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In answer to the sceptics (or should that be septics) I live in London and not the IOW as implied by Amn, I have a boring and ordinary job in a legal firm not far off Sloane Street. However I do take time to research my skin care and have used LE for over 10 years. I was fortunate to be invited along with 50 or so other like minded people to the 15th Anniversary event for Cleanse and Polish where Liz gave a talk and explained at length about the almond milk removal - and was only too happy to discuss the matter further afterwards. I realise that this is probably way over your heads to comprehend and in true forum traditions you all take things out of context, declare something you are ignorant over a complete dislike and hang the next person who tries to explain/defend whatever it is you are ranting over. This website is decidedly more bitchy than I was led to believe but then I suppose anonimity brings it out in people - you wouldn't be allowed to get away with half the things you post here if you were to do the same of FB - for one thing you'd have to show the real you although I suspect I have worked out who a few of you are from your comments here and on FB.

To take your points one by one.

1. It is nice for you that you have had a full explanation at personal invitation from LE the reasons for the removal of almond milk from C&P. Thousands of us not so fortyunate have had nothing except the whispwered rumours & our own experoences that it is not the same. Maybe if LE had the courtesy to explain to everyone & not just the favoured few why this has happened she would n ot be getting so much stick.

2. The fact is that she has looked straight into the cameras when on QVC & has not been honest about it.

3. I am a very intelligent woman with a Masters degree & object that you think my comments may be over my head.

4. Your comment that we are hiding behind anoniminity is a trifle hypocritical because are you not doing the same ? I can assure you that if I got the opportunity to be in LE's presence I would have no problem at all in challenging her over this. There are ways to do it without coming over as offensive.

5. FYI I am not & never have been a FB member & Have no intentions of joining that site.
However my daughter is & you are totally incorrect that you have to ''show the real you ''
In answer to the sceptics (or should that be septics) I live in London and not the IOW as implied by Amn, I have a boring and ordinary job in a legal firm not far off Sloane Street. However I do take time to research my skin care and have used LE for over 10 years. I was fortunate to be invited along with 50 or so other like minded people to the 15th Anniversary event for Cleanse and Polish where Liz gave a talk and explained at length about the almond milk removal - and was only too happy to discuss the matter further afterwards. I realise that this is probably way over your heads to comprehend and in true forum traditions you all take things out of context, declare something you are ignorant over a complete dislike and hang the next person who tries to explain/defend whatever it is you are ranting over. This website is decidedly more bitchy than I was led to believe but then I suppose anonimity brings it out in people - you wouldn't be allowed to get away with half the things you post here if you were to do the same of FB - for one thing you'd have to show the real you although I suspect I have worked out who a few of you are from your comments here and on FB.

Why you should need to insult the forum members here is beyond me?

As Lilian has said we were not everyone was lucky enough to be invited to said evening. A statement or blog on their website in 2008 would have sufficed, simply giving the reasons you were given at the evening.

To say on QVC that the formula has not changed is also not true. Add to that the new C&P debacle that has seen a difference in the Mens and Womens C&P (apart from the packaging) then more than a few porkies have been told.
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In answer to the sceptics (or should that be septics) I live in London and not the IOW as implied by Amn, I have a boring and ordinary job in a legal firm not far off Sloane Street. However I do take time to research my skin care and have used LE for over 10 years. I was fortunate to be invited along with 50 or so other like minded people to the 15th Anniversary event for Cleanse and Polish where Liz gave a talk and explained at length about the almond milk removal - and was only too happy to discuss the matter further afterwards. I realise that this is probably way over your heads to comprehend and in true forum traditions you all take things out of context, declare something you are ignorant over a complete dislike and hang the next person who tries to explain/defend whatever it is you are ranting over. This website is decidedly more bitchy than I was led to believe but then I suppose anonimity brings it out in people - you wouldn't be allowed to get away with half the things you post here if you were to do the same of FB - for one thing you'd have to show the real you although I suspect I have worked out who a few of you are from your comments here and on FB.

I love the majority of her products and have handed over a lot of my hard earned cash to her company. She does get an awful lot of stick on here but the almond milk question has been asked many times and she repeatedly said on many presentations on QVC that the formula had stayed the same since it began, when it was obvious that wasn't the case. A lot of us were fed up of being fobbed off.
I also feel that by you saying that things would go way over our heads negates your points about members hiding behind forum names and being bitchy because you're insulting a lot of people on here whilst using a forum name.
This forum is not an appreciation site for any presenter, guest or product and i'm afraid LE is not immune to criticism just because you or I may like her.
To take your points one by one.

