucky to have the 'old dear' to look after you.
Brought a laugh to loads of people on this cold and wet day. Thank you . Applause please for
Meg , friends and best of all Minim xxx
Ooh Meggles, I love your Style!

Always knew you were TheBrains of the family. Am off to the dentist and a root canal. Glad I read this post now and not later in the WaitingRoom, where snorting is frowned upon! I treasure the PilatesPuss showing Margarine how it should be done and will think of MissPuss when I am in the chair! Cheered me up. Thanks for your purrfect insight! =^.^= x Snarly, 'spit&wipe' is what I'll be doing later
Ta Meg, I suspected as much re. the new website - I shall simply adopt a cat's 'que sera, sera' attitude to such things until they have ironed out all the glitches on the new site & stop stressing/getting annoyed about functions working one minute & back to not the next! Let's face it, nobody in the history of the world to date has actually died from the effects of glitches & beta testing, have they.....?

p.s. Love the general 'life philosophy' tips, I will endeavour to follow them more closely in future, my blood pressure would certainly appreciate the 'chill, baby' approach to life for a start! xx
Absolutely fabulous! Great to see other cats on here, think I may ambush my mum's account so I can post more,
Love from Pippi the Maine Coon xxxx
Hmm mine seem very capable of teaching me how to sleep my head off all day. And in the case of him in the avatar he could teach anyone how to pose, play cute, eat for England and wrap me around his furry little toe. He has a much more camera shy and sweet natured brother.
Megster, the ladies in my local chemist loved PilatesPuss, as my mobile was handed 'round. After my Spit&Wipe with the dentist I came back to CaroleHochman pj's on my doorstep. Donned a magenta ditsy outfit and had a PityParty for an hour. Snarls is all better now thanks to TheMegster and the poster about the pj's - many thanks. I love cats but the mention of a MaineCoon tickles my heart. Pippi, my Sniffer was a 16-pounder with a plume of a tail. (((hugs))) to all your puddytats from DaSnarly
glad you're feeling better snarly. louis sends purrrrrrrrrs and head butts :happy:
Here's a rare picture of my other boy for Snarls. He's not a Maine Coon, but he's "next door". He's a NFC with a plume of a tail. Beautiful sweet natured creature who hates the nasty clicking camera thing.

my other boy.JPG
cried with laughter at those adorable and hilarious cats.

My sister's second cat has been missing for over a week now, we are very upset as you can guess, she is a real home body and not the brightest and we are hoping against hope that she makes her way home
furry hearts rule!

Thanks Janie and Louis and Tinkerbelle and Alfie's* reclusive brother, NoName. *It is Alfie, isn't it? I usually 'member critters' names, not their owners, though! =^.^=

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