Cynical ?


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Apr 27, 2009
Just watched Sara G on Lola Rose refer to her tablet, and said "someone has just asked about the scarf that Kathy is wearing".... and then gave us the usual sales spiel.

Do these little asides really happen? I tend to doubt it. It used to be a 'phone caller' that requested this that or the other, but nowadays its all the pad or tablet with 'people' supposedly asking, in my opinion, the most inane questions, concluding its the thickest viewers in the land watching QVC. I suspect its more than likely another flogging technique to look at the tablet and make up something to the camera.

Or am I just too cynical ?
I totally agree - it happens too often than some mysterious viewer suddenly decides they have to know what said random item is, and, surprise surprise, it's always something QVC sell.
I am watching Lola Rose hour (watching QVC for the first time in about 5 days) and Sara has spent the hour tapping away on her pad, saying the occasional "wow" "thats wonderful" "I love that" without even lifting her eyes off the pad:mysmilie_17: She has to scratch her hair a couple of times.
Oh then she has to stop to announce Alison showing products from her hour.
Now she is asking Nikki questions and then is reading "questions" from tweets.

I think it is time she left QVC, she is so false and not an asset to the Q.
My mind boggled when I saw a limited range of posts on FB - the stupidly of some people (c an they not read the TV guide) and the sycophants posts showing them unwrapping their parcel of xyz beauty brand, their dog/child wearing a Kipling monkey somewhere "quirky" (no it's not) and on and on. So I do think that the questions are genuine - it's just a lot of very very stupid people watch Q and twat.
I totally agree - it happens too often than some mysterious viewer suddenly decides they have to know what said random item is, and, surprise surprise, it's always something QVC sell.

She was allegedly trying to order sketchers while presenting yesterday and low and behold her size was out of stock. She then spent most of the rest of the hour wittering on about how she'd missed out and asked if people could release her choice from their basket to allow her to buy them. She is working for goodness sake so she shouldn't be buying at the same time....if indeed she was, since many here think it's a ploy to make us 'rush to the phones or iPad' to buy. Sooooo unprofessional....
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Just watched Sara G on Lola Rose refer to her tablet, and said "someone has just asked about the scarf that Kathy is wearing".... and then gave us the usual sales spiel.

Do these little asides really happen? I tend to doubt it. It used to be a 'phone caller' that requested this that or the other, but nowadays its all the pad or tablet with 'people' supposedly asking, in my opinion, the most inane questions, concluding its the thickest viewers in the land watching QVC. I suspect its more than likely another flogging technique to look at the tablet and make up something to the camera.

Or am I just too cynical ?

In this instance someone did ask.....It is on Twitter for all to see!
I agree with so many of you with regard to the tag 'cynical' I'm afraid I'm one of those cynics, have been for a very long time. I have been upstairs in my bedroom moving and sorting things as i sometimes do, have had the TV on in the background switching occasionally over to Q and I'm sitting here smirking as I type because I just don't believe half of what I see or hear from these presenters, and sometimes their guests. Do these models who are having facials and make up applied actually look like this (I never do and I take good care of my skin) or are they made up before each show hmm I think the latter.

Q and its presenters I'm afraid for me tend to condescend and patronize, I often feel insulted.
In this instance someone did ask.....It is on Twitter for all to see!

Thanks ! I'm not a Twatter subscriber, so my cynicism goes into overdrive; but proves my point that the dumbest seem to want to have their name read out on the tele.
It's like when the jewellery channels say "so-and-so has just rung to say she's got one of these, and it's just beautiful - she wears hers all the time". My immediate reaction is to think "oh yeah?"

Just watched Sara G on Lola Rose refer to her tablet, and said "someone has just asked about the scarf that Kathy is wearing".... and then gave us the usual sales spiel.

Do these little asides really happen? I tend to doubt it. It used to be a 'phone caller' that requested this that or the other, but nowadays its all the pad or tablet with 'people' supposedly asking, in my opinion, the most inane questions, concluding its the thickest viewers in the land watching QVC. I suspect its more than likely another flogging technique to look at the tablet and make up something to the camera.

Or am I just too cynical ?
I had to turn Sara G off, her constant typing on her iPad and ignoring of poor nicki was so cringey to watch. She was literally just saying yeah without knowing what she was saying yeah too... So not only unprofessional but also majorly rude!
She - Sarah Griffiths - did this yesterday on the Skechers show - tap tapping away - interspersing a yeah, yeah now and then - not listening at all to the guest. Then at the end of the allotted time for the item, she would just say 'brilliant' and read out the item number again. She would be an ex member of staff if she worked for me. She is so rude and unprofessional.
And yet it goes on and rather than Q addressing the issue they pull the posts of complaint.

Maybe she has "friends" in high places. I do remember years ago she was lamenting the fact she didn't have a man and then within a few months she was 6 months pregnant.
And yet it goes on and rather than Q addressing the issue they pull the posts of complaint.

Maybe she has "friends" in high places. I do remember years ago she was lamenting the fact she didn't have a man and then within a few months she was 6 months pregnant.

I was thinking about that earlier... I couldn't remember the whole surroundings but I do remember thinking it was odd... Maybe she decided to go for it alone, she clearly isn't short of a few pound (not that matters anyway) but I remember recently watching butler and Wilson and Simon saying Sara lives just around the corner from him... We have seen his house, that's no two up two down, and it's in Chelsea. I don't like her very much but good on her if she decided she was tired of waiting and just went to get pregnant, although at the time she was pregnant wasn't there a load of other Q presenters who were also expecting?
I totally agree - it happens too often than some mysterious viewer suddenly decides they have to know what said random item is, and, surprise surprise, it's always something QVC sell.

I don't think a lot of is made up, could be wrong! I have noticed it's the same people who get their names read out a lot of the time! Either they are social media obsessed or it's *friends* - heard them say Facebook friends a lot too! So not real friends then, just FB ones who post constantly! :mysmilie_5:
It appears that the individual presenters have their little band of followers who constantly twat as often the presenter will comment on past twats from that person.

It's often like hearing one side of a whispered conversation.

Is it too much to ask just for size, colour, price, ingredients, fabric?
It appears that the individual presenters have their little band of followers who constantly twat as often the presenter will comment on past twats from that person.

It's often like hearing one side of a whispered conversation.

Is it too much to ask just for size, colour, price, ingredients, fabric?

Don't mind if it's a review or how a product works, this can be useful! Hate all the drivel like * love your dress* or *looking gorgeous tonight* now that is just twaddle! :mysmilie_8:
The 'drivel' could be replied to in private after the show, but no, the egos of the sales assistants is such that they have to feign coyness on air !
The 'drivel' could be replied to in private after the show, but no, the egos of the sales assistants is such that they have to feign coyness on air !

Yes, can come across too fake all that! Not necessary when you're on air selling a product, I think so anyway lololo! :mysmilie_17:

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