1. It is nice for you that you have had a full explanation at personal invitation from LE the reasons for the removal of almond milk from C&P. Thousands of us not so fortunate have had nothing except the whispered rumours & our own experiences that it is not the same. Maybe if LE had the courtesy to explain to everyone & not just the favoured few why this has happened she would not be getting so much stick.

2. The fact is that she has looked straight into the cameras when on QVC & has not been honest about it.

3. I am a very intelligent woman with a Masters degree & object that you think your comments may be over my head.

4. Your comment that we are hiding behind anoniminity is a trifle hypocritical because are you not doing the same ? I can assure you that if I got the opportunity to be in LE's presence I would have no problem at all in challenging her over this. There are ways to do it without coming over as offensive.

5. FYI I am not & never have been a FB member & Have no intentions of joining that site.
However my daughter is & you are totally incorrect that you have to ''show the real you ''

I have corrected any spelling mistakes etc on my original posting. Apologies but my DH arrived home to tell me our vehicle that gave up on Friday is a right off & in my upset I posted it without checking . We run our own business & now we have the panic of finding another vehicle sharpish plus an expense we had not bargained for.

Never rains etc :doh:
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In answer to the sceptics (or should that be septics) I live in London and not the IOW as implied by Amn, I have a boring and ordinary job in a legal firm not far off Sloane Street. However I do take time to research my skin care and have used LE for over 10 years. I was fortunate to be invited along with 50 or so other like minded people to the 15th Anniversary event for Cleanse and Polish where Liz gave a talk and explained at length about the almond milk removal - and was only too happy to discuss the matter further afterwards. I realise that this is probably way over your heads to comprehend and in true forum traditions you all take things out of context, declare something you are ignorant over a complete dislike and hang the next person who tries to explain/defend whatever it is you are ranting over. This website is decidedly more bitchy than I was led to believe but then I suppose anonimity brings it out in people - you wouldn't be allowed to get away with half the things you post here if you were to do the same of FB - for one thing you'd have to show the real you although I suspect I have worked out who a few of you are from your comments here and on FB.

I have not slagged off Liz Earle, either on this forum or on Facebook. However, I find your comments offensive and suggest that if you think we're all a bunch of bitchy numbskulls, then please feel free to b***er off.
In answer to the sceptics (or should that be septics) I live in London and not the IOW as implied by Amn, I have a boring and ordinary job in a legal firm not far off Sloane Street. However I do take time to research my skin care and have used LE for over 10 years. I was fortunate to be invited along with 50 or so other like minded people to the 15th Anniversary event for Cleanse and Polish where Liz gave a talk and explained at length about the almond milk removal - and was only too happy to discuss the matter further afterwards. I realise that this is probably way over your heads to comprehend and in true forum traditions you all take things out of context, declare something you are ignorant over a complete dislike and hang the next person who tries to explain/defend whatever it is you are ranting over. This website is decidedly more bitchy than I was led to believe but then I suppose anonimity brings it out in people - you wouldn't be allowed to get away with half the things you post here if you were to do the same of FB - for one thing you'd have to show the real you although I suspect I have worked out who a few of you are from your comments here and on FB.

Pot - kettle - black etc etc.
I have not slagged off Liz Earle, either on this forum or on Facebook. However, I find your comments offensive and suggest that if you think we're all a bunch of bitchy numbskulls, then please feel free to b***er off.



Why has LE admitted to the honoured few in a private get together that Almond Milk has been removed yet won't admit it on QVC ? IMO I think she is concerned that she won't make lots of £££££££ & that viewers would think twice about purchasing it.
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was going to respond to Sloanranger, but despite my joint honours degree, masters ( 2 though God only knows why) and my PHd I am farr to thick to do it , the spelling and choice of 1 word answers would give me away.
Cheeky sausage
In answer to the sceptics (or should that be septics) I live in London and not the IOW as implied by Amn, I have a boring and ordinary job in a legal firm not far off Sloane Street. However I do take time to research my skin care and have used LE for over 10 years. I was fortunate to be invited along with 50 or so other like minded people to the 15th Anniversary event for Cleanse and Polish where Liz gave a talk and explained at length about the almond milk removal - and was only too happy to discuss the matter further afterwards. I realise that this is probably way over your heads to comprehend and in true forum traditions you all take things out of context, declare something you are ignorant over a complete dislike and hang the next person who tries to explain/defend whatever it is you are ranting over. This website is decidedly more bitchy than I was led to believe but then I suppose anonimity brings it out in people - you wouldn't be allowed to get away with half the things you post here if you were to do the same of FB - for one thing you'd have to show the real you although I suspect I have worked out who a few of you are from your comments here and on FB.

