Caudia Sylvester -Personal jeweller


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I didn't like her presenting style,similar to the dreadful Clare Sutton imho.
I remember the glamorous 1 hour post delivery family picture with the Princess Anne style updo intact!!
I remember her very first presentation after promotion from tech guest (I don't go back as far as her modelling days). It was a ring and she was shaking so much I thought my telly had gone faulty. She did become proficient, I quite liked her in some respects , but there was always an undercurrent of her being a bit snooty. I don't know who she was supposed to appeal to really, and that's quite easy to work out for most presenters.
I also liked Claudia, I thought she was very elegant and added class to QVC.
If I remember (and I do) her father was a gun maker, she often used to talk about him and his skills. Reading the bumph on her website makes it sounds like he fashioned the Crown Jewels.:talking:
Claudia as far as I'm concerned can do as she pleases, we all are different and live our lives as we feel, or can do best.
Just a thing that she spoke about not that long before she went on mat leave, think it could have been, really sadden me.
She went to pains to say the whole family were going over for Christmas, and she was busy preparing and buying loads of games for them to play together.
Now if they'd been a newly married couple or perhaps just with their first child on the way, finding loads of family coming over, I would understand it.
Just that really sadden me playing with your children, would be part of everyday growing up.:sad:
Reminds me a 17 year old's understairs cupboard full of toys and a Sylvanian army needs a sort though,would be ideal as an art students storage area.:wonder:
I assume she didn't mean that her kids had no toys up to that point? And that she was getting in 'extra' ones? It sounded rather nice to me …
go claudia and enjoy your lovely family and kids. if you can make some extra all good. but your lovely kids need thier mum. cant afford your jewellery though lol!
An elegant looking lady but I didn't like her presenting style - always came across as rather stilted and wooden to me. :hi: Went off her big time after the 'exquisite taste' comment. She isn't half as classy as she thinks she is.
Not sticking up for her, agree with all that has been said, but think she said she had been very ill in the past, and daughter seemed to have hospital visits. don't know why,
also think keeping children on sugar and fat free diets very wrong. moderation is the word. why should they miss out? crazy!
i think a sugar free diet is very very good. no-one loves sugar more than me but it really does take its toll on the old body. it literally rots it. if children can be give as little sugar as possible its good for thier future health. stops carvings and keeps thier weight down!
i think a sugar free diet is very very good. no-one loves sugar more than me but it really does take its toll on the old body. it literally rots it. if children can be give as little sugar as possible its good for thier future health. stops carvings and keeps thier weight down!

Oh please. What total rubbish.

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