Cozee Home TSV 10/10/17


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Whitesnake, go and chat with your GP about options, it's worth knowing what they are even if you decide not to take up any of them. I didn't want to take HRT, but I would consider herbal options. Prior to my retirement, I fell out with all my colleagues, as I kept turning the heating off and opening windows when they weren't looking! Younger women just don't understand how it feels. I kept telling them, your turn will come!

Thank you. That is me, turning radiators off + trying to keep our automatic doors on open when I can. I just feel so poorly when I don't have the air circulating around. I will try + get an appointment at my doctor's but they are like gold dust at the moment. Can I ask, did you feel up + down emotionally too, ready to cry at the slightest thing that would never have bothered you normally? Also some days I just feel so bone tired, all I want to do is sleep the minute I walk in through the door!
Personally, hot flushes and menorrhagia were my main menopausal problems. (Mr Lily might say I was a bit more irritable than usual). The periods then stopped quite abruptly at age 48, and I was never so happy in all my life as the preceding few years had been a nightmare, always worrying about 'flooding', staining clothes, using communal toilet facilities etc. (Sorry if this is tmi!)
But everyone is different and I think emotional changes and mood swings are symptoms for lots of women.
Oh thank you all so much for posting about hot flushes. I have started with them + am suffering badly at the moment. It's awful at work as everyone else is freezing + won't have the windows open. I have been on the verge of tears all morning with it. I am not coping at all. I thought it was only me that felt panicky and anxious. It has really helped to know I am not alone.

Would a small desk fan directed just at you help?

To cope at night I set up a bigger fan, the first one with a rocker switch right beside my pillow, and then one which had a remote control directed at my side of the bed only. This meant that I could switch it on without disturbing Mr L and I found it was only needed for a few minutes until it passed and then switched it off.

I hear the young ones at work joking about "having the change" if they are warm - they are only in their 20's and I say nothing but inwardly think "just you wait, then the smirk will be on the other side of your face"
Thank you. That is me, turning radiators off + trying to keep our automatic doors on open when I can. I just feel so poorly when I don't have the air circulating around. I will try + get an appointment at my doctor's but they are like gold dust at the moment. Can I ask, did you feel up + down emotionally too, ready to cry at the slightest thing that would never have bothered you normally? Also some days I just feel so bone tired, all I want to do is sleep the minute I walk in through the door!
A lot of women I know in their 50s and 60s have little battery operated handheld fans in their handbags that they whip out when a flush is coming on. They told me I could buy one in a poundshop but I think it is summer stock so haven't been able to find one at the moment. I too am getting the panic feelings as my heart starts racing.
Someone I know bought one of these and said it was good. Perhaps you could use it at work
I think the delights of menopause are close to home for many of us!

I think I am fairly lucky, as was my mum. My menopause arrived courtesy of hormone therapy. No HRT or natural options possible. I used to have get on fire. Always layers so I could strip and remain decent. Rows with one particular colleague who had a fan heater under the desk next to me. Broken nights sleep thanks to getting overwhelmed by heat. I think our emotional resilience gets knocked for six by the sleep deprivation. I am the woman walking around in my Birkenstock sandals, bare foot in the snow. I'm the one with extra napkins to mop my face and neck....

My coping strategies include clothes layering: several very thin layers not one thicker one. Using aromatherapy for relaxation. Using magnesium salts in a warmish bath. Finding hypnotherapy or meditation CDs to help relax myself. I have a 4.5 tog duvet for most of the year, supplemented by strategically placed fleece blankets... Feet always uncovered in bed. I found a 1 tog duvet for summer, as I need a touch of weight rather than just a sheet. Another good one is a cold or frozen hot water bottle. Or a cold clean teatowel across the shoulders or neck.

So far I'm heading into year number 9. I count myself lucky to have got off so lightly, as I know the symptoms and quality of life force 1000s of women off hormone therapy every year, to the detriment of long-term health outcomes.

I do find I can now fall asleep on a clothes line... Which was never the case in the past, so not all bad news!

My heart goes out to my fellow women suffering with a never ending rollcall of symptoms.
Back to the CH heated throw - they're found in Aldi or Lidl quite a lot. Around £30 with a 3 year warranty.

I'm menopausal and use one, despite the flushes. I can NEVER get my feet and lower legs warm unless something (like my OH or a heated throw) is bouncing heating on them.

I feel for all you ladies who are going through this and also recommend the menopause matters site. I'm so fed up of going back and forth to my GP (where it's also a huge problem to get an appointment) to try to sort out my HRT. The last one I saw was a locus who spent ages looking through the drugs book for something for me, then told me to try this, giving me a script for exactly what I was already on!

I'm using patches at the mo but they're not helping my flushes at all. The tablets I initially tried were great for the first month, but I went into a mental decline until I had an emergency GP appointment several months later as I was suicidal. I then saw a psychiatrist who told me that I wasn't crazy, it was just the hormones from the tablets!

I've asked several times since for an appointment for a meno clinic only to be told there aren't any in Wales, so I asked for an appointment with a gynaecologist instead. I've finally had a referral on the 5th request. I have a neurological condition that the flushes make worse and guidelines say I should be referred on first request. But, there you go. The older I'm getting, the more disillusioned I am with the NHS. It's great for true emergencies, but no longer seems to be doing the trick for everyday problems. I used to work in the NHS and saw it going downhill due to so much money being spent on management and not enough on the people that actually run it.