youre going to fit right in!
i am liking the cut of your gib sloane ranger. mucho controversy after just 2 short posts.... please stick around as we love a good ding dong. maybe you could offer your views on julia roberts next?
This website is decidedly more bitchy than I was led to believe but then I suppose anonimity brings it out in people - you wouldn't be allowed to get away with half the things you post here if you were to do the same of FB - for one thing you'd have to show the real you although I suspect I have worked out who a few of you are from your comments here and on FB.
If you don't like it here then feck off back to FB. Seemples. :emo:
there's a right old broo-haha going on at the Liz Earle FB page following the PR disaster which saw LE crowing about how they are supporting the erin o'connor needy model club by doling out "much needed" hand and arm massages at london fashion week.

faithful followers are leaving the brand IN THEIR DROVES.

LE have had to issue an apology!!/LizEarle?v=wall
You beat me Burly , I was about to start a new thread about this.

feel free dippy, i was tempted myself but thought it would end up getting moved to the drop because its not strictly QVC related. i wanted the already disenfranchised contributors on this thread to see exactly where LE's priorities lay.

needy models! i ask you!! :taphead::down:
Funny. I thought someone had chastised us earlier for being bitchy. :talking:

Whole lot of bitchin going on over there.
It's interesting that comments about bitchiness have appeared on this thread as I felt a bit uncomfortable after I posted on this thread yesterday - I did wonder if I went a bit OTT as it wasn't LE who made the original comment which started this thread. (If anyone wants to comment on my post this please do, I only joined last Sunday and am still feeling my way around). However I have watched many, many programmes with her on and tried her products and I was just feeling that LE isn't the cosy little family-run business on the IOW that I erroneously thought it was (especially since the sell-out to Avon). I don't think there's anything wrong in constructive criticism but it isn't very nice for someone to come on here and make derogatory remarks about a whole lot of people they don't really know anything about. A lot of people are going through difficult times and nobody wants their intelligence insulted or have to put up with gratuitous bitchiness. I don't go on Facebook so I can't comment on what's going on there although it sounds interesting!
Welcome Isabelle,

Hope you enjoy your visits here! I certainly do :)

I was one of the many thousands of LE users that had fallen for the sales patter, the lovely IOW footage on QVC, etc, and think that a little straight talking and honesty from LE and team would have gone a long way. Not just about the C&P, but the whole Avon 'partnership' etc.

I'm not a member of the QVC FB page but have had a look see, and it does seem to be kicking off there about LE supporting a 'Models Sanctuary' giving arm massages, products etc to models. Also someone has posted about an ingredient in the new shampoo that isn't as natural as it seems.
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Don't worry about it Isabelle. LE deserves what she is getting quite frankly. A little bit of honesty goes a long way & that she ceratinly has not been.She is likely hoping that this will all blow over which of course in time it will. However, IMO she needs to understand that through her lack of integrity she has lost a LOT of very good customers who feel very let down( myself included ).

I would have given the hair range a try but now will not be buying as I question her whole ethos with what has happened with C&P & why she sold out to Avon.
Thanks for posting the link Burly. I had a look and ooh my goodness looks like the cat has well and truly been set amongst the pigeons.

Firstly,I'm flabbergasted there is such a thing as a model sanctuary. :eek:

Secondly the thought that these poor little waifs are so exhausted that they need their delicate,perfectly manicured hands massaged courtesy of the LE team is laughable. Note to models,If you find it so exhausting how about getting a job like a member of the armed forces, nurse or firefighter I'm sure you'll find that much more relaxing.

As a few people on FB commented how about going to the local hospices and giving the patients there some pampering. Surely that is a far more worthy cause than overpaid models.
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I have never liked LE from day one even when she was on breakfast tv & I knew someone that worked around her. Enough said.

Its all about the $$$$$$$$ & the koudous IMO Don't fool your selves thats its anything else.

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