Coping with life's tragedies


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Jun 26, 2008
Just watching the LE spot on the 9am show. Caroline the LE lady quite earnestly described spit and polish as:

"no matter what life throws at you, c&p will help you through it "

wow, they should start prescribing it along with life-supporting meds or doling it out to victims of crime.

It's really upset me.
Sounds like they have hit a nerve Ericsmum......try and see them for the bunch of hyped up sales people they actually are rather than a gang of self appointed "experts" on anything from biology through to life itself.
Once upon a time I would have '' leapt to the phone'' as AY says at seeing 3 Liz Earle C&P on a 4 pay. Won't use it now.

I am very disappointed that Elemis have not got a show today.Would love to see their Pro Radiance on a 4 pay.
Just watching the LE spot on the 9am show. Caroline the LE lady quite earnestly described spit and polish as:

"no matter what life throws at you, c&p will help you through it "

wow, they should start prescribing it along with life-supporting meds or doling it out to victims of crime.

It's really upset me.

That's really annoyed me too!!

I just saw a bit when she was reading out a quote from a magazine saying that C&P is so good it will even take off waterproof mascara and you only need one pump! Ggggrrr, as we all know, since they changed it, it doesn't take off waterproof mascara (well not mine) and certainly not with only one pump!
I must confess to being one of the thousands of people who 'bought' into the whole LE story and ethos at the beginning.

However a few things have been niggling me about them for a while now mainly:

The whole C&P Almond milk debate - yes its been taken out, and yes its obviously made a difference to people. She can say its been taken out because of allergies until she's blue in the face but it was good enough for nearly 15 years. In her book I'm sure she says that the Almond Milk in the C&P is an extract, or something like that, therefore doesn't cause allergies. And at least tell people you're taking it out and don't trot the standard customer blurb, that its been phased out slowly since 2008, customer service are at the heart of the brand etc, etc....

Avon - Sorry Liz, but it was a buy out as reported in the business press, not a flowery partnership you said it was in your flowery press release. A business woman like you should know the difference. And for a company that is BUAV approved to team up with a company who may not test their products on animals, but are not against hiring companies that do to come up with new ingredients on 'medical grounds' is a bit iffy.

Launching new products shampoo and the fragrance, and not sending out samples to customers, expecting them to fork out for the full sizes. Ok I know they could send them back but that's not the point.

There rant over, hope you don't mind but feel better now. Wanted to do that for ages.
Just watching the LE spot on the 9am show. Caroline the LE lady quite earnestly described spit and polish as:

"no matter what life throws at you, c&p will help you through it "

wow, they should start prescribing it along with life-supporting meds or doling it out to victims of crime.

It's really upset me.

Smacks of I'd sell my grandma for a quick buck.
To me it smacks at someone who has never experienced any tragedy or trauma in her life, otherwise she would not have made such an insensitive remark. Either that or she is a says the first thing that comes into her head, without putting on the sensitivity handbrake. Life is too short to bother with these things, but sooner or later, what goes around comes around.
OT, but I'm curious, what is Liz's role with the company since she sold out?

And don't just get fed up with them bringing out mag after mag on air? It's almost as if nothing else matters anymore apart from glossy column inches.
I'm a LE fan but i saw the comments by Caroline this morning and was not impressed at all. I have had a horrible year so far, I've lost my father had my own health issues and i can honestly say using cleanse and polish did not help me through it one little but.

It was a stupid thoughtless comment which stank of desperation to me
I must confess to being one of the thousands of people who 'bought' into the whole LE story and ethos at the beginning.

However a few things have been niggling me about them for a while now mainly:

The whole C&P Almond milk debate - yes its been taken out, and yes its obviously made a difference to people. She can say its been taken out because of allergies until she's blue in the face but it was good enough for nearly 15 years. In her book I'm sure she says that the Almond Milk in the C&P is an extract, or something like that, therefore doesn't cause allergies. And at least tell people you're taking it out and don't trot the standard customer blurb, that its been phased out slowly since 2008, customer service are at the heart of the brand etc, etc....

Avon - Sorry Liz, but it was a buy out as reported in the business press, not a flowery partnership you said it was in your flowery press release. A business woman like you should know the difference. And for a company that is BUAV approved to team up with a company who may not test their products on animals, but are not against hiring companies that do to come up with new ingredients on 'medical grounds' is a bit iffy.