And before anyone jumps in to defend managers - yes, I know we NEED them, but IME we had too many with much in-fighting and a LOT of very large egos needing constant massaging.

So, back to menopause. New guidelines have totally overturned the old warnings and I do believe that many women would be greatly helped by the RIGHT hormonal help. But I'm seeing a LOT of women being prescribed anti-depressants instead (I'm a long-term user so I know the effect won't always help flushes, but could be the right thing for ladies who can't take hormones).

Now, if only the GPs would keep up with current guidelines and then actually read a patient's notes (if the GP who prescribed my last lot is reading this - yes, I'm talking to YOU!), maybe we'd be treated properly for something that can really badly affect a lot of women's lives.

Rant over. If you wanted the throw, get one in Aldi/Lidl instead :mysmilie_11:
None of it is helped by being middle aged as everyone seems to treat you as if you are invisible.

If at 20 it is considered a necessity to have cosmetic surgery etc to survive in today's world what the heck chance do we have.

It's the bloody facial hair that gets me!
@alterego. To keep my lower legs warm, I wear leg warmers. I bought a few wool sets on eBay. I sometimes wear socks too but strangely my feet go from freezing cold to boiling hot. I also have a throw over the bottom of the bed to give lower legs and feet extra warmth. This coupled with throwing off all the bedclothes when a hot flush comes is a pain to manage
Just read that Davina McCall felt dreadful until she had HRT ...( I misspelt as divan McCall lol no wonder she felt hot lol )
Jokes aside ...luckily mostly women do talk about these things more now ...and we don't tend to bottle things up and so much info out there ...Must be so difficult being a fella sometimes ...not as easy it seems for them to express how they are feeling even to friends and family ...
@alterego. To keep my lower legs warm, I wear leg warmers. I bought a few wool sets on eBay. I sometimes wear socks too but strangely my feet go from freezing cold to boiling hot. I also have a throw over the bottom of the bed to give lower legs and feet extra warmth. This coupled with throwing off all the bedclothes when a hot flush comes is a pain to manage

Thanks ILS.

The best throw I've found for bed is a teddy fleece from Dunelm. It's light and breathable. I've had awful sweats with some throws I've used.

Sheepskin slippers and boots have been my best buy for my feet and legs, but I also bought some wool lap blankets from the volunteers at the local hospital and they're great for my feet and lower legs. I don't have much strength in one leg so these are better than a full size throw for me (like the one that's now on my bed!).

ETA: the heated throw is still my best friend when the winter sets in.
i have just started some primrose oil to help me with some menopause symptoms.

I've been using Starflower oil for over a month (alongside the patches that don't seem to work). No results yet. I took EPO when I was younger in an effort to curb my awful PMS symptoms. No results there, but Agnus Castus worked well.

I've been wondering about trying it again for meno symptoms seeing as they obviously had an effect on hormonal symptoms for me.
I'm about 2 weeks in taking 500mg of Sage Leaf for menopausal hot flushes. This is the one which has Rosmarinic Acid, not the spanish sage which has oestrogen in it. I have been told not to take oestrogen due to a lump in my breast which was very dodgy and the reason why I had to stop taking HRT.
I am supposed to take the sage leaf for a month before the effects can be judged. I have been taking a 500mg tablet and will be trying to take a second one every day from now on as I seem to tolerate the sage leaf ok. I still have loads of flushes. It is difficult to know if they would be worse if I wasn't taking it.
I'm about 2 weeks in taking 500mg of Sage Leaf for menopausal hot flushes. This is the one which has Rosmarinic Acid, not the spanish sage which has oestrogen in it. I have been told not to take oestrogen due to a lump in my breast which was very dodgy and the reason why I had to stop taking HRT.
I am supposed to take the sage leaf for a month before the effects can be judged. I have been taking a 500mg tablet and will be trying to take a second one every day from now on as I seem to tolerate the sage leaf ok. I still have loads of flushes. It is difficult to know if they would be worse if I wasn't taking it.

It seems that every time I've turned the telly on for the last month there's been something on about menopause - usually "celebrities" of one kind or another gushing on about how wonderful HRT has been for them. The one thing they're had in common is the use of the gel form that can be tweaked. I've asked AND mentioned by name if I can try it, but been told it doesn't exist. Heart disease has killed most of my mother's side before 55 so I want to take it for the heart protective side effect.

Instead, I've been offered non-hormonal meds like Prozac and anti-depressants. One which has been mentioned a few times by several of the telly docs on morning telly is a med for blood pressure (can't remember the name, sorry). Could you ask the GP about these if the sage doesn't work? I've looked it up and the reviews have been mixed, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you - and am considering it myself if I don't get HRT sorted.

I hope you find something that helps. I'm finding the flushes totally miserable due to the way my body reacts to temperature extremes, let alone the miseries from the other symptoms. Think OH is starting to get a bit fed up with my moods as much as I am!
I think a bit of tweaking and pulling the dosage and product could help size doesn't fit all ....I might need more of a dosage at some point but so far it's ok ...really hope that is the case for all you ladies here ...Goodness knows we have enough to contend with at our time of life ...half the battle without all the symptoms of meno hitting us too

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