Cushions on the bed


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Gem Genie

Registered Shopper
Jul 30, 2008
North East Wales
May I ask how many of you bother with all this business of putting cushions etc on the bed? I read something about it on another thread so thought I would ask.

Oh I like my bed as some of you may know and have the luxury duvet and the feather bed etc.

I treated myself to a blue comforter and then thought I would buy some square cushions with rosettes on them and then a bolster cushion. All right for a while but now I can't even be bothered to stand the bed cushions up in the morning, I just throw the duvet over the top like I used to.

Is it something we do if we have a partner I wonder?
I love cushions on my bed and it's something I liked doing when I had a partner but he couldn't be bothered to dress it properly. Now I'm single I can have my cushions and can be bothered to put them on and take them off placing them nicely on my blanket box in the evening. It's been going on for about 1 1/2 years and I have no intention of slinging them into a corner!:up:
nah not for me, I can't be bothered with the one and off bed routine, I just straighten the pillows and throw the duvet over them in the morning.
I'm very house proud so I do dress the bed every morning. I just like it to look nice when I walk into the bedroom. My husband does accuse me of the house being like a show home though.
i think the problem with all of this very heavily "designed" bedding is that if you dont primp and preen it, it looks crap.

i am a white white white kinda bear and even when its crumpled and unmade it still looks cool.

mister N was at pains to tell us how it should all look eclectic, but it didnt. it looked totally put together.... not cool.
I share my bed with cats so anything really nice is always covered up !!!!!! wasted really !!!!!!!!
I often wonder why I spend 5 mins in the morning putting the throw over the top of the bed and positioning all the cushions on it, then taking it all off each night before I get into it. Especially when no-one ever goes into the room at all during the day except for me and my hubby ?????
My two guest bedrooms have cushions on it but not mine & OH's bed. Waste of time. I generally plump the pillows in the morning & then double the duvet back to allow the bed to air.
I occasionally get a rush of blood to the head when I'm in Dunelm and buy matching cushions for a duvet set...but of course they only match that particular duvet set, and as I have several in varying colours and patterns the cushions spend much of the time sitting in the wardrobe...of course, if you're expecting company and you just KNOW they will peek into your bedroom when they pop to the bathroom, or are selling your house, cushions and throws are just brilliant..!
Yes, mine spend most of their time in the wardrobe and only come out when other people are staying in case they peek round the door! I was keen after decorating the bedroom but it soon wore off!!
Oh dear i seem to be in the minority!!We have 2 pillows each matching the duvet set, 2 continental pillows (the square ones) and 2 boudior pillows matching a throw which all get chucked on the floor when we go to bed!!! DH is well trained as he makes the bed each day but i ofen give it a wee tweak to meet my standards!!
I also like the look of my pillows on the throw. I just think it looks nice for me when I walk in or walk past, plus it gives the cat something to play with :giggle:
I have cushions on the bed but we also have a ton of cuddly toys - don't know why, they just seem to migrate there. This is the latest Pink Monkey.jpg and it weighs a ton!
I always dress my bed - a bedspread over the duvet, a throw across the end of the bed, and four cushions - two to match the throw and two to match the bedspread and headboard :wait:
I always 'dress' the beds. I only like white bedding but do have a coloured cover with three cushions. I also have two giant white pillows that don't get slept on (yeah I'm weird, ok) and woe betide OH if he crumples them taking them off the bed each night. :rolleyes::mysmilie_61:
If anyone tried to touch/sit on/get in my bed after I have put new sheets and duvet on i'm afraid I would have to kill them.

Just sayin'

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