Christmas Gift Ideas


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My Christmas gift idea: don't shop at Q.
Extra tip: never rely on Q for Christmas food.

I'm gradually buying Christmas gifts now so it doesn't all hit me in December and January card bills. Tbh, I prefer to pay up front rather than rely on the never-never these days.
They were in packs of two, so you could keep one and "gift" one. Another horrible Americanism.
A gift, yes. To gift, NO.
Quite agree. Heard a BA on a shoe show last night say that these shoes would go well with a trouser or a tight. What happened to trousers, tights or a pair of trousers or a pair of tights? Hate these Americanisms they use.
I see that EVERY item is now - Hurry, going fast.

Whatever this was, I must REALLY hurry, as they'v had 7 orders lol


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I CANNOT believe even Q could classify this as a Christmas Gift. 😱
And, dear friends, that is EXACTLY why I pick my own gifts for Christmas and just charge them to Mr CC's Barclaycard. He'd get me some shoo shoo nonsense or probably nothing at all with the lame excuse "you never said what you wanted". Or I'd get drain cleaner because "we need it".

I just cannot make a start on my Christmas shopping until 1st Nov. It’s my tradition, I have a routine 😂.

My sister in law and I have one day dedicated to buying cards, wrappings etc and another for choosing gifts for mutual family members, to avoid duplication !
I might spend an hour helping my brother buy for his grandchildren, although he usually goes out on Christmas Eve - to the ATM !
My sister shops for gifts on line and has me collecting stuff in-store for her !
I tried that popcorn once and I definitely didn't like the chocolate ones. I think I might have sent some of it back. It's something I can definitely live without.

I`ve finished my Christmas shopping. I shop throughout the year in sales or with discount codes. I hate the manic feeding frenzy near to Christmas when everybody rushes around the shops or they`re hoovering up anything or everything on websites. I like it all done and dusted well before Christmas and then I can sit back and relax .
I know my way isn`t for everybody but it`s how I`ve always done it and it means I am stress free.

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