Craig Rowe


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Oh, and wasn't Londoners' "You people" comment so joyful to behold?

Makes you PROUD to be patronised in such a way: I now have a burning desire to grab a Union Flag (it's only a Union Jack when it's flown at sea, you know) and do something patriotic. Like bring civilisation to some dark benighted corner of the world.

Like Smethwick.

Craig Rowe fact file;

Born with a twin sister called Sally Jacks. They went their seperate ways when their mother and father parted company.

Craig doesn't know that Sally is his long lost sister who is on rival TV channel Sally however knows of her legacy and has changed her name to 'Jaxx' to stumble Craig on his mission to find that lost branch from his missing family tree - he has now enlisted the help of Surprise, Surprise (Cilla Black, Bob Carolgees and Spit the Dog) to track his long lost sister down for an emotional reunion.
i don't mind craig. i haven't seen much of him i have to say but i haven't noticed any 'mannerisms' or 'stupid voices'. he seems a nice bloke and isn't a show off ( a HUGE plus) and i don't have to mute him, which is more than can be said for a lot of 'em.
Firstly sorry about all the errors in my post, I have an iPhone and never remember to check of it has 'autocorrected' me! Secondly I don't see what praising a presenter has to do with being so personally insulting about another - no need for comparisons to say if you like someone.
I have to do a lot of public speaking in my work and genuinely have no problems with criticism of the delivery or content of what I say, however, if someone were to say, especially in a public forum, something insulting about how I look (and I don't mean my clothing) I would be mortified, we can't all be gorgeous and I'm certainly not, but don't need others telling me - Craig seems a decent guy, criticise his presenting style by all means, but no need to be so personally insulting about the way he looks - not that I can see anything wrong with that w
Funny, I don't remember bringing nationalism into the conversation, but I guess if you wish to do your own thing with a union jack and associate being patronising with being a patriot, why not - you have made my day actually, given me something to laugh about following a dreadful dental procedure.
Oh Londoners: every home should have one! :nod:

Hope your gob heals soon :happy:

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