Charlie Bears - fan or not?


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Heard from a friend who had used it
"I used it on our westie x poodle, worked a treat. She had 4 tablespoons per day."
Thank you May, it's always good to hear other people's experiences. Bathing in special shampoo is the first thing that all the vets recommend, but not only is it a real pain because you have to do it twice a week, but it also didn't do any good and our doggy used to get really cheesed off. We have also found that an antihistamine helps, but the doggy dermatologist said that she's the worst case he's ever seen, so we haven't been able to find anything which actually clears up the problem. The big problem is that her "hot spot" is her whole body. Literally every inch of the skin on her body is red hot to the touch, there isn't anywhere which is normal skin temperature even though her body temperature is normal. Antibiotics and skin scrapings show there is no infection of the skin and anti-inflammatories don't reduce the skin's temperature. She's nearly 10 now and has been like this since she was two - and stlll the tail keeps wagging!

Hi Scout ..bless your doggy ...can I suggest that the water and the speacial soap could be aggravating it all even more ....twice is week seems a lot ....only a possibility but it could be worth trying just washing her every 2 months and gently brushing her in between .....just sponge down if a little dirty one vet suggested and even so much as said leave for six months to bath and a sponge down here and there...judging from what I can see this leaving the bath for every two months is helping immensely .....I really hope your fur baby could get some relief like MIL fur baby has ....water is soooo drying and that is even without the soap it seems so the two together could be making things worse ...hope I'm not coming across as preachy it's just seeing MILs doggy improve is so nice .....unless they are rolling around in dirt or something then all seems well with this method .......I have read loads of info on the net and passed it on to her :mysmilie_7: ( sorry scout you obviously know it's not working lol I've stated the obvious on that part ...hope info can help her bless ...)
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I found this in the village pet shop this morning, so she'll be having it for dinner tonight. Also bought some spinach and will try that for a few weeks if she'll eat it. Fingers crossed!
Hi Scout ..bless your doggy ...can I suggest that the water and the speacial soap could be aggravating it all even more ....

You're absolutely right May, she was scratching herself until she bled when we were using the "special" shampoo twice a week. So we stopped the bathing routine and now only bath her every three months. She still scratches and bites like crazy the day after though.
You might find this thread interesting, 3 pages long but lots of tips from other owners.

Very interesting indeed, thanks Breeze. I've tried some of the things in the thread, but there are some I haven't. Have written it all down along with the suggestions I've been given here and I will work my way through the list. Will try one thing at a time so I can see what does or doesn't have an effect. I'm very grateful for everyone's help.
Very interesting indeed, thanks Breeze. I've tried some of the things in the thread, but there are some I haven't. Have written it all down along with the suggestions I've been given here and I will work my way through the list. Will try one thing at a time so I can see what does or doesn't have an effect. I'm very grateful for everyone's help.
Good luck Scout ...everything crossed for you fur baby :mysmilie_48:
If I was buying a bear (or stuffed animal) which would be as a present for a child I would go for Steiff.I recently bought a small one ( & not super expensive) for a friend's baby Grandchild.I don't see Charlie Bears as collectable items.
I'm not a fan at all, however, I did see a gorgeous Scottie dog when I happened to skip past the programme the other day. I really did like it but I resisted. If an item has no purpose then I won't buy it. No more clutter. Well that's the plan anyway.

I found this in the village pet shop this morning, so she'll be having it for dinner tonight. Also bought some spinach and will try that for a few weeks if she'll eat it. Fingers crossed!
I hope it works for you, yes give it a good few weeks to get into the system
Whilst the prices 2nd-hand (Ebay, etc) for some of the older Charlie bears have increased, I can't see them ever increasing by a huge amount. But it's much the same principle with Steiff - it's generally only the older bears that are worth more, not the modern ones. As to CB's being generally collectable items, I suppose you can't legislate for what items people chose to collect, and if the phone-ins and twattytweets(!) on the CB hours are to be believed, there are lots of people out there who do collect the bears, and I understand the range is very successful in Australia, too, so who knows? But as to collecting them on the assumption that they will increase in value - no, I think this is a non-starter. Nobody can forecast what will, or won't, appreciate in value in future - the only criteria is to buy what you like; that way you aren't disappointed if they don't make money. When you listen to the comments made during the CB hours, you could be forgiven for thinking that you are buying an item that will appreciate on the "secondary market" that they've kept on about in the past. Whilst some older bears do seem to go for a bit more, they cannot possibly know that this will happen in the future, so in my opinion they should avoid reference to it.

If I was buying a bear (or stuffed animal) which would be as a present for a child I would go for Steiff.I recently bought a small one ( & not super expensive) for a friend's baby Grandchild.I don't see Charlie Bears as collectable items.
When you see photos of a bed piled high with furry animals or for that matter pillows, I always hope it is a spare room because if their partner is anything like Mr L it would be a mega row every bedtime whilst the "things" were despatched to another place, or the bin!
When you see photos of a bed piled high with furry animals or for that matter pillows, I always hope it is a spare room because if their partner is anything like Mr L it would be a mega row every bedtime whilst the "things" were despatched to another place, or the bin!

Oh yes. Mr CC tries to despatch "he who rules" :mysmilie_1: from the bed to many other places. It would never surprise me to open my green recycling bin and find the four legged fiend, sorry friend, in there.

When you see photos of a bed piled high with furry animals or for that matter pillows, I always hope it is a spare room because if their partner is anything like Mr L it would be a mega row every bedtime whilst the "things" were despatched to another place, or the bin!

LOL!! I did similar when I was about 6/7. Suppose each to their own, just not my cup of tea and quite sad really! Also find the guy who presents it 'Hard to Bear' sorry not sorry! :mysmilie_17:
Cc, at least he is breathing! At least I assume the CB's aren't!

LATI. He who rules is old, older in dog years than Mr CC (and that's saying something). I check 10 times a night that he IS still breathing LOL (dog not man). If I brought in Bears I believe the Travelodge would have a new guest.

Whilst the bears are at the 'beginner of a collectors' price range, I think that for the price they are they are good quality (you have to always marry price with quality, I mean you can't get a 'fruity tablet' for the price of a 'supermarket tablet', it would be nice but it just ain't going to happen), what I do find 'creepy' is the way that the guests and the presenters, bring the 'bears to life', I mean I know they have to kinda animate them and it is part of the show, but this is one 'white noise show' that I don't watch!

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