Considered Purchases - Couldn't Believe My Eyes!


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Jun 22, 2012
I was just having a nosey through the gardening products on QVC (as I do), just window shopping really, when I came across this. This is just a pee take surely?? Apparently this company was on Dragons Den. How on earth can they justify that price, it gives Considered Purchase a whole new meaning!
Admittedly, I know nothing about plants or gardening but the maths says each plant is around £14.99.

I have accompanied my friend to the garden centre on numerous occasions and she's never bought plants at that price.

I'm quite sure I've never seen her spend more than a tenner on plants.

Now plant pots for the garden are a different story...
I was just having a nosey through the gardening products on QVC (as I do), just window shopping really, when I came across this. This is just a pee take surely?? Apparently this company was on Dragons Den. How on earth can they justify that price, it gives Considered Purchase a whole new meaning!
I've just had a look at this and they are all quite cheap plants, easily available. I could maybe understand it if they were all established shrubs or trees - still wouldn't pay it - but these could all be sourced for a tiny fraction of that cost, in fact most could be grown from seed.
I have bought one or two large established plants/shrubs from Plantss2Gardens which were around the £20 each mark but they were in 5L pots which is quite big. The plants in the link are nothing special or hard to find and it doesn't say in the description what size they are when you get them. It will be interesting to see if QVC put on a show with these products and how many of them they sell.

I was just having a nosey through the gardening products on QVC (as I do), just window shopping really, when I came across this. This is just a pee take surely?? Apparently this company was on Dragons Den. How on earth can they justify that price, it gives Considered Purchase a whole new meaning!
I’ve just had an email about them and so had a quick look. All I can say is “no way, Jose!” At that price I expected to see wooden troughs or the like, not plants.
I was just having a nosey through the gardening products on QVC (as I do), just window shopping really, when I came across this. This is just a pee take surely?? Apparently this company was on Dragons Den. How on earth can they justify that price, it gives Considered Purchase a whole new meaning!
For that price, I would want a professional gardener to bring them, plant them and tidy up the whole garden. Then go away and return with a full landscaped garden plan, which he/she would undertake for me, complete with new paving and a garden pod.
And there was me saying the plants on this week's big deal were expensive. These prices are totally ridiculous. At our local garden centre perennials are £5.99 each or 3 for £15. And they are decent sizes.

Q are taking the Mickey here. I certainly won't be buying any. I expect though, some people will.
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Even at the dearest of garden centres (like the one near me), you can get decent sized plants for around £8 a pot. Go to B&Q and you can get the likes of lupins and poppies on buy more save more deals. I really want to see this Dig brand on a garden show so they can explain just why their plants are 3 times the price of everyone else's. Maybe I've mis-read it and you get planters as well. I've got a lot of seeds on the go this year so hopefully I won't have to buy too many extras.

If gardening was about writing cheques, flashing the cash or flexing the plastic; why would it be such a beloved and widely practised hobby?
QVC, as usual, miss the mark with their idea the an instant and Insta garden is what their viewers desire.

Many love to learn new skills such as growing on from cuttings… or taking the straggly Cinderella at the garden centre from compostable to fabulous.

Maybe something more unusual, but suitable for our British weather, would be tempting, but splashing that sort of money would be for equipment, tools or structural items, surely?
All the plants are easily available from Morrys. They are not special plants. We have hardy geraniums round our pond. We also have geums and heucheras.

And these are only only 1.5 litre pots. So probably about £5 each at the most.

I see the dragon who invested £75000 was Sara Davies. Has she any idea of the prices of plants? Doesn't look like it. Or maybe she just got Q to sell them cos she is on Q and they are doing her a favour.
I was just having a nosey through the gardening products on QVC (as I do), just window shopping really, when I came across this. This is just a pee take surely?? Apparently this company was on Dragons Den. How on earth can they justify that price, it gives Considered Purchase a whole new meaning!
Good heavens! I watched Dragon's den and I thought that they were offering big wooden planters full of mature flowers and plants for people to buy to quickly brighten up a dull patio or back yard, not just plants that are ready to go into your flowerbeds - I mean what's new about that? Yes I get it that they curate a selection to suit your surroundings and how they can tell you what plants suit the type of soil you have, but surely all that information is available for nothing online. A quick and lazy solution for people who've got money to throw around, with that in mind then QVC's a good fit. I'm actually staggered at the prices, I didn't think they'd come cheap but for that sort of money I'd expect not to have to plant the blessed things myself!
Dig featured on Dragons’ Den last night. I recorded it and have just watched it. Sara Davis invested in them and mentioned QVC so that’s the reason that Dig have arrived on the channel. She asked for 15% of their business, which was 3 times what they originally offered, and invested £75k with them.

I wonder how long they’ll stay with QVC though as they’re so overpriced? 🤔
I can see why Sara Davis invested. Dig are like her company with a community aspect and kits suitable for beginners and more established gardeners. I don't know whether what works for craft can be mirrored for gardening but I would argue that the craft kits are decent value and more accessible in price whereas Dig is a considered purchase, as the thread writer said, and is prohibitive to many.
Dig featured on Dragons’ Den last night. I recorded it and have just watched it. Sara Davis invested in them and mentioned QVC so that’s the reason that Dig have arrived on the channel. She asked for 15% of their business, which was 3 times what they originally offered, and invested £75k with them.

I wonder how long they’ll stay with QVC though as they’re so overpriced? 🤔
It was mentioned on the show by one of the dragons that an easy garden solution like this would appeal mostly to the millennials of this world, and I'm sure it was said that a QVC audience was not that and I agree. Of course we can't give a sweeping generalisation but I would've thought that more older folk have been brought up in households where gardening was regular family activity and now retired know a fair bit about plants and how to care for them. I'll count myself in this although I'm not lucky enough to have a garden these days, however when I was young there was no decking, hot tubs, built in barbecues, massive trampolines and the like for the kids. There'd be a small shed, maybe a greenhouse or a cold frame but definitely not a wooden house at the end of the garden containing a bar, settees and various other accoutrements! Despite my saying that QVC is a good outlet for those who have plenty of money to throw around, I think they'd be more likely to throw £300+ at a hairdryer than they would on something that takes away from a pastime they enjoy eg gardening. I think they'd be better off advertising in the glossy mags and Sunday supplements or better still reducing their insane prices!

I'd just like to add that I've just had to buy a new dishwasher as our old one could not be repaired and it cost me less than these plants for the dishwasher, the instillation and the removal of my old one - how can that be right?!
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