I'll try and make this concise as possible..but here goes. Friend of mine works at local theatre and has for some months being telling me that a show is coming that she know i'd love is playing this month and would she like me to reserve some for myself and any work colleagues as she knows we "like our shows". Ooh yes I said, and she replied let me know how many you want and I'll reserve them for you....Unfortunately, it slipped my mind completely and I forgot to ask anyone, a few weeks back I saw this friend just before I was going on holiday and again she said "don't forget to ask your mates about the show, it'll sell out fast" Obviously went on holiday and forgot again!!! about 2 weeks ago I received a text from friend tickets are selling fast, do you still want to go, if so how many tickets do you want, they're starting to sell fast. I lied and said...ooh just waiting on a couple of people to get back to me and I'll let you know for sure. Hurredly checked the available dates and got hold of three colleagues that I a. knew would be available that night and b. would really love to go. Got three very prompt "yes pleases" got straight back to mate and asked her to reserve them. One of my closest work mates had just flown out on hols that day and would be away for over a week. Was in two minds to text her, but was torn as I wasn't sure whether she'd know whether she was available or would contact me in time for me to get tickets reserved. Decided that I'd wait until she returned and try and see if I could get extra tickets then, or whether she and her closest mate wanted to come and they could get tickets and meet us before the show and after for meal and drinks - Guess what I completely forgot and it wasn't until I got rather an upset sounding text from her on Saturday, that the realisation kicked in!
To cut a long story short, I have apologised profusely and with heartfelt sincerity but have literally hit a brick wall! Immediately after the text I called her but it went straight to voicemail, so I simply said I'll try again later, and texted an apology and explained my forgetfulness and offered to make amends, even checking the ticket situation online and asking my mate if she could reserve any more tickets - zero responose - tried calling again later but same thing. I left a message simply saying if you get this message can you give me a call? Ignored!!! Eventually I decided I'd send her a private message via facebook, again I apologised sincerely, but this time got a reply - Two words - Don't worry. No xxxs, as she usually signs off...just this. ..It made me feel really uneasy and dreaded seeing her at work the next day. She was pretty much the first person I saw that day so I said good morning, and she said morning as if nothing had happened, which was a bit of a relief..next day saw her again, and when she was on her own, I tried to personally say sorry again and she just "closed me down" and said told you it doesn't matter. Since then she's only spoken to me if I've spoken first and seems to talk to me in a friendly enough manner, but I know there's something wrong as she's ignoring my posts on facebook (she never does normally). Yes it would be easy enough to just let it ride, but next Sat it's the works do and she usually organises a meet up beforehand, can see myself not getting an invite and next sun a small group of us are doing some volunteering through work and she's gonna be there. So two things I was looking forward too...Instead of excitement I'm feeling trepidation. Perhaps I'm being paranoid, but she seems to be acting "extra friendly" towards everyone else in our group of workmates - This is harking back to bullying at school and I absolutely hate it. Most of us are in our 40's and 50's! Didn't think I could be made to feel like this again at my age!!!!
To cut a long story short, I have apologised profusely and with heartfelt sincerity but have literally hit a brick wall! Immediately after the text I called her but it went straight to voicemail, so I simply said I'll try again later, and texted an apology and explained my forgetfulness and offered to make amends, even checking the ticket situation online and asking my mate if she could reserve any more tickets - zero responose - tried calling again later but same thing. I left a message simply saying if you get this message can you give me a call? Ignored!!! Eventually I decided I'd send her a private message via facebook, again I apologised sincerely, but this time got a reply - Two words - Don't worry. No xxxs, as she usually signs off...just this. ..It made me feel really uneasy and dreaded seeing her at work the next day. She was pretty much the first person I saw that day so I said good morning, and she said morning as if nothing had happened, which was a bit of a relief..next day saw her again, and when she was on her own, I tried to personally say sorry again and she just "closed me down" and said told you it doesn't matter. Since then she's only spoken to me if I've spoken first and seems to talk to me in a friendly enough manner, but I know there's something wrong as she's ignoring my posts on facebook (she never does normally). Yes it would be easy enough to just let it ride, but next Sat it's the works do and she usually organises a meet up beforehand, can see myself not getting an invite and next sun a small group of us are doing some volunteering through work and she's gonna be there. So two things I was looking forward too...Instead of excitement I'm feeling trepidation. Perhaps I'm being paranoid, but she seems to be acting "extra friendly" towards everyone else in our group of workmates - This is harking back to bullying at school and I absolutely hate it. Most of us are in our 40's and 50's! Didn't think I could be made to feel like this again at my age!!!!