Launching new products shampoo and the fragrance, and not sending out samples to customers, expecting them to fork out for the full sizes. Ok I know they could send them back but that's not the point.

There rant over, hope you don't mind but feel better now. Wanted to do that for ages.

Its all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Shes got far too greedy & that will be her downfall.
If I'd realised C&P was that fantastic I would have taken mine with me to A&E last week ,when I had to sit with my mother ( who is 89 ) from 2am to 11am,to be told she has 3 fractured ribs after a fall.Maybe a dollop or two of this and everything would be fine again.:taphead:Caroline wants to put her brain in gear before she speaks!
I'm a LE fan but i saw the comments by Caroline this morning and was not impressed at all. I have had a horrible year so far, I've lost my father had my own health issues and i can honestly say using cleanse and polish did not help me through it one little but.

It was a stupid thoughtless comment which stank of desperation to me

I'm so sorry. I started this thread and perhaps I was being a bit insensitive too, I do hope it hasn't upset you further.

I must admit that I found her comment unacceptable because I have intermittent bouts of severe & debilitating depression and struggle to find a way through it - If only I'd known years ago that C&P could do what anti-depresssants don't.

LE and her minions seem very smug and self-satisfied to me - they obviously have very comfortable lives and the regular beauty awards and magazine articles have gone to their heads.

I have tried her products but the only item I''ve stuck with is the muslin cloth, but even these I get from E Bay now (they are probably "faux" LE cloths but they do the job at a fraction of the price).
stupid, ridiculous comment to make, did they replace the almond milk with prozac? What is with these folks? Do they disengage their brain when the camera starts rolling
Do you think I should alert the Liz Earle fb page to this thread? Feel like doing so.
Done it But I'm having to put another post down as I didn't put something along the lines of "To whom it may concern" at the start. Now all I have to do is wait for all the LE fanatics to start slagging off my post.
I'm so sorry. I started this thread and perhaps I was being a bit insensitive too, I do hope it hasn't upset you further.

I must admit that I found her comment unacceptable because I have intermittent bouts of severe & debilitating depression and struggle to find a way through it - If only I'd known years ago that C&P could do what anti-depresssants don't.

LE and her minions seem very smug and self-satisfied to me - they obviously have very comfortable lives and the regular beauty awards and magazine articles have gone to their heads.

I have tried her products but the only item I''ve stuck with is the muslin cloth, but even these I get from E Bay now (they are probably "faux" LE cloths but they do the job at a fraction of the price).

Can I just send you an enormous ((hug))? I wanted to comment this morning after I saw your post and after this comment was made on air, but I was upset by it myself. I am in the same boat as you, suffering from depression - in the way you describe. I just felt that it was an incredibly insensitive thing to say on air.

Sometimes, just sometimes I wish the presenters and guests would think before they opened their mouths to come out with claptrap like this. It doesn't matter what is going on in your life, whether it's physical or mental illness, family problems or anything - to suggest a flippin' skincare product can help you through is just testicles in the extreme. :angry:
Oh well I know the answer now. My dog has cancer. My Mum is mentally deranged & in a home my Father has serious heart problems but I'll just slap on C&P & all will be well.

What a stupid thoughtless comment. I think she was probably meaning skin problems only but its a stupid thing to say.

These presenters really do need to get their brains in gear before they open mouths :talking:
So your C&P will sing, "I'll Stand By You", and lift you up from stress, diease and life kicking you down.

Saint Liz of the Earle, does the pope know about her?:puke:

Well perhaps Dame Liz is hoping for beatification? If you believe all the hype, then Spit & Polish has obviously performed miracles :talking:
I'm so sorry. I started this thread and perhaps I was being a bit insensitive too, I do hope it hasn't upset you further.

I must admit that I found her comment unacceptable because I have intermittent bouts of severe & debilitating depression and struggle to find a way through it - If only I'd known years ago that C&P could do what anti-depresssants don't.

LE and her minions seem very smug and self-satisfied to me - they obviously have very comfortable lives and the regular beauty awards and magazine articles have gone to their heads.

I have tried her products but the only item I''ve stuck with is the muslin cloth, but even these I get from E Bay now (they are probably "faux" LE cloths but they do the job at a fraction of the price).

You haven't upset me at all by your comments, please don't think that. You sound like you've had a really awful time and i really feel for you.I,like you and lots of others,just found the comments by Caroline ridiculous and insensitive. Big hug to you
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