Charlie bears?


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Sep 22, 2022
Can anyone explain or describe the attraction of Charlie bears? Are they an investment? Can you put them in the washing machine? Are they for children or adults? Just curious?
I sometimes watch part of a Charlie Bears show. I think majority of the bears etc are lovely but at those prices I would be loathed to give one to a small child to drag around everywhere ( I speak from experience!) I tend to look at them as collectors pieces, although to keep a load of them looking pristine looks like hard work imo. As for Mr Charlie Bears himself, part of me applauds him for being so totally emersed in his product, part of me thinks it's all a bit creepy. Whatever, they seem to be very successful, and it's lovely to see Rosa back as the BA.
A no from me, I don't like collecting anything as in turn they collect dust. As an adult I see no problem with the odd childhood relic strategically placed in the home like a teddy bear on the bed or a doll on a shelf or in a cabinet (if you like that sort of thing) but piles of soft toys - awful, and rooms full of dolls - just creepy!
I did actually buy a Charlie bear as a christening present for my Godson because it had his name and was actually quite a nice one and luckily not one of the really large hideously expensive ones, it was expensive enough but even so!
I sometimes watch part of a Charlie Bears show. I think majority of the bears etc are lovely but at those prices I would be loathed to give one to a small child to drag around everywhere ( I speak from experience!) I tend to look at them as collectors pieces, although to keep a load of them looking pristine looks like hard work imo. As for Mr Charlie Bears himself, part of me applauds him for being so totally emersed in his product, part of me thinks it's all a bit creepy. Whatever, they seem to be very successful, and it's lovely to see Rosa back as the BA.
Rosa did a perfect job describing the Yankee candles, and she's good with the bears as well. Mr Charlie Bear is a creepy individual. His creepiness pours through the TV.
I am not into Bear collecting Charlie or otherwise.If you were hoping to make a return on your ‘investment’ it would probably take several generations and even then you would have to be very lucky.I think there was one on ‘Bargain Hunt’ some time ago? I don’t remember a spectacular sell out.
I am not into Bear collecting Charlie or otherwise.If you were hoping to make a return on your ‘investment’ it would probably take several generations and even then you would have to be very lucky.I think there was one on ‘Bargain Hunt’ some time ago? I don’t remember a spectacular sell out.
Yes I think I saw that edition where one appeared in an antique shop, marked up at 40 quid, so hardly an investment, but its a very good marketing ploy.

I just imagine all those who are clearing out granny's collection of bears and hoping for a windfall, then realising they're not.
Yes I think I saw that edition where one appeared in an antique shop, marked up at 40 quid, so hardly an investment, but its a very good marketing ploy.

I just imagine all those who are clearing out granny's collection of bears and hoping for a windfall, then realising they're not.
Granny's bear collection would only have sentimental value. One of the presenters was recently selling a quite expensive jacket. Her pitch was that, in time, she would pass it down to her daughter. Now, there may be some daughters who approve of their mother's taste and will welcome wearing their clothes but I think they're few and far between. Most daughters want to choose their own jackets.
I belong to a Burmese Cat group on Facebook. The other day, a member put up a photo of some stuff toy animals she had. Her cat had attacked and pulled the stuffing out.😂
When my Border Terrier was alive he used to stalk and hunt down any soft toy I had lying around. Said toy then had it's face chewed off and the stuffing pulled out everywhere, he really seemed to enjoy killing them. I've never liked Charlie Bears but I used to have some miniature bears that I bought from QVC years ago and I did resell those for a fair bit more than I paid for them.

It's hard to sell anything on Ebay these days unless you're selling for pennies and then it's not worth the effort of parceling it all up and driving 10 miles to the post office. I put most things in the local dog rescue charity shop these days. At least they'll get a few pounds for it and no postage.

I have always thought that most of Charlie Bears actual bears look depressed due to their eyes and the way they look up imploringly.I do see that many people love them but I think they’re just pretty soft toys and nothing more .You can call anything at all collectible.

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