Chuntley's style no no👎


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Dear alter - your words have really bothered me & I apologise in advance if this is sticking my nose in where it's not wanted. You don't have an excuse, you have reasons & you're NOT a ' complete boring mess'. Are you worried that someone grabbing your bag could knock you over? If not, & it's just the thought of someone taking it when you can't fight back, there are substantial, but still lightweight bags around - I've got one from Travleon & it even has a reinforced gusset (get that!). Jeans & Fitflops look great together, so do dark tops, especially when worn with a stylish scarf or jewellery. I don't know if you can't or won't wear the clothes in your wardrobe, however, surely some can be worn with jeans? As for passing yourself off as the cleaner, DON'T. By the way I don't have an issue with anyone being a domestic worker & often thought about doing it as a job. Please remember that you're the girl with eyes the colour of smoke, dolphins & baby elephants 💐

Twi - thanks (once again) for your very kind words. I really do appreciate them - they give me a glow (if only that nice warm feeling would go to my feet!).

I won't wear a scarf any more (unless it's a heavy one in winter) as I was wearing a scarf when the yobs tried grabbing my bag. One of them had come up behind me and was pulling it as the other was going for my bag. I am a fighter and gave them a run for their money. They got nothing off me but a few hits from one of my crutches.

But it did make me realise how vulnerable I am when I venture out alone (extremely rare pre-Covid). My balance has got a lot worse over the last year, too, so I doubt I'd stay upright long enough to fight these days. I did start being more aware, thinking about where I was and positioning myself better. Also, being more reactive - which I think is key. I tried ignoring the yobs when I knew they were up to no good and I should have turned the situation around before it started.

I used to wear smart suits but stopped because when I was in serious nerve pain and had just discovered Fitflops, there was very little choice and they just looked so wrong with them.

Oh, the cleaner! I actually love being her. It's quite amazing how the door-to-door con artists lose interest quickly as soon as I tell them I'm the cleaner. We had a rash of gypsy-types coming around selling things/offering a new roof/tarmac/fencing/gutter cleaning and some of these were quite aggressive even to my partner (and he's a strapping lad but way too soft). Once these people realise I can't hand over money they get lost and go on to the next poor victim. It works like a charm every time. Some ask when the boss will be back but rarely return.

My Ring doorbell is also off-putting. I can't get to the door quickly but even if I'm upstairs I tell these unwanted tradesmen that I'm the cleaner, I'll be down now, just let me get my rubber gloves off they're gone before I get to the window to shout down.

I've never been timid but losing my mobility and a few nasty encounters with strangers who seem to think a woman on crutches is an easy mark has taken a toll on my confidence. There's no way I'll show it these days, though. It's direct eye contact, head up (actually quite difficult when I have to look at every step I take), shoulders squared and I do see them look twice. Advice I was given by a martial arts expert, along with a few crutch moves, that I won't forget as it really does work. I'd recommend it to any woman who finds herself in a situation that could turn nasty.

My friend is a professional cleaner and goes to work dressed to the nines. She gets quite upset with me for using 'the cleaner' persona. She absolutely loves cleaning and I really do take my hat off to all the cleaners/cleaning lovers out there as I do a good job but hate every minute spent doing it. So absolutely no offence meant to any cleaners out there.

PS reinforced gusset! The only one of those I really need these days is in my knickers 😂
My late sister was using crutches for a long while before she ended up in a wheelchair and she swore by a leather bum bag to hold necessities such as keys, money etc. She could tuck it underneath her top or her coat and people were non the wiser.
As for how I dress during these past 12 months, well if it was a mood board like interior designers use it would be listed as follows....
Today is a pissed off day so I`m wearing XY or Z.
When it`s a REALLY pissed off day I`ll not be bothering with XY or Z
Or if I should happen on a MEGA pissed off day then I`ll swear by an F.C.U.K to wearing anything from A to Z !
Even when I was really lockdown weary last year I still looked the same - hair, jewellery, make up & clothes because if I decorate the outside I feel better inside. I'd be mortified if I ever got taken to hospital & I was in need of a pedicure & I always wear matching underwear. When I look at old family photos, 1960s & earlier, I love how smart everyone looked, I wonder if that was because clothes were better quality & people looked after them as they had fewer than we do. My grandmother managed to bring quite a lot of her clothes from Poland when she came here in the 1930s, I have a few of them & nearly 90 years later they still feel substantial & the finishing on them is perfect. She also told me how she made eye liner from cocoa powder & even soot when times were tough during the war because it was important that she looked as good as possible, I have quite a few photos of her & she looked glorious.
LATI she wears the fancy designer DMs they have a floral design. RIP Off Britain live shows.she.was wearing them last week and the holiday week the week before.

The days.of crippling yourself I high heels are.over comfy.DMs all the way. I have.a pair bought years.back they are.great for the.snow. Mine are.size.2 children's.
A change is as good as a rest but,I'm not loving Catherine Huntley's new look! I don't think it's all her own doing,the presenter stylist Stein strikes again! Turn up jeans,bovver boots,this has got Stein written all over it! I hope she dusts off her heels and jumpsuits pretty darn quick!
It must be the new trend as I was scrolling M&S website for coats the look is there too.
Well I am 79 next month and like most of us lately I am at home nearly all day and tend to wear the same old all the time. But recently I thought why am I keeping all these nice things for end of lockdown as it will be nearly summer so I have started wearing them and it just gives me a lift and makes me feel less scruffy and dowdy. At my age saving for a rainy day is not an option as it’s already here ( it has poured down all day) lol.
Same here Bettyboo - I'm trying to wear different stuff everyday and also makeup, just to cheer myself up x
when I was a child, my nan always used to say "wear a clean vest, incase you get knocked down by a bus"
I think my vest would have been the least of my problems if that happened 😲
It is amazing what is seen as a priority consideration...
...different times!

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