Cynical ?


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I can believe that some people text, twitter or comment on FB in a sycophantic way and I suspect many of them are bored, alone, spoilt by partners who are off playing golf, people who are housebound etc (not that everyone in those situTions do this, not that all the twitterers fall into these categories. It takes all sorts.

But what gets me is certain presenters reading so many of them out when they add very little to the selling process. I'd rather listen to a detailed description by the guest with prompts and follow-up questions from the presenter so we get enough info to make an informed choice.
I can believe that some people text, twitter or comment on FB in a sycophantic way and I suspect many of them are bored, alone, spoilt by partners who are off playing golf, people who are housebound etc (not that everyone in those situTions do this, not that all the twitterers fall into these categories. It takes all sorts.

But what gets me is certain presenters reading so many of them out when they add very little to the selling process. I'd rather listen to a detailed description by the guest with prompts and follow-up questions from the presenter so we get enough info to make an informed choice.

Agree, no harm if it's a quick tweet, text to say a 'real customer' likes the product or whatever it is they are selling. Some of the pics they show are cringe worthy. especially these Bears and Kipling Bags come into that category! Don't want to see your 500 Bears hanging from the stairs or 1000 K bags stuffed in your closet, STOP IT Please!!! :mysmilie_15:
Just watched Sara G on Lola Rose refer to her tablet, and said "someone has just asked about the scarf that Kathy is wearing".... and then gave us the usual sales spiel.

Do these little asides really happen? I tend to doubt it. It used to be a 'phone caller' that requested this that or the other, but nowadays its all the pad or tablet with 'people' supposedly asking, in my opinion, the most inane questions, concluding its the thickest viewers in the land watching QVC. I suspect its more than likely another flogging technique to look at the tablet and make up something to the camera.

Or am I just too cynical ?

I think you are perhaps being a 'tad' cynical (no offence), it is just that sometimes there is are 'twit pics' (usually on a Yankee candle or 'gnome show' where viewers send pictures relevant to that show. Also sometimes (certainly in the beauty shows), the questions do seem genuine, as the way there are worded, seems to be 'normal talk' rather than 'sales spiel'. I am not saying that it is true 100% of the time and yes I agree they may sometimes be 'exaggerating' but I do genuinely believe that on occasions it is genuine. Or it could be me being gullible!
I think you are perhaps being a 'tad' cynical (no offence), it is just that sometimes there is are 'twit pics' (usually on a Yankee candle or 'gnome show' where viewers send pictures relevant to that show. Also sometimes (certainly in the beauty shows), the questions do seem genuine, as the way there are worded, seems to be 'normal talk' rather than 'sales spiel'. I am not saying that it is true 100% of the time and yes I agree they may sometimes be 'exaggerating' but I do genuinely believe that on occasions it is genuine. Or it could be me being gullible!

I don't mind if they were such kind of questions and the presenters are helping out , sometimes presenters do read out such queries ( especially with those that says, " you are looking lovely " ) but I don't think Sara was doing "work" as there were no queries about Lola Rose.

It looked more like she was having a private chat with whoever... it had nothing to do with Lola Rose, it was more like she was catching up with her private emails or tweets .

She spends a lot of time tap , tap, taping away, more than anyone else, even more than Debbie.

Anyway, I think presenters should use their tablets less during presentations and concentrate more on the products they are trying to flog.

I find that I don't like or dislike Sara but I have no patience with people who do not put some effort in their jobs and I find that in Sara .

I also find her so false and not interested in her job, and very unprofessional.

She ought to try harder to be a better sales person, because after all that is who she is.
I don't mind if they were such kind of questions and the presenters are helping out , sometimes presenters do read out such queries ( especially with those that says, " you are looking lovely " ) but I don't think Sara was doing "work" as there were no queries about Lola Rose.

It looked more like she was having a private chat with whoever... it had nothing to do with Lola Rose, it was more like she was catching up with her private emails or tweets .

She spends a lot of time tap , tap, taping away, more than anyone else, even more than Debbie.

Anyway, I think presenters should use their tablets less during presentations and concentrate more on the products they are trying to flog.

I find that I don't like or dislike Sara but I have no patience with people who do not put some effort in their jobs and I find that in Sara .

I also find her so false and not interested in her job, and very unprofessional.

She ought to try harder to be a better sales person, because after all that is who she is.

I too got the impression that she was having a private chat on her tablet - she kept looking at the monitor and when she thought it would go off her onto the item, she kept on tapping away - paying no attention at all. I would imagine she is paid quite well - she needs to put the tablet down and do the job for which she is being paid.
It's all about boosting their own ego - makes them feel the adoration of the Q faithful! There's probably a bit of rivalry over who gets the most twits, twatters or twerps, as this equals superiority over those inferior beings who haven't attracted so many. I find their obsession with it annoying, but also rather sad. As you say, it adds little or nothing to the selling process, and while they'll happily stand there dithering over the shade of colour, sizes, lengths and whatnots it's blurdy irritating to find they can spare the time to f$rt about twattering. They should get their priorities right - the first priority is giving the customer correct and detailed information, so that they can make an informed choice - it's not about smirking and boasting over a message received from Sid of Sidmouth (with apologies to anyone named Sid in Sidmouth - just used as an example).

I can believe that some people text, twitter or comment on FB in a sycophantic way and I suspect many of them are bored, alone, spoilt by partners who are off playing golf, people who are housebound etc (not that everyone in those situTions do this, not that all the twitterers fall into these categories. It takes all sorts.

But what gets me is certain presenters reading so many of them out when they add very little to the selling process. I'd rather listen to a detailed description by the guest with prompts and follow-up questions from the presenter so we get enough info to make an informed choice.
Give Jill F her due she rarely uses the iPad and seems to have little interest in twatts.

You are right LATI I have never really thought of that before, Jill F rarely uses an iPad - however, she does make up for this in other annoying ways!

Most probably she does not want to chip her Porchester claw varnish.

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