Craig slips up


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Jun 26, 2008
Just now, introducing the I Luv earphone. He starts off as he always does - "I've got these for the gym". He then commented on how soft they are in contrast to the ones he uses at the gym which are uncomfortable! He then has to ask the guest how to put them in his ear, adjust, seems surprised at the in-line volume control etc etc. I know it's their job to ask these questions but as he already owns them he could have demo'd these points himself.

Excuse the pun - he's a bit phony at times :cool:
that is what I so actively dislike about him.
Does the guy think the viewers are stupid and don't notice these things?????????????????
I am so in agreement with this subject. Last month I was shopping around for a netbook and there was the hp netbook being shown. CR said "go online and have a look at the 5 star reviews for this" WHAT 5 STAR REVIEWS! This had a rating of 3.9. One lady left her bad review and said "I bought the Acer Aspire and this is everything the HP netbook isn't". So I bought the Acer Aspire and its brill. Thank god I looked at the reviews first because I know I would've bought the HP netbook and I may have lost a lot of money.

I can't stand CR , He was doing the same with yankee candles and its "brilliant" reviews which mean its rubbish. One reviewer on one of the YC products said and I think she means CR " I couldn't smell a thing from these candles , The male presenter must have super smelling powers if he can smell these"

At the moment he is flogging the dj mixing controller on the repeat and I want to put my fist through the tv screen. Stop being a tw*t Mr grinning idiot!!!:angry:
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Craig is the only qvc presenter that I can't watch, I don't know what it is about him but I just can't stand him, everything about him irritates me. I didn't like DF when she first came back but now I can watch her if I am interested in what she is presenting.
I agree with every comment, he makes me cringe with his hand signals, mannerisms, rictus grin and "I've got this" attitude.

The most annoying thing is that without all this cr@p he would be a great presenter because he usually asks decent questions and gets quite a lot of info over to us.

I nearly wet myself when he moved onto a waterproof camera. Trying to find a reason for buying it he hit upon Halloween (the next big date in everyone's social calendar), and declared that this item would be just the job for taking underwater pictures when.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... bobbing :mysmilie_15::mysmilie_15::mysmilie_15::mysmilie_15:
And I never - repeat NEVER - want to see him "dancing" - and I use the term loosely - on my television again, like he was doing when deomstrating a DJ machine. If I do I will personally travel to London with the sole purpose of slapping the fool.
I like him. He's a bit over enthusiastic I grant you but you never see him looking disinterested in anything or get the impression that he's doing us "little people" a favour by gracing us with their presence like some presenters.
I agree Catkins. All the presenters have their annoying ways but Craig seems utterly thrilled to have his presenting job and keen to be super enthusiastic. I don't begrudge him it and don't feel he's trying to confer celeb status on himself unlike most of the rest.
I have to agree that he does tend to go overboard on the enthusiasm front:happy: and sometimes he does get on my wick, but compared to Mrs "I'm such a girlie" Franks and Mrs "I used to be a on the Price is Right you know" Roberts, I can actually put up with him. He does laugh at himself and doesn't seem to take himself too seriously...........................perhaps he should just lay off the caffeine before he is on air:grin:
another one I cant abide. If you look up phony in the dictionary, there is a picture of him. Can't watch him at all for fear of harming my telly.

Why do they need to constantly lie about having the items they are doing the demo for? We are not stupid, we understand that they cant possibly have and use every item they sell. He and JF are the worst! It just makes you lose all faith in everything they say about anything!
How can he have every single NN set they sell, when he 'only' lives in a flat??!! Where the heck does he store it all??? My NN's stuff is bursting from every available orifice!! :wink:
I think he is really likeable and obviously keen on NN and Yankee Candles. Leave the boy alone!
They all tell lies to sell stuff but I can watch Craig do it, he seems harmless enough.

He hasn't got the attitude of Julia Roberts who last night on Kim and Co. kept mentioning she was in a size small and to drive the point home said the model was in medium (and looked awful) because she had pinched the size small. Yes, we get it love,! You've lost weight. She's the one I really can't watch, the fake laugh and hair tossing are getting out of control. Hope she retires soon-totally insincere. Some can hide it and some can't.
Yes, but QVC sizes are really big - so if you would normally be medium in normal ranges with QVC you will be small. She looks medium to me.:rock:
They all tell lies to sell stuff but I can watch Craig do it, he seems harmless enough.

He hasn't got the attitude of Julia Roberts who last night on Kim and Co. kept mentioning she was in a size small and to drive the point home said the model was in medium (and looked awful) because she had pinched the size small. Yes, we get it love,! You've lost weight. She's the one I really can't watch, the fake laugh and hair tossing are getting out of control. Hope she retires soon-totally insincere. Some can hide it and some can't.

I like Julia, I think that she is good at what she does but I wish that she would not wear leggings as she was last night. Apart from the fact that they were way too long they do nothing for her; just make her like Max Wall.
I like Julia, I think that she is good at what she does but I wish that she would not wear leggings as she was last night. Apart from the fact that they were way too long they do nothing for her; just make her like Max Wall.

oh my gawd..that gave me a laugh..JR wouldn't appreciate the comparison!!:mysmilie_503:
another one I cant abide. If you look up phony in the dictionary, there is a picture of him. Can't watch him at all for fear of harming my telly.

Why do they need to constantly lie about having the items they are doing the demo for? We are not stupid, we understand that they cant possibly have and use every item they sell. He and JF are the worst! It just makes you lose all faith in everything they say about anything!

Totally agree. I don't actually want to dislike any of the presenters but its hard when they start telling lies and trying to mislead us. I understand they're trying to sell but for god's sake, just be honest with us.
I like Julia, I think that she is good at what she does but I wish that she would not wear leggings as she was last night. Apart from the fact that they were way too long they do nothing for her; just make her like Max Wall.

Oh my God. I have screamed with laughter at that Almerinda.JR would be furious:devil:

That was just AMMMMAAAAZZZING :grin:
Is Julia still wearing those awful black wedged toe post things she seemed to wear with everything??

why does JR continually wear those shoes? are they just like her qvc slippers?7

Back to thread - I actually really like craig.I have no problem with his gushing,if you wanna call it that - no more than CH gushing over lulu guiness,JR over simon wilson or AY over lulu - I think its ok to have fave lines or guests or at the end of the day,just enjoy what you do.

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