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I caught Alison Old the other day flogging some sort of cosmetic item. Lipstick? God knows? Anyway, she was just on very briefly in the background, and then as Peter Simon would say, I had a prick up my ears when I heard her come out with ‘Any Gender’. Any gender?? Do they do this on bras and dresses, too, now? This is inclusiveness gone mad? Their core sales market (do they understand this?) I suspect is middle aged to elderly women who sit comfortably with the view that cosmetics shows are for primarily for WOMEN…The channel is on some mad politically correct journey that is alienating many of the very many buyers who keep it going. They don’t want to hear it constantly banged home to them and implied that this eye shadow can also be worn by a man, a transsexual, a them, a not too sure, oh..and finally that tired old gender throwback..a WOMAN…To me, that’s what they so strongly suggest with this ridiculous ‘any gender’ guff. Who is actually driving this I don’t know? A new right on staff appointment? Do QVC Germany do it? QVC America, or is it particular to here only? When their audience is 90% transsexual then go for this tactic but then switch to ‘Even Women’ instead of ‘Any Gender‘.