Company in the corner of the room


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Gem Genie

Registered Shopper
Jul 30, 2008
North East Wales
I have the shopping channels on a lot. I know I could watch a film or whatever but I don't know, mayb it is my age but I just can't concentrate for long periods like I used to do.

I live alone and have had some robberies in recent years and I am afraid to go to sleep some nights so I just like to have something on the telly to keep me company. The fact that some of them are on live till 2am is a consolation in a way. I have never phoned in or anything but it is just sort of nice to know that someone else is wide awake like me.

I envy the presenters their lives sometimes. They have somewhere to go every day, they seem to have cosy lives, camaraderie and lots of freebies. I doubt very much that once they have been using Northern Nights bedding that they have to send it back!

I am not housebound but I haven't been out since last Saturday and therefore haven't spoken to a living soul.

Yes, the telly is company in the corner of the room.
Hi Gem Genie. I know what you mean. I spend a lot of time on my own and I put the TV on just to hear another voice sometimes. It's usually QVC unless it's a presenter I'm not fond of!!
When my children were younger, elder now 16 and off to college soon, I used to do the same and many a sleepless night was very thankful for the shows on overnight. Even now if I am unwell I get up and watch until i can sleep. It is a good thing for many of us even if we do grumble at other times about presenters etc. Good for you Gem Genie, long may you enjoy the company QVC brings you.:wave:
Argos, Walmart or B&Q?

I was intrigued by your post, Gem Genie, I thought you were going to tell us about a 'company' that was like an 'elephant' in the corner of the room...everybody knows it's there but nobody wants to acknowledge it, like there was a conspiracy at QVC with 'Pepsi' or somebody behind it all...:giggle::giggle:

I know what you mean...QVC is my guilty pleasure and I'd miss it dreadfully if it weren't there. I often watch things I have no intentions of buying or absolutely no interest in, it's strange isn't it? It's become part of my daily life...I probably know more than I want to, though, about the presenters. I guess it's because I use retail therapy to de-stress that I enjoy it so much.
If it wasn't for the "Company in the corner of the room" we wouldn't have this forum to exchange and share views either. It gives us contact, support, debate and good few laughs, glad I found it.

Do you have pets GG? Sounds daft but if the cat is snoring on the bed I know all's well, it's reassuring.
Hi Gem Genie,I too like the comforting familiarity of qvc. I work long hours and when I get in late in the evening I can't be bothered watching anything that requires a lot of concentration so I like to put qvc on to help me wind down from the day.I know we all have a bit of a moan on here sometimes but I'm sure we would all miss it if it ended tomorrow, and besidesI wouldn't have come across this lovely forum if it wasn't for qvc.
I don't have Sky or anything just Freeview but I find television very boring in the early hours. They usually put some very dark, violent film on. I wish sometimes that they would put on some of the old classic comedies or some of the sit coms that they put on on the Yesterday channel.

I know I could listen to music too but perhaps it is the just the comfort of a human voice I seek, just the up and down lilt of a normal chatty voice.

(that rules out Claire Sutton for a start - she drives me insane - I don't need patronising thanks)
Aw bless you GG ! you aint alone ! my tv is switched on the minute I get up, and stays on until I go to bed. I cant bear the silence that living alone brings, so its the News and shopping channels. The morning 'magazine' progs dont "do it" for me, and I must be the only person on the planet not to have watched Lorraine ! (that inane grin is on enough magazine covers to put me off).
Aw bless you GG ! you aint alone ! my tv is switched on the minute I get up, and stays on until I go to bed. I cant bear the silence that living alone brings, so its the News and shopping channels. The morning 'magazine' progs dont "do it" for me, and I must be the only person on the planet not to have watched Lorraine ! (that inane grin is on enough magazine covers to put me off).

Mine too. Can't bear a quiet house.
Hi all, when I was not working and having a lot of problems with my mental and physical health I was thankful for QVC as it was soothing and predictable, I too was glad to have the company on many an anxious, restless and sleep deprived night. I know I come on here and slag it off but to tell the truth it was lovely undemanding viewing when my mind was a tangle of horrible thoughts. Also I found this forum which I love as it gives me so many giggles. I am loads better now and back at work, not earning anything like the salary I was on before but living a far more peaceful life. Big hugs SS xx
Glad to hear you are feeling better. If watching QVC and reading the Forum helps, long may it continue! XXX
I can't believe how some of the views and emotions in this thread are so similar to my own. I started watching QVC about 6 years ago when my depression was at it's worst. To be honest it was the only thing that kept me going - I planned my day around the shows.

Even now that I am much better I usually watch until the live show ends at 2am. I too can't cope with a silent house so I have the radio tuned to BBC Five Live in whichever room I happen to be, and on all night when I'm in bed.

I've had (and hope to continue having) so many belly laughs reading this forum and also winced a bit when threads get a bit nasty or personal. I log on at least 3 times a day.:giggle:
My mum in law has qvc on all the time apart from when she wants to watch the soaps.She says it is good company,she likes to hear about the presenters lives she is 82 and on her own I don't blame her.even if it's not a show she likes she has it on in the background with the sound down.
I think this website ought to be mandatory viewing for the lonely and depressed. Its brilliant !!!!!! And as Erics Mum says, we all have a belly laugh - the wit on here is good enough for any tv show ! We moan, groan, and throw our toys out of the pram with other forumites like kids in the playground - but its great !- The major factor is though ....... WE OFFLOAD !! Yes we can shout at the tele and kick the cat (not really), but we know on here we can have a bloody good whinge - whether its in favour or not is beside the point - the fact that this website is here is all the matters.

Well it is ten to one and I am here in bed as usual watching QVC.

It has just been the Kipling TSV and I was very tempted to get one for my daughter's birthday but it has a strange zip closure and I think a lot of the space is wasted. Also it looks very much like a Travelon one which is half the price.

I'm starting to feel a little tired now (well who wouldn't be watching Gill the Pixie).

May switch the light off and try and drift off

Goodnight God Bless ladies x

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