Christmas Tree TSV 23/10/15


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She sounds fab Vienna, and would be so good for me - a 4 legged personal trainer, with a cold wet nose! Yep, I'm still jealous :mysmilie_12:
We've got a big, double-coated dog who loves mud and water too! Recently he had to have 2 sessions at the grooming parlour and you could have stuffed a mattress with his excess fur. He often stinks, but we love him :sun:

He doesn't knock the tree over though, as he has a curled over tail.
......... Our dog is a big boisterous labrador with a tail which never stops wagging and she`d knock a tree over in seconds and our cat thinks tree decorations are for her amusement and every morning we run a gauntlet of tree baubles littering the floor. Consequently we only put up our tree a couple of days before Christmas and then take it down just a couple of days after Christmas.

I spend most of December on tree watch for the very same reason. I like to put my tree up in the first week of December and I'm always a bit OCD about what goes where and if it looks nicely balanced etc. But give it a few days and it never looks the way it did at the beginning. By the time it's time to take it down the decorations are just all random cos I'm fed up trying to keep it all perfect :wink:

I have (or had) three large Utonagan dogs. Sadly my eldest of the three passed away last week, and she was the well behaved one! The other two younger ones have no concept of space or motion and just rush about like maniacs :doh: My wee old cat (who also passed away just three weeks ago) also had a fondness for the decorations and spent lots of time swiping them off the tree :giggle:

As you can see I'm not having much luck with my animals right now!

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