Your link is great, thanks.
I've rattled on about andropause for years. I've seen the men in my family, friends' husbands/partners and even my own partner to a certain extent suffer.
My partner has always been a muscular bloke with loads of energy. He's one of those men who cannot sit down and relax. However, I noticed mood changes a few years ago and since then his energy levels have dropped. He also feels "weaker" and looks a little less muscular (still perfect to me). I've nagged him to go for a blood test but he won't.
I know age comes to us all (if we're lucky), but that does not mean that in this day and age, we have to suffer from the effects of hormonal decline.
Just like female HRT, male HRT can help with other hormonal systems like thyroid. It's such a delicate balance but if something makes you feel better, especially at the point in life when you're a little freer to enjoy it, why wouldn't you?
I continue to nag, er, spread the word and hope that it catches on the way female HRT has. I know it's not suitable for many women and I'm aware that a lot of women try to go the natural route (I did, it didn't work) first. However, if it works, it can be life-changing (mine is). The same could be said for male HRT.
Considering medicine in just about every form centres around men, I'm surprised it hasn't been pushed by the men in charge. Maybe not so many suffer low mood/energy/poor sleep like the men I've encountered. Or maybe men really are tougher than women


Talking of the men in charge, was anyone else aware that the GMC has made it policy to drop the word "mother" in maternity literature?