Charlie and Honoroa


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Jun 26, 2008
I have never, even on Q, heard as much rubbish spouted as by charlie when presenting the TSV last night.

First he said the Queen had seen some of the pearls when Natalie's father was presented with an OBE as her mother was wearing them. Oh Goody, did they give the Queen the item number? then he called him Sir Jess. An OBE does not entitle anyone to call themselves Sir. Charlie is so ignorant, he should check his facts.

The list of people who would like the TSV was beyond the absurd. Just show the products, don't rabbit on with a load of garbage. I am quite capable of deciding who an item would be suitable for and need no help, as I do not give presents to the bin men, any teachers I know, hairdressers, shop assistants, postmen, bakers, butchers, greengrocers, kennel maids, dentists, doctors, receptionists, taxi drivers, engine drivers, ticket collectors, traffic wardens, policemen, lawyers, dog groomers, window cleaners, dry cleaners, waitresses, chefs, engine drivers, librarians, computer geeks, newsreaders, queens (either sex), travel agents, and possibly a few more.

Two giggling blokes is totally unprofessional.
Basically Smarmy is a prize prat, something we've all known for a very long time Ruthmay. I can't watch the stupid twot. :angry: Ralph gets on my thrupennies as well. :dull:
A lot of ladeeez fancy the pants off Ralph The Silver Fox. I've not seen the appeal frankly. Can't imagine him getting jiggy with it somehow ;-0
He's not the only one. Julia today was telling us that Natalie was SIR Jess Conrad's daughter. They showed a lovely pic of Jess, his wife and Natalie after he'd got his OBE. They all looked fab.
He was SO rude to Ralph at one point though, wouldn't blame Ralph if he'd smacked him in the mouth.Even my husband remarked on it as he was passing the TV.
It seems to be CB's new gimmick, insulting the guests. Guest being someone you show hospitality to normally. It used bug me when he said briolay instead of briolette but he was extremely rude to the T caller who picked him up on it.
It used bug me when he said briolay instead of briolette but he was extremely rude to the T caller who picked him up on it.

That always got on my wick!! It shows him up as uneducated. I don't watch much QVC now, I depend on the (very honest) opinions expressed here and I use the website too. I don't get angry and my blood pressure stays normal!
I have never, even on Q, heard as much rubbish spouted as by charlie when presenting the TSV last night.

First he said the Queen had seen some of the pearls when Natalie's father was presented with an OBE as her mother was wearing them. Oh Goody, did they give the Queen the item number? then he called him Sir Jess. An OBE does not entitle anyone to call themselves Sir. Charlie is so ignorant, he should check his facts.

The list of people who would like the TSV was beyond the absurd. Just show the products, don't rabbit on with a load of garbage. I am quite capable of deciding who an item would be suitable for and need no help, as I do not give presents to the bin men, any teachers I know, hairdressers, shop assistants, postmen, bakers, butchers, greengrocers, kennel maids, dentists, doctors, receptionists, taxi drivers, engine drivers, ticket collectors, traffic wardens, policemen, lawyers, dog groomers, window cleaners, dry cleaners, waitresses, chefs, engine drivers, librarians, computer geeks, newsreaders, queens (either sex), travel agents, and possibly a few more.

I'm sure as we speak Philip is on the qcut number to get the tsv. All his Xmas presents sorted in one pair of earrings for lizzie, a pair or Kate, a pair for camilla.........
Bet the queen was so jealous of the pearls, I mean what with her only being able to afford diamonique......

They do talk rubbish don't they but when they add Charlie my flesh crawls too!
Unfortunately I was exhausted so I couldn't watch much of the launch, but what I did see made me laugh. Charlie always cheers me up!
I saw it as having problems sleeping at the moment and it was laughable stuff,Charlie is turning into a parody of himself, he was just going on and on and on and getting more ludicrous with each word he said. He was suggesting that the TSV might make a nice gift for karate and\or ti kwando (no idea of spelling) instructors and that he was going to give a pair of the earings to his kid's maths tutor. Ye gods!!
He is such a complete tw*t.

And old lizard face Frank makes my skin crawl. Cut down the surgery and Botox dear.
A lot of ladeeez fancy the pants off Ralph The Silver Fox. I've not seen the appeal frankly. Can't imagine him getting jiggy with it somehow ;-0

Oh, come on!
He's animated, he laughs & jokes, his eyes twinkle, he's enthusiastic, he listens to what people say .... Darn it - he speaks!

... You should see what I've got!

I thought the models dad was all meant to be a big secret??

Well,it was on the last Honora show - as a viewer I was informed that "Natalie is very private about her dad".

Obviously not!! Especially if the photo's were out too.

I do not see the appeal of Ralph.I do think he comes across as a nice enough person - very "normal" compared to some of the guests - and as for Charlie - well no,hes not my cup of tea - sometimes I do have a little cringe about the things he comes out with........I have often wondered if hes like this with his mates,socially??!! but then I remind myself hes a salesman.They all are and if you break each one of them down - they all have their own way of selling and pulling you in.

I've never believed they've got commission,but sometimes I do wonder.
Basically Charlie is just a prize pratt !!! Imagine playing him at Cluedo, was it in the conservatory, the university, the bedroom, at the in-laws, the this, the that, the blinkin Isle of Wight ... oh he get's on my wick
I saw the launch mainly because I'm feeling ill I thought it was all just good natured banter (but I am ill !!!!!!)
Oh he's ok, likeable chap, just a bit of a plonker, and when you need a bit of light heartedness I would far rather watch him then some of the QVC male presenters - Simon Biaggi, yawn! There's a classic blooper with Charlie, a vacuum cleaner and the cleaner lady that you never see anymore, its on You Tube, well worth a viewing, especially if you're feeling poorly (fwend) as its guaranteed to cheer you up.

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