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I too wouldn't be without my Jack the Lad juicer! I consider it to be one of my best QVC purchases (mind you I did only pay £9.99 for it at the Birchwood Outlet :clapping. I adore fruit but am not great with veg, so juicing is a good strategy for me. I find vegetable juice tastes much sweeter than cooked/raw pieces eaten whole which makes me far more inclined to consume it. But the major bonus for me is that my three year old will drink gallons of fresh juice, whereas it is apparently against his politics to go within ten yards of a slice of apple, single grape etc. I can't say I find the cleaning of the juicer too arduous either, it's a bit like a toasted sandwich maker, if you do it ASAP it's a case of swishing it about in warm soapy water, if you leave it it can be a pain. (Bought my father one after he tried mine, he used it then forgot to wash it before going on hols. When he got back he chucked it in the bath and left it to soak for a few hours ). When my grandmother was in remission from cancer her consultant suggested using a juicer to get extra nutrients into her and whilst we don't have any scientific proof that it helped she certainly felt healthier and stronger. I contemplated the TSV yesterday to juice stoned fruits but will just wait till a load of them turn up half price at Birchwood :wink: