Charlie yawn Brook..


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Nice 'n Easy...
Jun 24, 2008
Oh my word he is boring tonight.
He is sending me to sleep...I wish he would liven things up a bit and inject a bit of oomph into his monotone presenting style :33:
i'm with you there Lemon....but it goes even further for me cos i can't watch shows with any of the male presenters on as they bore me rigid. Only exception being Anthony when he's winding Bibby up. :elmo:
Too true LS.:snoozing:

I think he has a key in his back and they just wind him up before a show! His jewellery presentations are the worst, when he does the 'grand reveal' - arrrrrrrgggghhhh!
Each to their own, but I think Charlie is lovely! I also like Dale and Julian.:54:
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Too true LS.:snoozing:

I think he has a key in his back and they just wind him up before a show! His jewellery presentations are the worst, when he does the 'grand reveal' - arrrrrrrgggghhhh!

Well said, Melusina!
I cannot bear to watch him and always turn off if he is 'presenting' he's so smarmy .Maybe he should take a leaf out of Julians book
Each to their own, but I think Charlie is lovely! I also like Dale and Julian.:54:

I like Charlie too.

I enjoy watching Anthony especially with Dawn as he's a bit like a naughty child. I like Julian as well, in fact I commented the other day that he's ok for a Man U fan.
Oh my word he is boring tonight.
He is sending me to sleep...I wish he would liven things up a bit and inject a bit of oomph into his monotone presenting style :33:

I don't usually watch his shows but I did think he was quite amusing on a recent B&W show when Simon was teasing him!
Craig's really grown on me, think he's showing a lot of enthusiasm and is genuine. Charlie can sometimes be really insincere and also is creepy to the models. I think he thinks he's irresistible to the women who watch so smarms even more. Plus when ever there's a t-caller I hate the way he goes 'bye bye, bye bye' when they ring off, it's so insincere sounding...but apart from that, I really like him ;)
charlie bores me know, used to like him but dont like his voice sends me to sleep.
like craig know but like julien the best in the males.
I cannot bear to watch him and always turn off if he is 'presenting' he's so smarmy .Maybe he should take a leaf out of Julians book

'Smarmy' - that's exactly the word I'd use for him. He's like Valium in a suit. Yuk!
Craig has a way with him, he sparkles, he seems to be a really nice guy (and even if he isn't he manages to get it across on TV which is a tremondous asset in Sales). Charlie, well, I don't dislike him, he is just very, very boring to watch.
It's good how we all have different opinions, but personally I just can't stand Craig and have to switch him off. Charlie however comes across as a genuinely nice guy. Craig strikes me as completely insincere.

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