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Mar 7, 2012
I see that Q are looking for customers "magical Christmas moments". Why? For Pete's sake its 2 May.

Don't tell me we are going to push Christmas in July which was pushed back to Christmas in June into Christmas in May?

Scraping the bottom of the barrel comes to mind. Have they not brought out enough tat for those awful woman to sell in the gardening shows today.
Just makes me watch them less and less. Can't stand the Christmas in July rubbish. Someone on Gems was talking about Christmas last week - it is really annoying.
Wow--the C word mentioned on 2/5 must be a new record! They cannot be serious, I'm out.
Wow--the C word mentioned on 2/5 must be a new record! They cannot be serious, I'm out.

Well QVC, it's beginning to look a lot like.... Bullsh@t. This will be so we can get out present draw full for the postman. Dinner lady. Binman............................add suggestion here.
desperation! todays been here before tsv is sad tbh and the prices of the plug plants are ridiculous
I can think of a better "C" word I'd associate with QVC, and it ain't "convenience". :mysmilie_17:
Well QVC, it's beginning to look a lot like.... Bullsh@t. This will be so we can get out present draw full for the postman. Dinner lady. Binman............................add suggestion here.

And we are encouraged to hoard things for the best part of the year, this is very, very bad in my book. I don't suppose that they are extending the MBG until 25 January 2017? Unless this is the trick - you are stack if your recipient doesn't like it.
Christmas is a massive expenditure for a lot of households... and the pressure to have some kind of idealised Christmas is growing every year. QVC, like most retailers, stand or fall by the success of their Christmas campaign. I would say that the earlier they start pushing Christmas means that they have become nervous about their year... which in turn seems to suggest that our suspicions about many TSVs not being as successful as they needed to be.

They never really seem to offer anything you would actually want to buy if you are planning and budgeting and spreading out the cost for Christmas... in my own case I tend to show earliest for people who I know what they want... I won't be buying Christmas novelties and tat - that's for shopping in the sales just after Christmas, in my view.
This is getting blurdy ridiculous now. It'll be "Buy for Next Christmas at Christmas time" soon. Last year's Christmas in July, which was on several of the channels (not just Q) for days, or so it seemed to me, was gut-wrenchingly boring: same old same old, under the guise of being a "Christmas presents special". They are really scraping the barrel, IMO. Shows they have no innovation, no original ideas to attract the customers. Pathetic if they can't come up with something better.

I see that Q are looking for customers "magical Christmas moments". Why? For Pete's sake its 2 May.

Don't tell me we are going to push Christmas in July which was pushed back to Christmas in June into Christmas in May?

Scraping the bottom of the barrel comes to mind. Have they not brought out enough tat for those awful woman to sell in the gardening shows today.
Oh gawd, not Gems as well - although I shouldn't be surprised, they did it last year and I thought it would never end. Can't they see that they are p&&sing people off? Most of us haven't had our holidays yet!

Just makes me watch them less and less. Can't stand the Christmas in July rubbish. Someone on Gems was talking about Christmas last week - it is really annoying.
Christmas is a massive expenditure for a lot of households... and the pressure to have some kind of idealised Christmas is growing every year. QVC, like most retailers, stand or fall by the success of their Christmas campaign. I would say that the earlier they start pushing Christmas means that they have become nervous about their year... which in turn seems to suggest that our suspicions about many TSVs not being as successful as they needed to be.

They never really seem to offer anything you would actually want to buy if you are planning and budgeting and spreading out the cost for Christmas... in my own case I tend to show earliest for people who I know what they want... I won't be buying Christmas novelties and tat - that's for shopping in the sales just after Christmas, in my view.

So many TSV's don't sell out, the number that used to be gone by noon if not before was the norm.
Christmas is a massive expenditure for a lot of households... and the pressure to have some kind of idealised Christmas is growing every year. QVC, like most retailers, stand or fall by the success of their Christmas campaign. I would say that the earlier they start pushing Christmas means that they have become nervous about their year... which in turn seems to suggest that our suspicions about many TSVs not being as successful as they needed to be.

They never really seem to offer anything you would actually want to buy if you are planning and budgeting and spreading out the cost for Christmas... in my own case I tend to show earliest for people who I know what they want... I won't be buying Christmas novelties and tat - that's for shopping in the sales just after Christmas, in my view.

shop... I tend to SHOP! Hate it when I don't spot my typos...
A friend texted me today to say she was Christmas shopping in Manchester. :mysmilie_13: Only 8 months to go, she said!
Oh gawd, not Gems as well - although I shouldn't be surprised, they did it last year and I thought it would never end. Can't they see that they are p&&sing people off? Most of us haven't had our holidays yet!
This is a very good point, we get sucked in spending what could be a holiday worth, very sobering.
qvc just encourages hoarding. buying beauty tsv's every week. jewellery every day. clothes you wont wear but cant be bothereed to return. shoes/boots that dont fit but it cost as much to return them as it cost to buy them.
Oh gawd, not Gems as well - although I shouldn't be surprised, they did it last year and I thought it would never end. Can't they see that they are p&&sing people off? Most of us haven't had our holidays yet!

Apart from buying presents for my 90 yr old Mum I don't do Christmas at all, in any shape or form, so the shopping channels' Xmas drives me to distraction. They're obviously not p&&sing everyone off though, because the FB folk were asking this week if Q would be doing Xmas in July because they all love it so.
No, no I flatly refuse to even think about Christmas in July. That`s ridiculous and all those saddos who are chomping at the bit to buy Q`s overpriced tat need to get a life.
They wheel out the same rubbish every year and yet folks seem eager to buy it, it beggars belief.
Totally agree. I can't watch the rubbish Christmas shows but as long as people buy nonsense that costs a fortune then that's what they are going to flog. A business might make a billion squid in one year but it's only deemed successful if the profits grow each year so q is obliged to push harder and harder to part us from our money. If more people would just wake up and take control of their budgets we might force some real value out of the dinosaur that is qvc. Other companies manage it for goodness sake. Anyway, I won't buy any Christmas gift that can't be returned.

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