I never watch Gems TV at all nowadays because I believe them to be dishonest (undisclosed treatments), over-priced and sellers of mainly tat. However, I flicked on to them by mistake today and could not believe my eyes! What on earth are they doing with those cheap and nasty graphics? That red and white is about as classy as the faux pearl and crystal junk they are trying to sell!
For all the world they are like the back street market stall of TV shopping channels! This new woman they got from Ideal World is really dragging them down and down even further than they were! Obviously no class and no idea what she's doing! I bet the two Steve's (Bennett & Ashton) are having a good laugh! I can see them disappearing from our screens in the very near future unless someone steps in and buys them over!
For all the world they are like the back street market stall of TV shopping channels! This new woman they got from Ideal World is really dragging them down and down even further than they were! Obviously no class and no idea what she's doing! I bet the two Steve's (Bennett & Ashton) are having a good laugh! I can see them disappearing from our screens in the very near future unless someone steps in and buys them over!