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There is also an anti age agenda starting up.
I've seen a few articles lately calling pensioners (I hate that term)scroungers,leeches etc.,DNR should be on everyone over 70 's health record. Over 60's are paying too low prices for motor insurance and on and on it goes.
Seniors getting blamed for working hard paying taxes,saving up to buy things they needed for the house, it's their fault that house prices are high,we are just a set of greedy people.🤬
More than likely they are laying the blame on the folk who voted for Mrs Thatcher, especially when she decided to sell of huge chunks of much needed social housing leaving low and middle income families into the unaffordable private sector because it is was the boomer generation voting back then. Despite nobody in political power doing much or anything to redress the issue since, the older generation being scapegoated = easy target. It's conveniently forgotten that these people have worked hard through all manner of adversity and perhaps deserve some kind of financial relief...ggrr! and most certainly shouldn't be begrudged adequate health care - as for DNR - what an absolutely disgraceful comment to make!
If Q really wanted to make a difference to the lives of the transgender community they could do a bloody sight better than paying lip service to them with nothing more than words. How about sourcing footwear that goes up to a size 12, recommending cosmetics that are good at playing down masculine features, wigs even, transgender models. If they're going to acknowledge these people, then they should go all out and do it and not insult them by suggesting that a Kim jumpsuit, a face gloop and a pair of Diamonique earrings are suitable for all genders, and even more than that don't insult women in the process by correcting other presenters for using traditionally female terminology eg, bridesmaid.
Bandwagon well and truly jumped on but the way it stands they are pi$$ing off more people than they're pleasing!
I'm all for inclusion for everyone but Jesus Christ, Q (as usual) just take it too far.
So basically we're no longer allowed to say bridesmaids but then they conveniently forget this when they're doing one of their menopause shows. As we all know, the menopause only happens to women. Not men, not trans women, not my Grandfather who ran a dairy farm in the 50's. It's women. Unless we have to start calling women 'female men' from now on?
Actually, forget that last comment, I don't want to give them any more ludicrous ideas to run with.
I'm all for inclusion for everyone but Jesus Christ, Q (as usual) just take it too far.
So basically we're no longer allowed to say bridesmaids but then they conveniently forget this when they're doing one of their menopause shows. As we all know, the menopause only happens to women. Not men, not trans women, not my Grandfather who ran a dairy farm in the 50's. It's women. Unless we have to start calling women 'female men' from now on?
Actually, forget that last comment, I don't want to give them any more ludicrous ideas to run with.
Some years ago there was a lot of talk about the male menopause

Even the Archers are trying to be "with it" with the first storyline about a lesbian couple, as well as lots of other sexual relationship stories of young people.

PS I am not a listener, but I often hear 5 or 10 minutes of it when I turn the radio on ready for the afternnon play which follows it.
It is about time they consult their sales stats and realise their biggest and most lucrative demographic is WOMEN. The majority of what they choose to sell is targeted at WOMEN.
If they don’t want to talk about WOMEN, better not to mention any of the increasingly bizarre word salad to be “inclusive” and talk about PEOPLE… until it’s decided that even that won’t do, as it’s offensive to those who identify as another species (real or imagined)instead.

It is all utter garbage. I used to like AY, but she talks like an idiot with no understanding of sex and gender, or the ideology that sends tomboys down a path to gender reassignment rather than letting it be a phase. Apparently the human brain isn’t fully developed until age 24, but some Q presenters may be even later developers!
Some years ago there was a lot of talk about the male menopause
Yes I seem to remember hearing something.

More than likely they are laying the blame on the folk who voted for Mrs Thatcher, especially when she decided to sell of huge chunks of much needed social housing leaving low and middle income families into the unaffordable private sector because it is was the boomer generation voting back then. Despite nobody in political power doing much or anything to redress the issue since, the older generation being scapegoated = easy target. It's conveniently forgotten that these people have worked hard through all manner of adversity and perhaps deserve some kind of financial relief...ggrr! and most certainly shouldn't be begrudged adequate health care - as for DNR - what an absolutely disgraceful comment to make!
Yes and we are the problem for voting for Brexit as well didn't you know. Global warming probably our fault as well.
We were married for 10 years before we could afford to buy our first house, our parents couldnt afford to help us as they weren't rich and both sets lived in council houses. I've always believed it was so wrong to let councils sell council houses. On the estate we live on property rental is £700 plus!!!! We didn't get into debt by having to have the best,most up to date appliances.
We were married for over 20 years before we went abroad on holiday,didn't go out much as we were like the majority of our age group not particularly well off.
Yes I seem to remember hearing something.
And unfortunately there are female medical experts that say it's really a thing.

Personally I think they are wrong as menopause relates to the menses (the monthly visitor women love so much). As men don't have that, they damn-well better come up with another name and not just have it's meaning diluted.

Now, to be fair, men's hormones do decline as they get older; but they continue to produce their characteristic hormones, and still have their fertility into quite advanced old age. Not so females born female (so I would include female to male trans, who can be at risk from all the women's cancers, osteoporosis, plus whatever horrors await them from suppressing female hormones and taking artificial male hormones). It makes sense we stop being fertile when we are younger as carrying a child for 9 months then giving birth are not for the faint-hearted or elderly, and can seriously interfere with a woman's long term health.
And unfortunately there are female medical experts that say it's really a thing.

Personally I think they are wrong as menopause relates to the menses (the monthly visitor women love so much). As men don't have that, they damn-well better come up with another name and not just have it's meaning diluted.

