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Remember Christmas selling is not just for Christmas at QVC. Don't worry of course we will still get Christmas in July, then Christmas in September,October,November and even December.

I never watch detest it.
Totally agree. I can't watch the rubbish Christmas shows but as long as people buy nonsense that costs a fortune then that's what they are going to flog. A business might make a billion squid in one year but it's only deemed successful if the profits grow each year so q is obliged to push harder and harder to part us from our money. If more people would just wake up and take control of their budgets we might force some real value out of the dinosaur that is qvc. Other companies manage it for goodness sake. Anyway, I won't buy any Christmas gift that can't be returned.

What gets my goat about QVC Christmas is the food, £45 for a 'pork chop' and people think the have a bargain cos the food is such 'exquisite quality'. Tosh, go to any good butcher and you will get the same at half the price. It's right when people say that QVC selling style draws people in. Very aggressive.
The point is people will always buy no matter what the item or price and i have know doubt whether they even need it, shopping channels survive on people who have more money than sense.
What gets my goat about QVC Christmas is the food, £45 for a 'pork chop' and people think the have a bargain cos the food is such 'exquisite quality'. Tosh, go to any good butcher and you will get the same at half the price. It's right when people say that QVC selling style draws people in. Very aggressive.

Don't forget food will not turn up in time, but you will be promised they will right up to Christmas Eve(oh no it won't), QVC then investigate and nothing is ever heard about it again.
I have to confess I have just booked my Christmas holiday (where does that put me) apart from on a plane out to escape the madness, an absolute must while I am able to do it?It's not a package holiday so the hotel bill is not due until 1 week before I depart.I know lots of people have to spend the cost of Christmas but sometimes it gets out of hand & there are those who buy because they feel they have to & spend money they can ill afford.
I think many people book Christmas holidays to get away from all the madness. I am starting to loathe it.

I get a Small gift for hubby and son and send vouchers to two step grandsons up north. I don't want to be told how much I should be enjoying myself. I used to get so stressed at work with all the Christms dos until I was honest and told people I really don't want to do them. They were becoming never ending. Well I got treated like I was some sort of Alien. I didnt care because I felt better being truthful rather than enduring it.
I always wanted the perfect family Christmas. One year I got all the stuff, the food, the presents, the tree, the little extras for the kids. I rented a place near my mum/sister's homes and asked them all in on Christmas Eve so we could drink mulled wine and sing carols around the fire. It was awful. The kids fell out over the telly programmes, they hated their presents, the dinner apparently wasn't hot enough and my mum went home in the huff. Don't do it folks.

Now OH and I do our own thing, go out for a curry on Christmas Day and have a lovely time on OUR OWN. I hope everyone else's family can do the perfect QVC Christmas as mine certainly can't :mysmilie_10:

Turandot, on the contrary, I think you were brave to speak out and be honest, and should be respected for that. And why should we all be the same? I know loads of people who adore Christmas, "dekkies" go up beginning of November, etc. and good luck to them, it's their choice. Others I know hate it - especially those who are on their own, or who have suffered a previous bereavement at Christmas, so it has unhappy associations for them. I fall somewhere between, but I hate the relentless sell, sell, sell, push, push, push, that proceeds it - and as for Christmas in July! Well, I'm sounding like a cracked record, but give me strength, I'm thinking of holidays and weekends away then!!! In our family, yes, we do buy for the youngsters, and the rest of us either buy ourselves a treat or give the money we would have spent on the adults to a charity by sending a cheque in the New Year. Where I work, we decided a few years back that we would stop giving each other cards, and instead each donate the money we would have spent on a box of cards to a charity.

I think many people book Christmas holidays to get away from all the madness. I am starting to loathe it.

I get a Small gift for hubby and son and send vouchers to two step grandsons up north. I don't want to be told how much I should be enjoying myself. I used to get so stressed at work with all the Christms dos until I was honest and told people I really don't want to do them. They were becoming never ending. Well I got treated like I was some sort of Alien. I didnt care because I felt better being truthful rather than enduring it.
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Well, after the complete debacle last Christmas, if any regular viewers who saw what happened last year decide to buy food from them, they have only themselves to blame, IMO. How could anyone trust them after that? And was there ever any apology for it?

Don't forget food will not turn up in time, but you will be promised they will right up to Christmas Eve(oh no it won't), QVC then investigate and nothing is ever heard about it again.
Apart from buying presents for my 90 yr old Mum I don't do Christmas at all, in any shape or form, so the shopping channels' Xmas drives me to distraction. They're obviously not p&&sing everyone off though, because the FB folk were asking this week if Q would be doing Xmas in July because they all love it so.

I've never 'done' FB or Twatter, but I wonder whether people are hired (just like phone centres) to post positive comments. Cant help being cynical, but if you can be cold called on the phone, why not pay people to sit all day spouting how they love various products on their various forums and websites !!!
brissles, I agree with you. I treat these posts with caution, as you have no proof that at least some of the positive comments aren't made by members of staff from the organisation itself. Also, to be fair, rival organisations may post negative comments, too.

I've never 'done' FB or Twatter, but I wonder whether people are hired (just like phone centres) to post positive comments. Cant help being cynical, but if you can be cold called on the phone, why not pay people to sit all day spouting how they love various products on their various forums and websites !!!

I've never 'done' FB or Twatter, but I wonder whether people are hired (just like phone centres) to post positive comments. Cant help being cynical, but if you can be cold called on the phone, why not pay people to sit all day spouting how they love various products on their various forums and websites !!!

Oh they don`t need to pay or hire people to do that. DF has more than enough minions from her many fb groups who`ll happily sing QVC`s glory on fb or anywhere else. Plus her bestie who is supposedly a beauty blogger but who actually looks as aged as the rest of us and in dire need of some beauty advice herself and has a face perfect for radio, absolutely LOVES everything Q sells. She`d go to the opening of an envelope if it got her some freebies and the BTY, Queens or Beauty Group followers are akin to the Freemasons for being up there and tickety boo about all things Q. They`re so brainwashed if any of them missed out on the Green Seasons Christmas delivery they`d say oh thank you Q it saved me 2,000 calories that day because I had to have a bowl of porridge for my Christmas dinner. I kid you not !
Well, after the complete debacle last Christmas, if any regular viewers who saw what happened last year decide to buy food from them, they have only themselves to blame, IMO. How could anyone trust them after that? And was there ever any apology for it?
I just cannot understand why people would buy any sorts of food from any shopping channel. The presenters will do everything in there power to convince you that you can't but better elsewhere. Of course that's what they'll do, it's there job. So, you will buy it, try it and not dare says its poor as people will say mug. As I said in a previous post, a good butcher for meat that you can actually see and choose. You also know that you will have it rather than rely on the many broken promises from QVC. .....RANT OVER
those pies are dreadful. i had a pukka pie cost £1.50 and a thousand times tastier than the "real pie" company offerings. all hype and overpriced
The point is QVC is ultimately owned by 'the Yanks' so whatever goes in the parent company, has to then follow on in the 'branches' around the world, one of these things whether we like it or not is selling 'Christmas 'tat'' in July, they therefore need to make the promo's for these shows earlier, hence two months prior does seem about right, however it does kinda leave a nasty taste in one's mouth especially as one has only just finished paying for ones previous Christmas. Sorry overuse of the word 'one' their and no I don't talk like that I am from Barnsley South Yorkshire for goodness sake, the only 'posh person' (well the two who like to think they are, are Dickie Bird and Katherine Kelly)!

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