Contradictory `fashion` advice !!


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Nov 9, 2008
I don`t like being taken for a fool !! Today selling in my opinion overpriced shoes (same style in different leathers..nothing exciting for the price ) first we were told how well they fitted showing no `toe cleavage` then a couple of minutes later how sexy it was to see it!! Then selling an ankle boot saying how good they looked worn with leggings giving the look of an `upside down triangle` seeming to say no matter how hippy you are this is a good acceptable fashion look correct me if I`m wrong but haven`t they been saying for years that a balanced look is better i.e. wearing a wider fit leg to balance the width at the hip!! Doesn`t matter either which way stripes go up down and round about they are all slimming !!
I while back, I caught Alison Young (the resident beauty "expert") doing the same thing, when on with SBC she claimed to use their 3 in 1 cleanser because it saves her time after working on the farm/with the horses blah blah blah, weeks later cut to her telling Andrew Bagley of Gatineau how 3 in 1 cleansers shouldn't be allowed, they should be either one thing or another and how she'd never use a 3 in 1 anything. The presenters, each and every one of them, will tell you what you need to hear at the time to sell the product, or lie to give it the proper name.
As Judge Judy always says, "To be a good liar, you've got to have an excellant memory!"
i hate overselling you will as a presenter always get caught out. saying something is long lasting ie bethlehem lights when they are not is a case in point
They are all at it .

Carla Lazlo when selling the recent Diane Gillman TSV, boot cut, went on about how slim and skinny jeans are so unflattering.

Later ,when selling a skinny jean she said she wouldn't normally go near skinny jeans but since finding the brand she loves them.This is in the same hour . They will say anything to make a sale, and I suppose its their job.

I try to keep a level head and not be swayed by their manipulations.
Well, for contradictory fashion advice - they're doing it from the start: they want you to shop for your fashion at QVC and they want you to get the latest trends...

Personally, I think QVC are wasting their time with silly runway shows for the new season's fashions... Anything decent is either sold out before they go on air, or shortly afterwards. By and large the stuff that is on their website is the stuff people have looked at and said "no thanks" to. If it's "on trend" you can be sure that it will take some hefty price reductions to shift it before the trend is dead and buried... and we all know that QVC wouldn't know a hefty price reduction if it stood up and hit them over the head!

QVC could do themselves so many more favours with a much cleverer website... Shop your size, shop your colours, shop your garment choice, shop your fabric.... And put all the relevant information in a more useful format!!! And sort out their clever thing which allows you to put in your own measurements and "try on" the garment virtually... I think that could be improved by enabling us to also change skintone and hair colour.

The on-air shows could present relevant information instead of presenter after presenter gassing on about how busy the show is. WE DON'T CARE!!!! We are watching to learn about the garments, not how busy QVC's phone lines, apps (and website) are! We can't read the label on the clothes to see where they are made, and what they are made of. We can't try on sizes to see which one would be our best fit.

OK - glad I got that off my chest! Thanks for listening/reading :mysmilie_50:
Blimey MML I'm impressed that you deign to use their virtual 'fitting' system. I have enough problems with their website accepting a ****** order let alone complicate matters by giving it my measurements !!!
Blimey MML I'm impressed that you deign to use their virtual 'fitting' system. I have enough problems with their website accepting a ****** order let alone complicate matters by giving it my measurements !!!

Tried it once, but it's dispiriting, as with my measurements I get conflicting sizing for bust waist and hips. I used it a couple of years ago and never since. They put that the virtual fitting room is available for a style, and then it shows a different style dress!!! Like everything else on the website - it needs work!
At presently Chuntley is so busy preening and looking at herself on the monitor to tell anyone anything. Of course she ate a lettuce leaf this week so needs clothes to cover her up. pleeeaaasse.

Pass the sick bucket.

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