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Jun 24, 2008
Am I interested in how your baby grandson is doing since I last saw him? Of course I am, I'm all ears. Would I like to see his latest photograph? Yes of course I would, you can show me a couple if you like. Do I want to see every single photo on your camera roll, pictures of his little cousin, his maternal grandparents and uncle Tom Cobley and all? No I flaming well don't!!!! I'm sure this is a familiar old story that lots of us can relate to, but how I wish I hadn't have had to sit through the entire interval of a play looking at photograph after photograph of the same subject whilst trying come up with different comments without sounding bored and disinterested. I must have said the word "cute" about 100 times. Then came the stinger, "Well if you think that's need to see this, give me a minute"...."No, that's not it, I'm sure it was in that folder" "Oh it must be in that folder, hang on" "Oh here it is, no, sorry that's not it damn!" "Oh not to worry, just describe it" "No, you need to see it!" one last try. Never have I been happier to hear the return to your seats bell (not that I had the chance to leave my blinking seat) In hindsight I should've told her I was desperate for a wee and taken my leave. She put her phone away and said I'll have another look for you after the show. I said tell you what if you find it just send me it another time, thankfully she said will do and that was that!!!! It's the same with other people's holidays/pets etc - Am I interested? Yes, but that doesn't mean that I want to see an exhaustive range of landmarks, beaches and sunsets that somebody else has experienced, as much as I want to see someone's dog wearing a pair of sunglasses and a comedy set of antlers - just stop it!!!!
As much as I love my smartphone and would struggle without it if they suddenly made them illegal, the single worst thing about them is people scrolling through 100's of pictures for you to look at while you'd literally rather be anywhere else in the world so I really feel your pain merryone.
Whan I was working in my youth, there were regular slide shows of holidays during lunch time, the vintage equivalent of the smartphone.

I can still remember one slide show by someone who was probably the ugliest man I've known, showing photos he'd taken of a family who he described, and made a point of emphasising, as being ugly!! Pot and kettle, I thought.
Whan I was working in my youth, there were regular slide shows of holidays during lunch time, the vintage equivalent of the smartphone.

I can still remember one slide show by someone who was probably the ugliest man I've known, showing photos he'd taken of a family who he described, and made a point of emphasising, as being ugly!! Pot and kettle, I thought.
The dreaded slideshow!!! Thankfully when they were a thing I was a child so wasn't expected to sit through any of them. I seem to remember my parents being invited to someone's house to see a slide show of their foreign holiday, which was also a pretty new thing back in those days - so possibly fairly interesting. The big difference is that forewarned is forearmed, meaning that you can make your excuses in advance, or think of some kind of strategy to make things a bit more bearable, a good drink perhaps lol! Nothing worse than having your peace interrupted by an unsolicited barrage of photographs, and worse still having to make appreciative noises unless you wish to cause offence to the perpetrator!
I was thankfully in a situation where it was gonna have to stop as we waiting for act two of a play, but even then I would've like to have said "yeah very nice, I've seen enough now" but even then that would've been nowhere near a reflection of how I was feeling inside which was "beam me up Scotty!
At my age I appreciate a good natter, good food, entertainment, days out, nights in and good company. I'd much rather live in the moment than spend my time taking photos/videos of things. Taking photos is great as it gives you something to look back upon, reminds you of happy/funny memories and that includes your kids/grandkids growing up, but sadly an awareness that they probably won't be of much interest to anybody else is lacking in a lot of people. I wouldn't dream of cornering somebody with an endless stream of holiday/family snaps. I'd much sooner have a conversation about these sort of things where experiences can be shared and compared, and if photographs are going to be shown, just one or two is enough! Sharing on social media is preferable as you can give someone's pictures as much or as little attention as you choose and you can simply give a blanket comment such as "Lovely pics thanks for sharing" instead of trying to find 500 different ways to say "wow" or "cute" without sounding bored or irritated! It's no mean feat!
Am I interested in how your baby grandson is doing since I last saw him? Of course I am, I'm all ears. Would I like to see his latest photograph? Yes of course I would, you can show me a couple if you like. Do I want to see every single photo on your camera roll, pictures of his little cousin, his maternal grandparents and uncle Tom Cobley and all? No I flaming well don't!!!! I'm sure this is a familiar old story that lots of us can relate to, but how I wish I hadn't have had to sit through the entire interval of a play looking at photograph after photograph of the same subject whilst trying come up with different comments without sounding bored and disinterested. I must have said the word "cute" about 100 times. Then came the stinger, "Well if you think that's need to see this, give me a minute"...."No, that's not it, I'm sure it was in that folder" "Oh it must be in that folder, hang on" "Oh here it is, no, sorry that's not it damn!" "Oh not to worry, just describe it" "No, you need to see it!" one last try. Never have I been happier to hear the return to your seats bell (not that I had the chance to leave my blinking seat) In hindsight I should've told her I was desperate for a wee and taken my leave. She put her phone away and said I'll have another look for you after the show. I said tell you what if you find it just send me it another time, thankfully she said will do and that was that!!!! It's the same with other people's holidays/pets etc - Am I interested? Yes, but that doesn't mean that I want to see an exhaustive range of landmarks, beaches and sunsets that somebody else has experienced, as much as I want to see someone's dog wearing a pair of sunglasses and a comedy set of antlers - just stop it!!!!
You are too nice for your own good!
You are too nice for your own good!
I don't know about that lol! I think I just moan a lot. In this case I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been bored $hitless by somebody's camera roll being foisted upon them and haven't told them they've had enough or need to be somewhere else - I missed the toilet on that occasion, it would've been a perfect excuse but knowing my luck she'd have followed me and I'd have ended up queuing for a wee I didn't need and would have to put up with the same but without the comfort of a chair to sit on. If think I'd be a far less nice person if I wasn't able to offload here - Sorry folks!!! This forum is soooo therapeutic!

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