Now, to be fair, men's hormones do decline as they get older; but they continue to produce their characteristic hormones, and still have their fertility into quite advanced old age. Not so females born female (so I would include female to male trans, who can be at risk from all the women's cancers, osteoporosis, plus whatever horrors await them from suppressing female hormones and taking artificial male hormones). It makes sense we stop being fertile when we are younger as carrying a child for 9 months then giving birth are not for the faint-hearted or elderly, and can seriously interfere with a woman's long term health.
Andropause is the name for a "male menopause."
It is about time they consult their sales stats and realise their biggest and most lucrative demographic is WOMEN. The majority of what they choose to sell is targeted at WOMEN.
If they don’t want to talk about WOMEN, better not to mention any of the increasingly bizarre word salad to be “inclusive” and talk about PEOPLE… until it’s decided that even that won’t do, as it’s offensive to those who identify as another species (real or imagined)instead.

It is all utter garbage. I used to like AY, but she talks like an idiot with no understanding of sex and gender, or the ideology that sends tomboys down a path to gender reassignment rather than letting it be a phase. Apparently the human brain isn’t fully developed until age 24, but some Q presenters may be even later developers!
Oh my we should all get together for a good old grouch and put the world to rights. I am personally sick to the back teeth of these dimwits acting as "experts". Show me your medical expertise/degrees and understanding of human biology before you deliver your lectures?

Your link is great, thanks.

I've rattled on about andropause for years. I've seen the men in my family, friends' husbands/partners and even my own partner to a certain extent suffer.

My partner has always been a muscular bloke with loads of energy. He's one of those men who cannot sit down and relax. However, I noticed mood changes a few years ago and since then his energy levels have dropped. He also feels "weaker" and looks a little less muscular (still perfect to me). I've nagged him to go for a blood test but he won't.

I know age comes to us all (if we're lucky), but that does not mean that in this day and age, we have to suffer from the effects of hormonal decline.

Just like female HRT, male HRT can help with other hormonal systems like thyroid. It's such a delicate balance but if something makes you feel better, especially at the point in life when you're a little freer to enjoy it, why wouldn't you?

I continue to nag, er, spread the word and hope that it catches on the way female HRT has. I know it's not suitable for many women and I'm aware that a lot of women try to go the natural route (I did, it didn't work) first. However, if it works, it can be life-changing (mine is). The same could be said for male HRT.

Considering medicine in just about every form centres around men, I'm surprised it hasn't been pushed by the men in charge. Maybe not so many suffer low mood/energy/poor sleep like the men I've encountered. Or maybe men really are tougher than women :)ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:).

Talking of the men in charge, was anyone else aware that the GMC has made it policy to drop the word "mother" in maternity literature?
There is also an anti age agenda starting up.
I've seen a few articles lately calling pensioners (I hate that term)scroungers,leeches etc.,DNR should be on everyone over 70 's health record. Over 60's are paying too low prices for motor insurance and on and on it goes.
Seniors getting blamed for working hard paying taxes,saving up to buy things they needed for the house, it's their fault that house prices are high,we are just a set of greedy people.🤬
Young people seem to forget that they will one day be old.

I read an article in Grazia a few weeks ago that young people are refusing to work standard hours. Most of the younger people I know are happy to take hand-outs from grandparents but do not acknowledge the work they did to get that money in the first place. I showed it to my daughter who says that most people her age are the same.

I'm also exasperated that without exception (but admittedly I don't know very many), younger people will bang on about older people causing the climate crisis yet slap the thermostat up to 30 and wander around in shorts and t-shirts. In the winter.

Oh, and then they hit up Nanna for money for the bills they can't afford.

I have Raynaud's and PAD but my thermostat never goes up past 20. I'm cold and uncomfortable but I no longer have older people I can scrounge off. Thank goodness for my trusty heated throw!

Don't get me started about food waste! My neighbours have a takeaway delivered every evening. They over-order and throw out a load of food from the previous evening. Then complain they spend over £100 a week on them. Two young adults and a young child. They moan about the CoL crisis then throw good food out!

DNR my arse! They can sling their hook if they think I'm rolling over to make room for the real scroungers.
I must admit my DIL bought me an Oodie one year for Christmas and I thought it the ugliest piece of clothing I`d ever seen but accepted it with good grace. I have to say its been a godsend and even though I won`t go past the front gate in it, in Winter I rarely have it off my back in the house. It`s so warm and comfortable and we have a dog we love to bits but who no matter the weather she wants to play outside in the garden so we regularly have doors wide open even in Winter. There`s no point in putting the heating on until evening time when the doors and windows are shut and she knows playtime is over. I also wear the Oodie over my pj`s in the morning and can`t half feel the difference when I have to take it off to go out. There are much cheaper look a like Oodies and I`ve no idea if they are as warm or as comfortable as the real thing but mine has been washed and worn for the past 3 years and still going strong.
I think the term ‘women’ was gradually wound down on CVQ around the time of the Pandemic. Men, of course, was already long banned at the commencement of QVC Year Zero by its then leader Tefal Pot in 1997. Any direct on-air reference to either women or men is now strictly forbidden on pain of being placed in a locked room with the Japanese/English demonstrator personage.
Both Abbi Cleeve and Judith Williams lead us to believe they have some sort if science expertise. They visit the laboratories producing their products in white doctors' coats. Silly (rude word!)
it does not impress me in the slightest, but something else occurred to me a long time ag that I wish QVC would acknowledge women of a certain age, in my case 74 are no fools and not i pressed at all by all these labs and white coats in irder to make us so impressed we will buy. IMHO on QVC’s part it is rank stupi£ity!
To add insult to injury with the constant "any gender" sales patter being thrown around, I'm sure I saw a bag with "Being a WOMAN is my Superpower" printed on it a few days ago. Don't you know how controversial that word is these days, Q? I'm surprised you've not had sackfuls of complaints yet.

Make your mind up. You're flopping around trying to appeal to a minuscule (but admittedly vociferous) group but offending many of the customers who spend the most with you - you know, the ones named on that bag you're selling.

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