Christmas in July


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Feb 16, 2023
Does anyone else find 'Christmas in July' events really tacky? Not just on Gemporia, but in general (I think TJC used to do 'Christmas in July' too)

I wonder what the next event will be on Gemporia. Has their financial situation improved? Administration in August perhaps?
I think they all do this, certainly QVC have been doing it for years. I think it’s aimed at helping people budget for Christmas, but the cynic in me doesn’t believe this. And anytime I’ve ever shopped this early for Xmas, I’ve put them away so safely they didn’t turn up till March!!
Their app and internet crashed during Angeline’s show so it got messy. They just repeated many of the same things from yesterday/breakfast. It was hard to remember if the prices were exactly the same. Lots of poor I3 diamonds. One could say the Paris opening ceremony was equally confusing. I prefer the calm of the breakfast wheel with Steph and Barnaby, and weekend nights with Jeff. Tends to be far less bs and yelling. Time difference makes it good for me, too (4pm or 9am)
Does anyone else find 'Christmas in July' events really tacky? Not just on Gemporia, but in general (I think TJC used to do 'Christmas in July' too)

I wonder what the next event will be on Gemporia. Has their financial situation improved? Administration in August perhaps?
If the desperation in Jim's voice (on Gem Collector) the other night is anything to go by, I don't think the piggy bank is full to bursting at the moment. So I expect August's event to be followed by two more special events - Screeching ever Louder in September and Out of a Job in October.

Personally, one of the last things I want to see at this time of year (another year of no summer) is a blurdy Christmas tree. All it makes me want to do is switch off or switch over, so I cannot see the point. But all of the channels seem to trot it out every year, so perhaps people do enjoy it. I noticed Angeline on this morning, against the tasteful(?) background of the Christmas tree, explaining what bargains we were getting in gold at under £100. Filled ruby and cheesewire gold ring - yeah, thanks, Ange. I'll pass on that.
I did flick over to GC last night at 8pm (Emily jumping between studios, I see!). She declared multiple times that opals only come in six colours. Anyone know what the blazes she means?

I was so puzzled, because I have some Ethiopian opals that are right across the spectrum, that I looked online. I can't find anything to back that up on any site, from the GIA to other hobbyist chatrooms.
Unless she means orange fire opals, the opaque blue, pink, and Australia black and white as well as white Ethiopian…. But i’m not sure if that is all. Then there are types etc
I did flick over to GC last night at 8pm (Emily jumping between studios, I see!). She declared multiple times that opals only come in six colours. Anyone know what the blazes she means?

Emily is another in the Jess Foley and Lindsey Carr mould in that she's completely out of her depth as a TV presenter. She was propelled into the role by Alex and Ellis simply because she has a 'bubbly personality' (which translates to 'loud and giggly').

Even when she does go into 'serious' mode to do a launch or speech about a stone, she tends to give out information that is completely wrong.

The only presenter that tells us about stones now is Jeff.

It was such a delight to hear Jeff, last night, saying "This is a variety of Feldspar" when selling Serenite and "Aquamarine is the blue variety of Beryl, Emerald is the green variety of Beryl, Heliodor is the yellow variety and Morganite is the pink variety" when he was selling a 'Multi-Colour Beryl' bracelet.

It's so refreshing to hear information like that rather than "All's I can say is multi-buy, I absolutely would. Absolutely" or "Barbara from Benidorm is in, Amanda from Aberystwyth is in, Sandra from Skegness has bought 803 of these. Doris from Derby has bought 4.......".
I did flick over to GC last night at 8pm (Emily jumping between studios, I see!). She declared multiple times that opals only come in six colours. Anyone know what the blazes she means?

I was so puzzled, because I have some Ethiopian opals that are right across the spectrum, that I looked online. I can't find anything to back that up on any site, from the GIA to other hobbyist chatrooms.
I've given up watching even briefly when she's on. The giggling (which goes on far too long, is too loud and seems like an attempt to fill in time), the extravagant claims being made and the prices, some of which are off the wall for stones much cheaper elsewhere - just find it increasingly irritating to watch and can't be bothered to listen to what she's saying.
Does anyone else find 'Christmas in July' events really tacky? Not just on Gemporia, but in general (I think TJC used to do 'Christmas in July' too)

I wonder what the next event will be on Gemporia. Has their financial situation improved? Administration in August perhaps?
I've noticed you seem to know quite a lot about the laws etc regarding telly selling. Well I wanted to know is it legal to steal someone's advert from the TV.
Have you seen the one for Cunard????
Well Gemporia have starting playing it using same voice, same words, a carbon copy of the Cunard TV advert.
Is this legal because obviously Cunard had to pay an agency for design, pay actors/extras and then pay to air it.
I think they all do this, certainly QVC have been doing it for years. I think it’s aimed at helping people budget for Christmas, but the cynic in me doesn’t believe this. And anytime I’ve ever shopped this early for Xmas, I’ve put them away so safely they didn’t turn up till March!!
My silly sense of humour is poked by this. I once said, I'd buy myself something and hide it. So when I opened it I wouldn't know what it was. :p
I've noticed you seem to know quite a lot about the laws etc regarding telly selling. Well I wanted to know is it legal to steal someone's advert from the TV.
Have you seen the one for Cunard????
Well Gemporia have starting playing it using same voice, same words, a carbon copy of the Cunard TV advert.
Is this legal because obviously Cunard had to pay an agency for design, pay actors/extras and then pay to air it.

I'll keep my eyes open. I don't recall seeing it so it wouldn't be fair for me to comment until then.
I've noticed you seem to know quite a lot about the laws etc regarding telly selling. Well I wanted to know is it legal to steal someone's advert from the TV.
Have you seen the one for Cunard????
Well Gemporia have starting playing it using same voice, same words, a carbon copy of the Cunard TV advert.
Is this legal because obviously Cunard had to pay an agency for design, pay actors/extras and then pay to air it.
The philosopher/ poet’s voice, Allan Watts, is used, and the background pics are a mix of stock pics and Lehrer, D’Souza clips, so not 100% Cunard. They would of had to pay royalties to the Watts foundation. Nice ad even though it might not be original.

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