Computer scam - new tactics!


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
This morning I received for the first time a call from "Microsoft windows" about my computer - Of course this is not really the first call I've had from someone claiming to be from microsoft, but most certainly the first I've received from an English female caller. Withheld number came up on my phone today, so I was immediately on guard - Good morning this is Caroline, how are you today? "Ok thanks, I said". She continued "I'm calling from Windows regarding your computer" - "This should be fun" I replied - She fell silent - " Hey Caroline, you alright there?"...down goes the phone at her end lol!!!

Trouble is, I do hope that the more vulnerable of folks aren't taken in by this, we're all told to watch out for a person with a foreign usually Indian sounding accent and people are getting wise to this - But a well spoken English voice and a name might just fool a few people they haven't been able to catch before...sickening!!!
This morning I received for the first time a call from "Microsoft windows" about my computer - Of course this is not really the first call I've had from someone claiming to be from microsoft, but most certainly the first I've received from an English female caller. Withheld number came up on my phone today, so I was immediately on guard - Good morning this is Caroline, how are you today? "Ok thanks, I said". She continued "I'm calling from Windows regarding your computer" - "This should be fun" I replied - She fell silent - " Hey Caroline, you alright there?"...down goes the phone at her end lol!!!
Trouble is, I do hope that the more vulnerable of folks aren't taken in by this, we're all told to watch out for a person with a foreign usually Indian sounding accent and people are getting wise to this - But a well spoken English voice and a name might just fool a few people they haven't been able to catch before...sickening!!!

Thanks for the heads up, but it keeps us aware that this sort of thing isn't going to go away anytime soon! :mysmilie_10:
I have caller display so it always shows Out Of Area, or a really weird number which looks nothing like a normal number. One came up a few weeks ago(I never answer them anyway), which I google. Seems loads about this particular number in a very short period the end of July. They say they are BT,Virgin,Windows,Hotpoint and a few others. What they are actually doing is making sure your number is live, someone answers is all they need. They hang up pretty quickly, but then sell your number on to other scammers confirming its a live number and someone will answer.
I had great fun once with the Microsoft caller. I acted really stupid and kept getting them to explain how to do things saying I'm pressing those keys but nothing is happening and them telling me they could see what I was doing (on my non existent computer) and how they were going to help me I kept it going for a good while before letting fire with a lot of swearing. I never had another call.

Every time I get a number coming up which I don't recognise I use "who called me" on Google and of course they are all cold callers or scam. If it is not a scam they will soon ring back.
One man on moneysaving said they found a sure fire result. Answer when they tell you they are Windows. Say Hello this is (fill in name of city or town) crematorium! They said the person on the other end said OH Sh*t and hung up. I think morgue would work just as well. :mysmilie_17:
Well my phone range at 7.20am this morning. Lucky I was awake, went to look and it was Out Of Area! Course I did not answer but I bet it was one of this ********, but that early in the morning!!!:mysmilie_51:
I never ever give my landline number out or put on any forms. Only family has it. And if my mobile rings with a number I don't recognise I never answer. Persistent sales calls give up after a few days of no answer.
I have had dozens of these calls problem is I get a lot of calls from departments regarding my mums nursing home and they always come up number with held
So I just play along
Once They said my PC had a virus so I pretended to go through all the jargon kept them on the phone for ages
Another time I said My PC has a virus should I call the doctor
Or when they say they are from Microsoft I say "oh hi what department do you work in do you know my mate Bob
Or The best one is I answer phone don't speak
They say Hello how are you I am calling from Microsoft
I reply hello microsoft how can I help you
Phone goes dead lol
One man on moneysaving said they found a sure fire result. Answer when they tell you they are Windows. Say Hello this is (fill in name of city or town) crematorium! They said the person on the other end said OH Sh*t and hung up. I think morgue would work just as well. :mysmilie_17:

I check caller display and answer (insert local) police station. Phone always goes dead then :mysmilie_19:

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