you've got to laugh - they show sun creams, plants, garden lights, summer clothes and sandals - it pisses down.
Candles and christmas tat - scorchio!!!
lol rofl:d
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you've got to laugh - they show sun creams, plants, garden lights, summer clothes and sandals - it pisses down.
Candles and christmas tat - scorchio!!!
Ooooh! This would look lovely next to a pink flourescent flamingo!
I am clearly on my own here. I love Christmas in July although I have to admit I have not given in and actually bought anything today.
Ever noticed you can buy hot cross buns all year round now - and I love them. But Christmas in July
Let's get summer out of the way first PLEASE !
I am one of those weird people who can't abide Summer, with it's heat, endless burning, too hot to sleep, so I am glad to see Christmas in July, but this year I agree Sue - it was rubbish!