Claudia's Blog


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Nov 21, 2008
Has anyone ever posted any messages on the Presenters' Blogs and got answers? Claudia has an item up at the moment asking for questions she can put to Ralph on the Honora show. I've been trying since Monday to get a question posted to find out when some earrings are likely to be back in stock but it's still not been added. Not much point asking punters for questions if they're not going to be included.
TOTALLY AGREE Topaz. I've had the same problem.

I have come to the conclusion that the Blogs are nothing more than another way of promoting QVC products. I had to laugh when I read Craig's blog about him just moving into his new home. He could only afford to do this and that, but then proceeded to babble on about different QVC products he had bought (oh yeah ?) which were all highlighted in red !!!!!

I would LOVE to know what discount these presenters get, and just how much stuff they are given aka Julia and her freebies from B & W !!!!
Has anyone ever posted any messages on the Presenters' Blogs and got answers? Claudia has an item up at the moment asking for questions she can put to Ralph on the Honora show. I've been trying since Monday to get a question posted to find out when some earrings are likely to be back in stock but it's still not been added. Not much point asking punters for questions if they're not going to be included.

If you check out Claudia's blog you'll see my questions Topaz. So they must add some of them ! Try again over the weekend while Ralph is on.
I've not had any problems getting stuff on there and answered. I've added to Claudia's, Catherine's, Pipa's and Claire's blogs. Had a blog conversation with Simon as well. So it can be done! Maybe I'm just lucky!?
If you check out Claudia's blog you'll see my questions Topaz. So they must add some of them ! Try again over the weekend while Ralph is on.

I wondered if that was you when I saw the name and question. Well done for getting in there.
I made it!!

Just checked the Blog again and my question has been posted, although they did ignore the first one. However, don't know if Claudia will be on again with Ralph this weekend to be able to ask him - fingers crossed!
Ive never made a comment, but it seems like a big advertisement for their products in my opinion

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Ive never made a comment, but it seems like a big advertisement for their products in my opinion

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Some of them do mention QVC products but many of them are of a more chatty or personal nature. Check out Claire's one about her son's birthday - a very personal, moving account and well worth reading.
Some of them do mention QVC products but many of them are of a more chatty or personal nature. Check out Claire's one about her son's birthday - a very personal, moving account and well worth reading.

I had a look after you posted this because I'm not one for reading the presenters blogs but I have a new found respect for Claire after that! I knew someone had mentioned her son before but what a lovely (and very honest) piece of writing. It makes me very thankful that all is well with my own son.
I had a look after you posted this because I'm not one for reading the presenters blogs but I have a new found respect for Claire after that! I knew someone had mentioned her son before but what a lovely (and very honest) piece of writing. It makes me very thankful that all is well with my own son.
I agree, I don't normally read presenters blogs (as they are more than a little pretentious), but Claire's blog is quite moving.

As the one thing in life that would break my heart, would be to have a special child. Not because I would want to have a perfect child, but because I would want to have the disability inflicted on myself, rather than have my child live with it.:17:
WHY does she insist on being called CLOUDIA and not CLORDIA ???? The male version of Claude is not pronounced Cloud - Oh lord I'm kicking off on names again. Sara G not Sara Griffiths, Goody not Jayne Goody,
It's Cloud-ia because she was born in Germany, and her brother was allowed to come up with a name, and he chose the name of his best little friend who was German and called Claudia, which is pronounced Cloud-ia in German.
WHY does she insist on being called CLOUDIA and not CLORDIA ???? The male version of Claude is not pronounced Cloud - Oh lord I'm kicking off on names again. Sara G not Sara Griffiths, Goody not Jayne Goody,

Do you mean Goody the model? I presume that is just a professional choice. I mean I don't think Twiggy used her birth name!
I have to take back any negative comments I made about posting questions/comments on the blogs. I just got a lovely answer from Claudia.

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