Cozy Home Challenge


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Apr 27, 2009
Sorry, by am I the only one who wouldn't wear this........ thing?
The manufacturers don't know where to go next with the 'slanket' - "oh, I know we'll do a massive poncho with a hood that will fit everyone from a size 6 to a size 36 ". Bad enough there is no zip or buttons, but a hood ? inside the house ??? God, imagine a family of 4 each having one, there'd be no room to move !!! and who would bother heaving it over the head to take off - what a design disaster.

Just put a sweater or thick cardi on if extra warmth is needed - OR buy a hot water bottle.
Oh yes funny you should mention this monstrosity of a thing.
I caught a glimpse of a model the other day, I said to my hubby at the time look at her in that sumo wrestler suit. 😂😂😂

Jilly thinks it would be great in the winter when she gets out of her outside hot tub. I‘d say where the heck are you gonna store the flipping bulky thing after you have dried yourself and it? 🤔😲🤦🏼‍♀️
Sorry, by am I the only one who wouldn't wear this........ thing?
The manufacturers don't know where to go next with the 'slanket' - "oh, I know we'll do a massive poncho with a hood that will fit everyone from a size 6 to a size 36 ". Bad enough there is no zip or buttons, but a hood ? inside the house ??? God, imagine a family of 4 each having one, there'd be no room to move !!! and who would bother heaving it over the head to take off - what a design disaster.

Just put a sweater or thick cardi on if extra warmth is needed - OR buy a hot water bottle.

We all have them in our family - originally bought one for our daughter for xmas as a bit of fun because she’s always complaining about being cold, but then we all got a bit jealous and bought another three, had them a couple of years. We have the original ones, called The Comfy, which i think started on the american version of dragons den (🤔). Anyway we love them. In the winter they're used for snuggling in while we watch telly - saves turning the heating up - and at other times of the year we use them when we sit out in the evenings and it gets a bit chilly. They just live hung on the backs of bedroom doors. 😊
Each to their own, but I've never been a 'snuggle under a blanket while watching tv' type. I have a lightweight throw if my feet get chilly, but in general I find throws an addition that never looks tidy, and some are so thick - like the Cozy Home ones, that its another thing to find storage for.
Each to their own, but I've never been a 'snuggle under a blanket while watching tv' type. I have a lightweight throw if my feet get chilly, but in general I find throws an addition that never looks tidy, and some are so thick - like the Cozy Home ones, that its another thing to find storage for.
I agree about the storage. Remember Slankets. I have loads of them in all the different fleeces and colours and texture. No need therefore to buy any of the newer versions. They take up oodles of space and make the front room look like a Youth Hostel. You have bought me back to earth Brissles. Thank you!
Hands off my slanket (the original). I love it. When Perry was alive he loved it, the spare one was snaffled by youngest nephew and although I only have one now, even Bry gets underneath it/inside it. Best invention ever.

That poncho though is no good. Where's the foot pocket? Where's the little pocket for your Snickers/dog treats?

As much as I like snuggly things in the winter, I'd rather have something that's easily removed/undone if you start to overheat, so for me a dressing gown or a fleece blanket. I find "wearables" like this are far less cosy and snuggly than a good old fashioned blanket. I mean you wouldn't feel particularly cosy or comfortable lying on your settee wearing your winter woolies or keeping your coat on, and for me this looks just as awkward a wear. Also agree that you'd need an entire drawer to put it thanks! We've got a couple of fleece blankets that fold up small and they are so lovely to snuggle under when it's cold - simple!
Hands off my slanket (the original). I love it. When Perry was alive he loved it, the spare one was snaffled by youngest nephew and although I only have one now, even Bry gets underneath it/inside it. Best invention ever.

That poncho though is no good. Where's the foot pocket? Where's the little pocket for your Snickers/dog treats?

Best invention ever.<<

>>Under which, to hide the wine....
Boffy...... "make the front room look like a Youth Hostel" 😂 😂 😂 brilliant !!!

And what about going to the loo ????? do you take it completely orf or have it all bunched up like a double bed duvet around you ? The thought makes me laugh - complete with hood up, dear God !
I bought a slanket but never used it so a brand new one, still in its packaging, was given to charity.

I also think that I’d rather feel chilly than wear that huge Cozee Home thingy as well. Imagine the looks you would get if you went to the door wearing it.

However I did recently buy a lovely cream Cozee Home embossed faux fur throw in clearance for £13, I’ll use that if the heating ever breaks down.
I bought an electrically heated CH shawl for OH from Q, she loves it in the winter.

Then I bought one for me from Aldi, which is more like a blanket (not shaped at all) and was much bigger and cheaper.

Much better than turning a dozen central heating radiators up higher when watching TV.
I bought an electrically heated CH shawl for OH from Q, she loves it in the winter.

Then I bought one for me from Aldi, which is more like a blanket (not shaped at all) and was much bigger and cheaper.

Much better than turning a dozen central heating radiators up higher when watching TV.
When’s the next electrician booked for digging another hole? 😂😂😂

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