Chuntley extensions?


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Sorry, not her best look! One of the worst in fact along with the long blond extensions a few years back.

Just to explain the going to the hairdresser thing. She was actually talking about ears. Diamonique lady and Catherine were talking about both having big ears, Alison said hairdresser cut hers once and Catherine said she needed to go to the same hairdresser to have hers cut - I understood that to mean her big ears!? Nonsense conversations which just went on and on.

Pippa was the one when she had the pixie cut who used to go on about her ears. I remember clearly she was on with Dale on a Diamonique show some years back suddenly talking about her ears. They were too big and stuck out as well. Yet she had this really short hair. Dale was telling her ears were fine. She just kept the short hair until she remarried and they grew out with extensions as well.

As for CHuntley and the house thing, she must tell every guest presenter she is on with about it. When Doris was over doing the last Doll10 shows and on with her. Doris mentioned it too!
All this attention on her hair must be food and drink to CH. It's not the worst look in the world of QVC - that honour is most often given to AY. We all know in a few days or weeks it will have changed again.

The burning question is really why, given her love of all things QVC, did CH brave the dreaded high street rather than supplement her locks with QVC-sold hair pieces?

Regarding the house renovations taking a long time, I don't see that as exceptional; you have to have the money, time and energy... Whether to DIY or to pay and supervise others.
Well if she was to be believed there would have been no labour costs as she did it ALL by her 'ittle princess self!

Self obsessed or what!

A load of who shot John
Not keen on the very dark almost black shade, don't think is suits her skin tone. I can't decide to whom she bears the most resemblance today - Angelina Jolie or Morticia Adams.

It's obvious - she's trying to be Steven Corfield :mysmilie_17: I actually like the extensions on Catherine, I don't like it when she has her hair done up in those 1940's swirls and waves, she looks about 80.

I couldn't give a monkey's a....e what hairstyle she has, but its the preening when she sees herself in the monitor, a sort of half turn pouty pose in the hope of getting yet another compliment on twatter. Jill Franks is another biggy for always looking at herself, and then its a flick of the greasy lanky hair !
I couldn't give a monkey's a....e what hairstyle she has, but its the preening when she sees herself in the monitor, a sort of half turn pouty pose in the hope of getting yet another compliment on twatter. Jill Franks is another biggy for always looking at herself, and then its a flick of the greasy lanky hair !

I agree, she lives in QVC world were they all smile and slap each other on the back while complimenting each other and no one is ever told "oooh that doesn't look good" no no no that's a hanging offence. Chuntley was doing her best Morticia the words of Lurch youuu rannnnnnnnng! :mysmilie_17:
Sorry, not her best look! One of the worst in fact along with the long blond extensions a few years back.

Just to explain the going to the hairdresser thing. She was actually talking about ears. Diamonique lady and Catherine were talking about both having big ears, Alison said hairdresser cut hers once and Catherine said she needed to go to the same hairdresser to have hers cut - I understood that to mean her big ears!? Nonsense conversations which just went on and on.

I thought she meant going to get her ears cut.
Cos she thought they were too big?

That's how I read it too Lemonpop!

Save yourself LP, you're on my wavelength! :mysmilie_50:
I couldn't give a monkey's a....e what hairstyle she has, but its the preening when she sees herself in the monitor, a sort of half turn pouty pose in the hope of getting yet another compliment on twatter. Jill Franks is another biggy for always looking at herself, and then its a flick of the greasy lanky hair !
And don't forget Chloe who looks in the monitor constantly. Drives me mad! If you played a shots game about this, you'd be pissed in the first ten minutes of the show.
And if you added in the looking at the iPads we would be under the table in half that time. If it's not preening and pouting st the monitor it's twatting and doing personal orders.
Talking about hair, what on earth is Jackie Kabler doing with those ringlets - she needs to stop listening to whoever she has been, they do nothing for her - one, she doesn't suit them two, she's too old for them - just ridiculous and I'm surprised because jackie is one of my favourite presenters.
I just don't understand since neither her own hair or the extensions are natural why she thinks that the difference in colour between the two are a good look, surely they could be coloured to match. And someone please tell her she ain't Dusty Springfield.

Personally I am finding her just a *** paper away from taking the crown from Chuntley. She screeched her way through the Eek show with a vocabulary consisting of "wow" "amazing" "I, I, I"

I just want to slap her.
She was doing an 'outside' show yesterday, and I couldn't help notice how bad her skin is. Considering the access she has to all the skin care products, it was quite an eye opener.
I have just seen Jackie Kabler and she looks just ridiculous in fact far worse than C.H. When is someone going to tell her to change that strange hairstyle and get rid of the extensions. Her makeup makes her look like a Vamp.
Agree about Jackie K's hair, just looks as though she has taken the tongs and 2 seconds later the awful ringlet look.More than that I can't understand why the likes of Jackie,Chuntley and to a certain extent Julia colour their hair in such unflattering shades.Jackie's a yellow flat 'blonde' & the other 2 much too dark & harsh for their skin tone-- (IMO of course!)
There's no doubt that people who plaster on the slap often do it to hide the true condition of their skin, especially on TV where things are magnified. I also couldn't believe it when I saw Jackie K's hairstyle - she looked as though she was impersonating Nelly Olsen from "The Little House on the Prairie". Trouble is, Nelly Olsen is about 10...

I have just seen Jackie Kabler and she looks just ridiculous in fact far worse than C.H. When is someone going to tell her to change that strange hairstyle and get rid of the extensions. Her makeup makes her look like a Vamp.

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