Come on, lets come up with a new trick for them!


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Jun 24, 2008
I think it's about time Bid tv et al came up with a different way to mislead us into buying their goods ,I do wonder what their next little trick will be,perhaps we could help them! any suggestions?The latest as we know is the "gold"...hey, we mention once that we're selling something that's gold plated (ie, we've covered our backs) we can continue calling it gold for the rest of the one will be any of the wiser. There's been the "short of time" ploy......we normally wouldn't let this go at such a low price, but we're so short of time we need to move on...ha ha. The warehouse crap bought in especially for the purpose...NOT as they'd have us believe, left over stock that they genuinely need to clear in order to make room for new products. We've had the "you're getting these for less than we paid for them" yeah, sure we are, unless you're comparing the thousands of units you've bought to the one unit we've bought, in which case this statement would be true!

I'd love to be a fly on the wall in one of their meetings, I can imagine them sitting round a table bouncing ideas around

Give a lengthy history lesson before the presentation..that'll add kudos

Play classical music, whilst displaying the jewellery on a slow moving turntable....really adds that touch of class

Compare the price with something mudane that you've recently bought.....Eg, for that money just last week I bought a magazine, yes a magazine for that price, I've read it and it's now in the bin..for that money I could have bought this beautiful "GOLD" bracelet!...oh and fgs don't factor in the p&p costs, if you don't mention it, no one will notice!

The other day Caroline Lindsay, who I think is the biggest bullshi**er on the channel came up this this gem......A crap item, can't remember what it was, but it had dropped to £4.99..said "I paid more than that yesterday for some bananas and a bottle of water"! .....Where from my love?....Fortnum and bleedin' Mason?...Or did you forget the £3 you paid in bus fare to the shops to buy them. I think the presenters are so trained to "forget" extra little charges, that it comes as second nature to them!

Anyway any ideas on how to doesn't matter how obvious it one will notice!
The other day Caroline Lindsay, who I think is the biggest bullshi**er on the channel came up this this gem......A crap item, can't remember what it was, but it had dropped to £4.99..said "I paid more than that yesterday for some bananas and a bottle of water"! .....Where from my love?....Fortnum and bleedin' Mason?...Or did you forget the £3 you paid in bus fare to the shops to buy them. I think the presenters are so trained to "forget" extra little charges, that it comes as second nature to them!

Anyway any ideas on how to doesn't matter how obvious it one will notice!
Anyone who has worked in Central London will know that grocery items like bananas and bottled water cost significantly more than they do elsewhere in the UK; it's the generel cost of living and it's amazing how quickly you get used to paying nearly £1 for something like a bag of crisps which is much cheaper elsewhere.

Personally I think that they have exhausted their mine of deception with their recent tanzanite sales, and electrical items like digital cameras offer a whole different world of deception which they have definitely exploited, including mentioning that a camera has 10x zoom when it's only a digital zoom (not an optical zoom where the camera's lens physically moves out to enlarge the picture). Plus saying that a digital camera is "high definition"; in this case a term that is deceptively used to refer to the resolution of still images as opposed to its ability to take high definition (at least 720p) moving images (clue: it's a dirt cheap camera they're selling which can't do this), not to mention the old trick of referring to a maximum 'interpolated' (software generated) picture resolution as opposed to the true resolution a camera's sensor is capable of resolving.
As for new deception about "Elvis Presley was so impressed with these Tommy & Kate T-shirts he bought two of them"
I don't think they have exhausted the shock, pessimistic aspect if you don't buy their goods - particularly their health exercise, massage, vibrating platform machines.

They haven't used sex either to sell their crap. You can't really call the current crop of assistants glamorous or sexy, can you?
Peter Simon: for every product we don't sell a kitty dies :heartbroke:
Mark Ryes: if you don't buy then I'll text you in the cinema from an undisclosed location
James Russell: I'll replace all your gravel on your garden with fake tanzanite
I don't think they have exhausted the shock, pessimistic aspect if you don't buy their goods - particularly their health exercise, massage, vibrating platform machines.

They haven't used sex either to sell their crap. You can't really call the current crop of assistants glamorous or sexy, can you?

Well Justin's ok and Charlie is fit and erm well ermmmm yeah ok they a bit on the fuggly side.

She is HOT TO TROT. Surely the best looking on the channels, when you compare to the likes of Caroline and Marina etc.
Yeah Adele is sexy and sadly underused, she has just been on holiday so hopefully she'll be back!
Sally is very glam and she appears to be on par with Paul Becque in terms of sales figures, Elisa is surprisingly poor with the sales figures- odd as she is one of the originals but she is rather bland these days, bring back Johnny Hammond!
Sophie Kostrowski (although she is lovely) has some good ones;

"I got sacked from my last sales job because I was too honest"

"We have a chart of the best sales people each week and I am NEVER on it"
I think Marina is sexy but not in her red Indian hippy hair parting. Her hair reminds me of a female John Lennon.
Personally I think that they have exhausted their mine of deception with their recent tanzanite sales, and electrical items like digital cameras offer a whole different world of deception which they have definitely exploited, including mentioning that a camera has 10x zoom when it's only a digital zoom (not an optical zoom where the camera's lens physically moves out to enlarge the picture). Plus saying that a digital camera is "high definition"; in this case a term that is deceptively used to refer to the resolution of still images as opposed to its ability to take high definition (at least 720p) moving images (clue: it's a dirt cheap camera they're selling which can't do this), not to mention the old trick of referring to a maximum 'interpolated' (software generated) picture resolution as opposed to the true resolution a camera's sensor is capable of resolving.
On Price-drop now is exactly such a camera being sold by Steve Macdonald: a "Vivitar HD iTwist 7.1mp camera" with "4x digital zoom". Yes - "High Definition" (not the movie mode!) as he predictably mentioned, and no optical zoom either (which he's not going to draw attention to)...
Sally Jacks is what?????????? Are you serious????????? I just get you the address of Specsavers....... or maybe it's too late for you
Sally has got great legs but that's about it, whilst Adele doesn't do anything for me (she can also usually be found on one of those casino channels).

In fact from a heterosexual male's shallow point of view, there isn't really much to shout about when it comes to eye candy on these channels any more. Personally, I think Cindy is stunning (though only on twice a week and one of those with the sleezy Far) and I find Charlotte Mounter also very attractive (odd bad hair day aside) yet she is rarely on these days, then assistant wise it's limited to Jules, Lucia and as much as I hate to admit it, Marina. After that you've got the likes of Caroline, Nicola George, The Brash, Sophie, Elisa, Gemma Smallpage, Kiri, Tania, Rhiannon, Blonde Becky, Tori etc. This channel needs to bring back the Lynn Taylors, Gemma Hadleys, Lindsay Gundersons, Kate Heavenors, Gemma Scotts of the world.
I like Charlotte too, she isn't on enough! I miss Marie, she was a great presenter.

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